Functions of the pancreas of a person, which performs, what regulates, treatment, why is it needed?

The pancreas is a multifunctional organ of a person that plays an important role in the work of any organism, and therefore any malfunction in its work can result in serious consequences. That is why the question often arises: what is it actually needed for, why is its role so important and relevant, and what tasks does it perform?


Humoral function is one of the most important tasks of this body. What is it for? First of all, in order that all the useful substances obtained by splitting the food that enters the stomach, spread throughout the body, providing it with everything necessary for a full life.

With this humoral function, the pancreas regulates the amount of pancreatic juice released. Due to this feature, this organ is adjusted to almost any type of nutrition of its owner, and accordingly, it allocates those enzymes that are necessary for its cleavage in larger quantities.


As for the digestive function of the pancreas, its task fully corresponds to the name. That is why the question of why it is needed is obvious, because with its help, the digestive process itself is performed.

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The essence in this case is that the human pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, which contains those enzymes that, upon ingestion of food into the stomach, are activated, and accordingly, split the eaten food into elements. As a result, useful substances enter the blood, gradually spreading throughout the body and providing it with everything necessary.


No less important and useful endocrine function of the pancreas, which is necessary for the full and normal functioning of a person. The essence of this process is that the corresponding cells, called the islets of Langerhans, synthesize certain hormones and enzymes, which subsequently spread throughout the body.

The importance of this pancreas problem is that due to hormones, and in particular insulin, the amount of sugar in the blood and urine is regulated. Therefore, if there is a deficiency in the body or an excess, then the probability of developing serious diseases that are dangerous for a person is great.


The secret of the pancreas is the product that produces this body, called pancreatic juice. It contains organic substances, as well as the corresponding enzymes that perform the subsequent process of digestion, as well as the splitting of incoming food, so that useful elements are spread throughout the body.

Secretory function of this organ is also important because it is at its expense that hormones are produced that regulate the amount of glucose in the body, and, accordingly, its full functioning. That is why the slightest violations in the implementation of this task can cause diabetes, the consequences of which can be very, very serious.

What is important, the functions of the pancreas of a person are quite diverse, and it is impossible to overestimate the importance and relevance to each human body of each. Disorders in the work of this body can pose a serious danger, and therefore, in the event of even the slightest suspicion that the tasks of the gland are not being performed in full, it will be necessary to urgently contact an experienced specialist for a full diagnosis of this organ.

What regulates the pancreas?

Since the pancreas belongs to the organs of the digestive system, it primarily regulates the process of digesting food. It is in her cells that the digestive enzymes form, which in the form of pancreatic juice enter the lumen of the duodenum. But it also enters the number of endocrine glands that produce hormones - substances that regulate all vital processes in the body. Insulin and glucagon affect the regulation of blood glucose levels, increasing and lowering it, preventing the development of diabetes. Any deviation in the work of this body will have a strong impact on the person's well-being.

Why is the pancreas necessary?

In general, this question can be answered by reading the previous section of the article, but he needs to give a more complete explanation. Without pancreatic fluid, the human digestive system can not function, since only enzymes can break down food into digestible elements: amylase, lipase, trypsin, and others. Left without them, the stomach and intestines of a person will slowly decay under the influence of hydrochloric acid. In addition to the two above-mentioned hormones, it also produces somatostatin, which regulates the amount of insulin and glucagon production, depending on the quality and quantity of food. This organ is closely related to the thyroid gland.

What kind of treatment if the pancreas does not perform the function?

If, for any reason, the function of the pancreas is disrupted, inflammation and acute pancreatitis develop, medical treatment is necessary. But the main thing here is not only drugs, but fasting and a strict diet, both in the phase of exacerbation and recovery. Diseases of this organ are usually accompanied by severe pain, so taking pain medication is mandatory. In the period of fasting, and he is appointed for 2 days, it is recommended to feed the body by a drip. Since in inflammatory and other processes, enzymes can be produced in large quantities, symptomatic treatment should be started as early as possible so that self-digestion of pancreatic tissues does not occur. If the question concerns diabetes, in addition to a strict diet, saccharifying drugs are prescribed, or intravenous insulin administration. Good results are provided by folk methods of treatment.

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