Polycystic, cystic fibrosis( cystic fibrosis) of the pancreas

If there is a violation of the secretion of chlorides in the body, there is a defect in the gene responsible for the encoding of the protein. Multiple capsules filled with a liquid are formed. The disease was called polycystosis of the pancreas, it is treated by the method of longitudinal pancreatostomy. The operation is performed to equalize the pressure of the pool of the duct( for which the juice is diverted into the intestine).The disease often accompanies pulmonary diseases. Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas promotes the development of steatorrhoea, suppresses the exocrine function, reduces the concentration of bicarbonates and enzymes in the body's secretion.

Diagnosis of pancreatic polycysticosis

In 80% of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas is detected by retrograde pancreatography of the endoscopic type. Extensions of the duct are detected, additional channels are determined. Ultrasound recognizes the anomaly confidently, the outline of the body is wavy, blurred. Tissues undergo changes, lime is often deposited( inside the body, in small amounts).There must be changes in the lungs( intestines).When the endoscopy is detected, the yellow circular node, which has an indentation in the middle. The picture differs from gastritis( erosive), therefore, the diseases can not be confused. Symptoms are pain, increased pressure, bleeding.

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Treatment of polycystic pancreatic disease

The hereditary nature of polycystosis and the independence of pathology from the patient's sex are corroborated by studies of physicians. The statistics confirms the presence of numerous capsules with a liquid with different localization for every thousand inhabitants of the planet. The risk group is people over forty. In recent years, pancreatic diseases are "younger".

The operation is the only way to eliminate the cause of cystic fibrosis. The doctors, as a rule, do not give guarantees of complete cure from polycystosis. Healing complications( bleeding and pain) is a temporary phenomenon. Traditional medicine often uses hormonal therapy, folk remedies are favorably distinguished by the lack of such medications. Among the folk recipes are used:

  • calendula and mullein - the dry flowers of these plants insist in vodka for two weeks( shaking), take five days on a spoonful of tea, then the table to dissolve the
  • capsules of wormwood tablet - three times a day, sometimes replaced with a decoction of herbs( for half an hourbefore meals)
  • root of a kirkazon or burdock - a tablespoon of the root( ground) is poured with boiling water( glass), take on a tablespoon two weeks in a row three times a day
  • burdock leaves - squeezed out in a meat grinder, squeezed juice, stored in a refrigerator,according to the scheme: two days twice, two days three times( spoon), alternating a month, then a month's break, there are three courses for curing

Complications for cystic fibrosis of the pancreas

The disease is caused by gene changes, it can not be stopped with modern medical means. The main problems in polycystic disease are associated with pain( blunt), increased pressure( and all related troubles), bleeding, which is the decisive argument for the removal operation. Unfortunately, new capsules can be formed after the intervention.

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