Diffusive colitis of intestine chronic

Diffuse colitis is a disease in which the inflammatory-dystrophic changes affect the entire mucosa of the large intestine and partially spread to the small intestine. Often, this pathology is the result of the course of the chronic stage of the disease. In women, it occurs at the age of 20 to 60 years, for men the percentage of risk increases at times to 40-60 years.

In 30% of cases, chronic diffuse colitis develops after acute infections( dysentery and salmonellosis).It can also occur after prolonged antibacterial treatment. Disrupt the function of the intestine is also capable of malnutrition, excessive alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle.

Clinical picture of

Diffuse Colitis The symptoms of the disease are well studied. Endoscopy shows a total lesion of the left side of the large intestine. Patients complain of stool disorders. Some people are concerned about persistent diarrhea, others, on the contrary, suffer from constipation, while others note unstable stools( alternating constipation and diarrhea).

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In some cases, diffuse colitis of the intestine is accompanied by pain, the localization of which is difficult to determine independently. This occurs because the inflammatory process captures the different parts of the colon. The pain is not always present, they occur periodically, most often in the afternoon after the main meal, have a cramping character. Patients at the same time note the feeling of a strong bursting of the abdomen. The pain is almost always combined with tenesmus - a false urge to defecate with complete absence of feces. They are accompanied by the escape of gas and small lumps of stool. The clinical picture is added the following symptoms:

  1. Meteorism.
  2. Dyspeptic disorders.
  3. Symptom of insufficient emptying.
  4. Constant rumbling in the abdomen.
  5. Belching.
  6. Feeling bitter about the mouth.

Patients are noted pallor of the skin, their tongue is overlaid with a pale gray coating, an unpleasant smell is constantly coming from the mouth. With palpation, soreness is noted throughout the entire intestine.

The described clinical picture can be accepted for the description of another disease - enteritis, but, in contrast to it, diffuse colitis is accompanied by psycho-vegetative disorders. Over time, the patient has severe dizziness, weakness, general malaise, a person is very thin, he develops anemia.

The psychological status also changes. There is a sense of anxiety, a tendency to irritability, irritability, sleep disturbance. Usually, chronic diffuse colitis occurs for a long time, characteristic symptoms appear only in the stages of exacerbation, during the remission the disease becomes sluggish, but atrophic changes in the intestinal walls continue to progress. And this is the most dangerous complication.

Features of treatment of diffuse colitis

Diffuse colitis is treated for a long time, complex therapy is used, which involves the elimination of the causes of the disease and its symptoms.

During an exacerbation the patient is advised to adhere to a diet( table №4а).During the period of remission the table №4в is shown. When chronic diffuse colitis is accompanied by constipation, it is necessary to include in the daily diet products rich in coarse fiber. It is useful to use bran daily or eat rough bread with their addition. When a patient suffers from diarrhea, he needs to take absorbent drugs in combination with antibiotic therapy.

Medical treatment is selected taking into account individual manifestations of each organism. Those who have pain, spasmolytics are prescribed, anticholinergic drugs are used to restore motor-evacuation functions of the intestine. To stop the development of water diarrhea helps Imodium, to increase the reactivity under the skin is introduced an extract of aloe.

Physiotherapy for diffuse colitis

Physiotherapy is an indispensable component of treating diffuse colitis. What is recommended for the patient?

  1. Electrophoresis sessions.
  2. Dynamic currents.
  3. Impulse therapy.

Symptoms that provoke chronic diffuse colitis, well relieves heat. Therefore it is useful to wear special warming belts, such as Varitex. It is possible to make warming compresses.

After discharge from hospital, treatment does not stop, chronic diffuse colitis is a disease in which preventive measures that prevent the development of diarrhea or constipation become useful. For this, infusions and herbal infusions are used, which can restore the motor functions of the colon.

To increase the duration of remission, sanatorium-and-spa treatment helps. It is good to visit sanatoriums once a year, located in Yessentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Truskavets.

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