White-yellow plaque in the language of adults - reasons, treatment

Language - a mirror of the digestive tract. The appearance of its mucosa reflects the work of all parts of the gastrointestinal system.

If a person is healthy, his tongue has a pink color, slightly tinted with a thin, almost invisible layer of white coating. If the amount of plaque on the tongue increases and / or it becomes dyed, then this may indicate the defeat of one or another organ.

Yellow plaque is, first of all, evidence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. So, the more light and thin is the plaque, the earlier the disease is.

Yellowing of a small thickness with yellow coating should be taken as evidence of the infiltration of infectious foci into the body. A normal phenomenon is light yellowing of the raid in hot weather.

Why is the tongue surrounded by yellow bloom?

What does this mean? Before contacting a doctor, it is worth to evaluate the parameters of the attack, among which:

  • Localization of : the entire language or its separate areas can be imposed;the localization of the plaque the doctor can assume the presence of various diseases.
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  • Density of pre-lagging : if the plaque is removed heavily or the area under it begins to hurt and bleed, this is an excuse to go to the doctor.
  • Thickness of : the more it is, the higher the probability that plaque is a sign of the disease.
  • Duration of : a raid that does not disappear for several days indicates a problem.

Special attention is paid by the doctors of oriental medicine to the location of the yellow coating on the surface of the tongue:

  • At the root of - with enterocolitis.
  • In the middle of - with peptic ulcer or gastritis( plaque may be with cracks).
  • With prints from teeth - with enterocolitis.
  • Across the surface - with diseases of the bile duct and liver.

To put the correct diagnosis only on a strike in the language is impossible. If yellowness does not disappear from the tongue for several days, be sure to contact your dentist or gastroenterologist. After carrying out a number of diagnostic procedures, the doctor will be able to diagnose correctly and prescribe a treatment.

Causes of yellow plaque in

In adults, the yellow color of a tongue is almost always caused by a malfunction in the digestive system and speaks of a liver disease with a gallbladder. It is possible to provoke a change in color and appearance of a plaque both endogenous( internal) and external factors.

The main causes of yellow plaque in the adult language are:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract is broken( the organ in the mouth can be covered with a white and yellow coating) - usually in such cases it is necessary to make an ultrasound of internal organs and pass a stool analysis to determine if there are helminths in the bodyalso a permanent cough of non-catarrhal origin), the treatment prescribed by the therapist will depend on the results of diagnosis.
  2. Layered tongue yellow in color, often indicates liver and bile duct disease , if it keeps and does not go off for 5 or more days. In the event that a greenish shade is added to the yellow one, this indicates a stagnation of bile.
  3. The tongue turns yellow with the glossitis. It is an inflammatory process that occurs in the field of language. Inflammation is characterized not only by the yellow, but also by the white coating. In addition, there are ulcers on its surface, it is difficult to chew, swallow. The presence of the disease can be determined by a dentist.
  4. The presence of respiratory-viral diseases also contributes to the formation of yellow plaque. For example, yellow language with angina occurs quite often. In this case, in addition to the plaque, patients are also diagnosed with fever.
  5. Ignoring the oral hygiene of the .The importance is not only mandatory procedure with a toothbrush, special scrapers, spoons twice a day, but also appropriate dental care.
  6. Medication administration .Yellow coating on the tongue often appears in the patient on the background of drug treatment. As a rule, the appearance of such a symptom leads to antibiotics.

In addition, the presence in the language of white-yellow plaque may be due to:

  • smoking;
  • consuming coffee or tea in large quantities;
  • eating foods with high carotene content( apricot, carrot, pumpkin);
  • poor oral care;
  • presence of caries;
  • bleeding gums.

Find out whether the appearance of a plaque is associated only with a certain food is very simple: if after eating you clean the tongue, the plaque will no longer appear. If after a couple of hours the tongue is covered with a yellow coating again, it's not about food.

Yellow plaque and bitterness in the mouth

The main causes of yellowing and bitterness in the mouth are as follows:

  • disorders in the digestive tract;
  • developing liver or pancreatic disease;
  • taking medications;
  • presence of respiratory-viral diseases.


How does the white and yellow raid in the adult language look like, we offer detailed photos to view.

How to treat yellow plaque in

language In order to completely eliminate the plaque in adults, which has arisen against a background of any disease, it is first of all necessary to treat the disease itself. Attempts to clear the tongue from white-yellow plaque without treatment of the underlying disease will be ineffective, because after a while the raid will appear again. The same applies to smokers: until you give up smoking, the tongue will become bloated again and again.

At home, should once again pay attention to food and try:

  • is not in a hurry;
  • remove from the diet too spicy and spicy food;
  • to exclude carbonated drinks;
  • to eat at least three to four times a day;
  • very thoroughly chew food;
  • do not eat too hot or too cold food;
  • twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, you should thoroughly clean the surface of the tongue from the formed plaque with a soft toothbrush.

Among the popular ways of to combat the yellow tongue, decoctions of herbs are extracted, which are useful for rinsing the oral cavity:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • flax seeds;
  • Oak bark;
  • sage.

Carefully observe the status of your language. If after several days the density of the plaque began to decrease, and its color from the bright yellow or yellow-green began to turn to a yellowish-grayish color, then your actions brought the result.

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