Why, after a meal, you may feel dizzy, sick, feel a sense of weakness

1 The main causes of

A full stomach can not cope with food. Partially digested food enters the gastrointestinal tract under strong pressure. This is due to the fact that in the digestible food, intestines and blood, there is little fluid( hypovolemia).The patient is sick, sweating, palpitations, fatigue and nausea. If the head is spinning after eating, the above symptoms are observed, then the person exhibits a dumping syndrome.

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The causes of the disease are associated with resection of the stomach. The blood entering the digestive process helps the stomach to digest food. If the food is poorly digested, a hard chyme is formed. Catecholamines entering the blood cause constant shortness of breath, low blood pressure and pallor.

Physicians identify 2 stages of the dumping syndrome:

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  • early;
  • later.

To determine the category of ailment, the duration and period of the disease course are taken into account. The early stage of the dumping syndrome occurs instantaneously, within 15 minutes after ingestion. At a late stage( 2-3 hours after a meal) the head hurts more strongly, and attributes are shown more sharply.

The main cause of the syndrome is the unusual speed of digestion of food. If such symptoms occur regularly, while it is impossible to lead a habitual way of life, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

If nausea and vomiting are present all the time, then the stomach refuses to eat in any form and quantity. Then the ulcer and other diseases of the intestine or stomach will start to develop. With early dumping syndrome, dizziness may develop after taking a small amount of food. In severe form of the ailment, dizziness appears after a small piece of a pie or a glass of juice.

After the examination, the patient must follow a diet. Regardless of the age and sex of the patient, foods that create chyme( flour, sweet, nuts) are excluded from the diet. An accurate diet is made after finding out the cause of dizziness and nausea.

2 Dangerous symptoms of

If the head swims a few hours after eating, the patient will experience more severe symptoms( as opposed to the early stage):

  • feeling hungry;
  • general weakness;
  • cold sweat;
  • severe dizziness;
  • low glucose;
  • red face;
  • rumbling;
  • blackout.

If the above symptoms occur frequently, then you will need to make an appointment with a doctor.

Dizziness after eating can be observed with food allergies.

The risk group includes:

  • allergies;
  • persons whose relatives suffer from food allergies;
  • persons with adverse heredity.

This syndrome can occur in adults who have not previously suffered from allergies. A similar phenomenon is the main cause of the development of a pathological condition. Due to an incorrect reaction of the body to certain components, there is a headache. The main symptoms of food allergies include tinnitus and general malaise.

This reaction develops against the background of protein foods, sweet, floury, various synthetic food additives. Treatment of the disease is carried out after the test. Pre-medics identify a product that provokes food allergy. Therapy of the disease consists in following a diet. From the diet of the patient exclude products from the risk group. If during 2 weeks the symptoms did not repeat, then within 14 days in the patient's menu gradually excluded products.

3 Compliance with the rigid diet

Rarely the cause of dizziness after eating is associated with an excessively tight diet. Inadequate ration, small portions or overeating for the holidays promotes the appearance of dizziness after eating. In addition to the symptoms characteristic of the dumping syndrome, the patient is weak due to the lack of vitamins and minerals.

You can not follow a diet without a doctor's recommendation. Attempts to self-weight loss can lead to serious health problems. Dizziness and nausea after eating can develop with irritable stomach syndrome, bulimia and anorexia. These diseases are attributed to mental illness.


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Whenever you consume or eat in large quantities, at one time, certain products appear dizzy( cheese, citrus, marinades, canned food).The composition of these products includes tyramine, which narrows the blood vessels of the brain.

Coffee causes dizziness. Since caffeine interferes with the production of antidiuretic hormone, there is an increase in the amount of excreted urine. The volume of plasma decreases, and cerebral blood flow is impoverished. To prevent dizziness after coffee, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. Sweets contribute to the appearance of dizziness. Sugar is a good nutrient medium for microbes that live in the rectum. A person begins to feel sick, dizzy. Therefore, doctors recommend eating sweets in minimum quantities.

4 Key treatments for

To get rid of the above symptoms, the following measures are recommended:

  1. For nausea and dizziness, use Motilium, Imodium.
  2. After eating, it is recommended to relax.
  3. Compliance with a certain diet. In the diet, you must include foods rich in carbohydrates. Do not over-eat foods rich in protein and animal fats.
  4. With severe dizziness, the patient is prescribed Novocain. It is used before each meal.
  5. If necessary, blood transfusion is performed.
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Surgery is rarely performed. This technique is used if at the time of ultrasound examination, experts revealed a pathology of the stomach or intestines, which can lead to a significant increase in osmotic pressure. That after a meal the head did not hurt, doctors recommend to observe a diet. You can not overeat. After eating, you need to lie on the couch.

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