How is the headache with increased pressure

1 Causes of severe headache

At high pressure, the device measures 140/90 and even higher for its measurement. Often a sign of increased pressure is a headache. It is uninterrupted, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, sometimes vomiting. The back of the head hurts. In some cases, pain is given to the whiskey.

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Headaches are strongly pronounced in 2 cases:

  • when the lower( diastolic) pressure has sharply risen;
  • when the diastolic pressure is higher than 120 mm Hg.

As a result of increased pressure, the head sometimes hurts due to a violation of the outflow of blood, a decreased tone of the intracranial veins.

The pain in the head pulsates. Concentrated in the back of her neck, she gives in whiskey. It hurts to tilt my head and even cough. Headache can be the result of physical, emotional or mental overexertion. There is a spasm of the muscle tissues of the head. A person has a feeling of tightness, pressing the heaviness of the head. Can vomit, dizzy. The pain slowly builds up, after which it also slowly passes.

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The head can get sick as a result of spasm of the cerebral arteries and venous outflow, which causes irritation of the nerve endings in the brain. It creates the feeling that his head is bursting. The pain is pulsating, amplified by the slightest movement. The head sometimes hurts as a result of a spasm of cerebral arteries. The dull pain, sensation, that something presses on a head excruciates. It is accompanied by dizziness. Before the eyes dance flies.

2 The sad consequences of

If your frequent companion is high pressure, emergency measures must be taken. Inactivity will lead to the development of atherosclerosis, the occurrence of a stroke or a heart attack. Often the rising blood pressure can have a bad effect on the heart. It starts to work in overload mode. The number of beats per minute increases.

With high blood pressure, serious heart problems occur after a while.

Begins shortness of breath, hemoptysis, swelling of extremities. A lethal outcome is possible. Hypertension sometimes leads to disruption of normal brain activity. This can result in frequent bleeding in the retina, loss of vision.

3 Timely measures and useful folk remedies

If you have high blood pressure, you need to be treated promptly. You can not take drugs, which "neighbor advised."The doctor selects the treatment individually. At high pressure, you should change your way of life. Refuse alcohol and smoking, observe the daily routine - evenly distribute physical activity and rest hours, get enough sleep. If necessary, lose weight.

When hypertension is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises for strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Try to stay out in the fresh air. At high pressure, you need to change your diet. Fat, sweet, salty, spicy food replaced with useful vegetables and fruits. It is very useful to eat garlic, raisins, carrots, tomatoes, strawberries.

Hypertension is helped by medicinal plants. Normalizes the pressure, restore the vessels such a remedy: 100 g of parsley, 50 g of petals of white lily, 2 lemons with a peel to pass through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel mix with 300 g of honey. Let it brew for a week in the refrigerator. Take 2 tsp.30 minutes before meals.

Decrease the pressure of medicinal valerian, clover teas. With the constant use of cranberries in different types, headaches will not be aggravated, the state of the vessels will be normalized.

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