Reflux esophagitis gastroduodenitis( duodenitis)

The most common diseases in the world are ailments related to the gastrointestinal tract. According to statistics, they suffer more than half of the world's population. Among the main signs of the disease are clearly lack of appetite, gastric reflux, nausea and heartburn. And of course, the most severe sign is the occurrence of bleeding, which is established during research in the laboratory.

Inflammatory disease of the mucosa of the pyloric gastric and duodenal ulcers is called gastroduodenitis and most often it depends on age. Thus, the disease of reflux esophagitis and gastroduodenitis among children under the age of twelve is about 15%, with the male sex suffering more than the female.

I would like to note that, regardless of the prerequisites provoking gastroduodenitis, it always differs by changes in the mucous membrane and pathology of intestinal function. In the process of progressing changes due to the influence of aggressive factors, the formation of wounds, erosions and ulcers leading to the formation of inflammation begins.

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The main causes of gastroduodenitis are divided into:

  • Exogenous - acting from the outside;
  • Endogenous - associated with impaired body functions.
  • Endogenous causes of development of
  • Pathology of the immune system - leads to the formation of autoantibodies against the 12 duodenum and gastric mucosa. As a consequence, gastroduodenitis is formed;
  • Disturbances of a hormonal nature - provoke a decrease in the protective factors of the mucosa;
  • Failures in the functioning of the nervous system and prolonged stress - lead to the formation of a vascular spasm of the stomach, and gastroduodenitis is formed;
  • Genetics - predisposition to the occurrence of such diseases, transmitted by inheritance.

Symptoms of duodenitis

Depending on the medical picture of the disease, experts define two types of duodenitis: similar to gastritis and a similar ulcer.

Signs of ulcerative duodenitis are almost identical to stomach ulcer:

  • A painful sensation occurs in the upper abdomen and in the area near the navel. Most often, the pain is blunt and intensified on an empty stomach or after excessive consumption of food;
  • Nausea is a clear symptom that occurs as a result of a gastrointestinal disturbance;
  • Heartburn with duodenitis is formed with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Dizziness, fever and weakness - all this is attributed to nonspecific signs.

Reflux-esophagitis and its causes

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, triggered by the transfer of contents from the stomach into the esophagus, is called reflux esophagitis. Mucous is not protected from the influence of aggressive substances, and therefore any contact with them leads to damage to the epithelium. The main cause of the disease is the hernia of the esophageal opening in the diaphragm.

Even a small displacement of the doctor's opening is called a sliding hernia. The frequency of this ailment increases with the age of the patient. Usually the only manifestation of this type of hernia is gastroesophageal reflux, which leads to esophagitis.

Symptoms of reflux esophagitis

A distinctive symptom of the disease becomes heartburn, observed during reflux esophagitis day and night. In addition, it can increase after taking a horizontal position and is accompanied by hiccups.

Some patients with esophagitis have a pain sensation behind the sternum, which resembles heart pain. However, at the same time, reflux esophagitis can manifest only a violation of the swallowing function, which indicates the transition to a neglected stage with the formation of scars.

So, gastroduodenitis and reflux esophagitis are serious enough diseases that require special attention and prompt visit to the doctor!

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