Types of esophagitis

In medicine, each disease has its own forms and forms, with respect to flow, localization, complexity, etc. Esophagitis is not an exception and therefore has its own classification.

Concerning the clinical course of the disease, there are such kinds of esophagitis as acute, subacute and chronic. With an acute and chronic form of the flow, in principle, everything is clear, but let's deal with a subacute type.

This is the name of the form of the disease, which in its duration is only a quarter or half a year. That is, it is something between the acute and chronic forms of the disease. During the subacute course of the disease, relatively rarely, stenosis can develop due to scarring, as well as a decrease in the length of the esophagus. However, this type of disease is capable of progression and transition to a chronic form.

Esophagitis: morphological forms

Concerning the morphological changes in the esophagus, there are different forms, such as catarrhal, hemorrhagic, pseudomembranous, erosive and necrotic.

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Catarrhal as well as erosive forms of esophagitis are most common in general statistics. Because of them, regular painful sensations appear in the esophagus during ingestion of food. Also distinguishing features are chest compressions, and sometimes a feeling of a lump( short-term detention of swallowed food, in medicine - dysphagia).

Other forms are more dangerous for the patient. The hemorrhagic appearance of esophagitis is manifested by vomiting with bloody impregnations. A pseudomembranous form - vomiting with fibrin films.

The most dangerous type of esophagitis, among others, is necrotic. It is dangerous that in this form there are many accompanying complications, among which there are strong bleeding, as well as mediastinitis.

In addition to the above forms of the disease, the following types are separately distinguished:

An allergic form that has the property of accompanying a common background of pathologies of the reactive function of the body. This type is often found in children( but there are also cases in adults), as a consequence of food allergies, as well as bronchial asthma.

Alimentary form of esophagitis, occurs as a result of abuse of excessively hot, as well as spicy food. In addition, the cause of this type can be strong spirits.

The stagnant form is caused by an irritant in the mucosa of the esophagus, which is usually caused by the remnants of food that has accumulated in it.

Professional form - the most common among the adult population, constantly consciously exposing his health to the risk, at the expense of the chosen work. Among the harmful conditions of labor that affect the esophagus, the presence in the workplace of salts of heavy metals and vapors of concentrated acidic or caustic alkaline substances.

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