Dolihokolon intestines in children and adults - symptoms, X-ray signs, diagnosis, treatment, diet, surgery, ICD code, how to treat?

When a dolichocolone is diagnosed, the patient is elongated in the colon of the large intestine. As a rule, with this pathology, a decrease in the diameter of the hollow organ and its lumen does not occur, so the intestinal muscle shell does not suffer, the motor-evacuation function remains normal. But if the number of bends and loops significantly increases, constipation occurs. Stank debris can be formed only in some parts of the colon of the intestine, or fill it all, so treatment is based on the observance of a certain diet.

In the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10), dolichocolon has the class XVIIQ00-Q99 "Congenital anomalies", in block Q38-Q45 "Other congenital malformations of the digestive system", item Q43 "Other bowel anomalies", code Q43.8 "Other specified anomaliesintestines. "The ICD code 10 is assigned based on common signs forming the following clinical picture.

Clinical picture of the dolichocolon

Physicians tend to think that dolichokolone is a congenital anomaly, it is most often detected in children in the first month of their life, during the transfer of the baby to artificial feeding. But most clearly the symptoms appear after the transfer of the baby to the physiological diet. During this period there is a noticeable increase in the stomach and a strong rumbling in it, the treatment is reduced to a revision of the diet.

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Dolihokolon in adults can become an acquired disease. At risk, the elderly, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat poorly. In addition to constipation, there are other manifestations:

  • Aching abdominal pain, on the left side, intensifying during the performance of any physical exertion or during a long stay of the body in an upright position.
  • Patients complain of constant bloating, the severe discomfort that it brings.
  • Acts of defecation are painful, they are accompanied by the appearance of cracks, hemorrhoids, prolapse of the mucosa of the large intestine.
  • The main sign of the Dolkhokolon in adults and in children is a recurrent course with no signs of intoxication of the body. They are absent even in times of exacerbation of the disease, so therapy is most often performed at home.

In adults with palpation of the colon, there is moderate soreness. The specialist may feel an increase in the loops of the large intestine when viewed. Finger rectal examination makes it possible to identify the intestinal ampoule, which is filled to the top with calves of solid consistency. And this is another characteristic manifestation. When the patient has dolichokolon, evacuation brings clear relief, after the act of defecation, as a rule, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is established. What other examinations help confirm the described diagnosis?

Diagnostics of the dolichocolon

In order to develop a strategy for combating and exclude similar anomalies, physicians use instrumental and differential methods of investigation. During the examination it is important to collect the entire clinical picture and differentiate the pathology from Hirschsprung's disease, dolichosigma, other pathologies, the symptoms of which are prolonged constipation. If the intestine dolichocolon is suspected, the patient is assigned:

  1. Irrigoscopy( X-ray with the use of illuminating substances).
  2. Colonoscopy.
  3. Study of feces for dysbiosis.
  4. Svenson biopsy.
  5. Scintigraphy.

Features of treatment of the dolichocolon

The treatment is complex in the dolichopolis. It consists of several points. The patient is shown:

  1. Prolonged diet.
  2. Therapeutic massage of the abdomen.
  3. Procedures of exercise therapy.
  4. Installation of siphon enemas.

Please note! Conduct treatment dolichokolona intestines with laxatives, having a strong effect can not. Answering the question how to treat the described pathology, physicians pay attention to the effectiveness of conservative techniques.

As a rule, correctly selected treatment of the dolichocolon helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition and improve the quality of his life. But in the absence of the effectiveness of the integrated scheme, there is a risk of a bowel turn.

Many parents want to know if the dolichocolone is treated in children. The answer is unequivocal - yes, mainly by diet: properly adjusted nutrition helps to eliminate the characteristic manifestations. In the menu for children of all ages, it is advisable to use products that contain dietary fiber. If children are on mixed feeding, it is necessary to choose mixtures in which there are probiotics and prebiotics. It is useful to give adapted dairy products. They well stimulate the motility and help to prevent the appearance of characteristic signs of neglected stages. Dolihokolon in adults is treated similarly.

To prevent the most dangerous complications, surgical treatment of the dolichocolon is used. The patient is operated on( subtotal resection of the colon of the large intestine).Endoscopic equipment helps to minimize operational risks, with the help of which the problem is solved through minilaparotomic access. In this case, the operation is not traumatic. But knowing how to properly treat dolichokolon conservative methods, you can try to prevent the development of the most dangerous scenario, which can lead to surgical intervention. Today dolichokolon - a diagnosis that can not be the reason for disability, a patient can play sports, lead an active lifestyle.

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