Diet with dolichosigme of the intestines - the menu of nutrition in adults, what you need to eat, what is absolutely impossible to eat, how to eat?

When a patient experiences an elongation of a part of the sigmoid region of the large intestine, a dolichosigma is diagnosed, the diet is the most important and basic component of treatment. A similar pathology occurs in every fourth person, it is often it becomes the cause of chronic constipation in children, so the question of what to eat with dolichosigma, and what can not, continues to be relevant for many.

The biggest inconvenience with which the patient, who reveals the described pathology, is a prolonged constipation. It can last three days, and in the most neglected states it takes two weeks. Therefore, the diet for dolichosigma in adults is aimed at eliminating fecal blockages, nutrition is designed in such a way that it is possible to enhance motor and evacuation functions of the colon. Normally a person should empty the intestine once a day, some do it twice a day, others do it every two days. In both cases, there are no abnormalities, if defecation occurs without any discomfort.

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What happens in the body when the sigmoid part of the gut lengthens? Formed extra loops that prevent the normal passage of stool. Their stagnation begins to start the processes of decay, this is how meteorism is formed, it provokes severe pain in the navel or in the iliac region. The condition is noticeably aggravated when a person eats low-quality food, often arranges snacks, moves little, while drawing up a daily diet focuses on fatty foods and quickly burned carbohydrates. That's why when the dolichosigma is revealed, the diet becomes the only and the main component of the treatment, therefore, only the doctor should correct the diet.

Features of nutrition with dolichosigme

When a diet is prescribed for dolichosigma, doctors pay attention to several of its components. Important:

  1. Set the correct power mode.
  2. Completely to exclude from the diet some products.
  3. Create a balanced menu.
  4. Learn how to observe the right drinking regimen.

It is important to remember one common truth, nutrition for dolichosigma in adults should be complete. For the defecation process to work like a clock, it is necessary to eat a lot, often, but in small portions, so the daily menu for Dolhosigma in adults consists of 5-6 items( breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner).

What can, and what categorically can not eat during a diet with dolichosigma? Under the ban fall products that can provoke flatulence, fermentation and bubbling in the abdomen. It is necessary to forget about "food rubbish", completely to refuse fast food, chips, fish and meat canned food, fat delicacies. All that has a long shelf life, will have to be completely removed from the daily menu.

You can not eat dairy flour products, cakes and any other sweet things with dolichosigme, you can not use horseradish, mayonnaise, mustard as a seasoning, forget about strong tea, cocoa and red wine. It is not desirable to drink whole milk, the food must be balanced, but easy.

Please note! Any meat products during a diet for a very long time are digested, they start to rot faster inside the intestine, the passage of food is stronger than other components. Therefore, other ingredients should predominate in the menu for dolichosigma in adults.

And what you need to eat with intestinal dolichosigma:

  • Raw vegetables and fruits. They are rich in fiber, it absorbs water well, increases in size, so it perfectly pushes the stool masses, spurring the evacuation functions of the intestine. The most fiber in the skin, in the stems, in the leaves, so vegetables and fruits do not need to be cleaned before use. To improve peristalsis, magnesium is needed, it is abundant in vegetables of dark green color, so it is desirable to include them in the daily menu with dolichosigma.
  • Very useful cereals from whole cereals, therefore, debugging food with dolichosigma, you can not buy convenience food with different flavoring and flavor enhancers. The therapeutic cereal is prepared as follows: the cereal is pre-moved and soaked in boiling water for a couple of hours( it is better to steam porridge from the evening, then it will cook faster and be much tastier), a spoonful of olive or any other vegetable oil is added to the finished product. To enhance the taste, it is allowed to add cinnamon and dried fruits. Rice and semolina porridge are banned. And what else should you eat with dolichosigma?
  • During the diet, you can eat black bread, vegetable soups or soups made with lean meat. In the menu for dolichosigma, adults include boiled lean meat, baked fish, sour-milk products, cottage cheese, stewed vegetables, salads from fresh vegetables.
  • Drinks are allowed compotes made from dried fruits, decoctions of black ashberry, teas with prunes. It helps well from constipation of coffee with milk, it is best to drink a chewed piece of green apple.
  • When a diagnosis of dolichosigma is made, the diet must necessarily include bran. They help strengthen intestinal peristalsis. The same effect has a boiled pumpkin( as well as pumpkin seeds), so they can safely be included in the daily diet.
  • With a healthy diet the morning should begin with an early breakfast, it is useful to eat oatmeal cooked on the water in the morning. In it you need to add prunes. Dilute the taste of fresh food can be a salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil. By the way, every meal during a diet should be completed with a cabbage salad. It promotes the rapid movement of feces through the intestines.
  • The last meal with a diet - low-fat yogurt, which added a spoonful of vegetable oil and two slices of finely chopped orange( if not on citrus allergies).Such nutrition should be adhered to all the days of the therapeutic diet.

Drinking regimen for dolichosigma

The main emphasis of the therapeutic diet for dolichosigma in adults is an abundant drinking regimen. Water dilutes the feces, so it passes without too much difficulty along the entire length of the intestine. The daily rate is 2.5-3 liters. In addition to water, it is possible and necessary to dispense coffee made from whole grains, vegetable and fruit freshly squeezed juices, compotes, in which honey is added instead of sugar,

. Proper nutrition is based on the use of dishes and drinks that can prevent constipation. Knowing how to eat properly with dolichosigma, you can try to completely eliminate all the painful symptoms.

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