Diffuse mastopathy of the mammary glands: treatment, forms, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and prognosis

Breast tissues are often altered, they grow and small fragments of tumors are formed. In this case, they talk about diffuse mastopathy.

This disease is usually characterized by a benign character and may not remind you of yourself for years. But sometimes neglected mastopathy is fraught with the development of malignant oncology, therefore, if such formations are found, it is necessary to begin the necessary therapy sooner. Then complications can be avoided.

Diffuse mastopathy refers to dyshormonal dysplastic changes in dairy tissues, in which the correlation of connective tissue and epithelial elements occurs.

As a result of such changes, the structure of glandular lobules and ducts is disrupted, and multiple cystic formations are formed. During the cycle, such cysts are able to change their size, they are plural or single, with a watery content, or a dense structure.

Causes of

Diffuse mastopathy can develop due to several factors, the basis of which is usually the hormonal imbalance. It is a question of the excessive maintenance of estrogens in structure of a female blood.

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Usually the reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • The lack of natural delivery and pregnancy in a woman;
  • Refusal of breastfeeding.

Sometimes, mastopathic agents provoke infertility therapy or pregnancy in adulthood( after 35).

Often the development of diffuse mastopathy causes and such factors as:

  1. Bruises, all kinds of chest injuries;
  2. Presence in the anamnesis of a mastitis;
  3. Neglect of breastfeeding;
  4. Early onset of menstruation and later onset of menopause;
  5. Frequent abortion( abortion);
  6. Problems with reproductive functions;
  7. Chronic sleep deficiency;
  8. Frequent cases of stressful conditions;
  9. Psycho-emotional overload;
  10. Chronic pathologies of the female genital area and other organic systems;
  11. Endocrine disorders.

The factor of hereditary predisposition to mastopathy is proved, therefore women who have blood relatives on the maternal line who suffer from a similar disease are at risk.

Often, diffuse mastopathy arises as a result of women's dissatisfaction with sexual, family, social life, professional conditions, domestic or work scandals, etc. Such factors lead to functional disruptions in endocrine activity.

In addition, to provoke the development of mastopathic processes can:

  • A decreased thyroid function;
  • Obesity;
  • The presence of hypertension;
  • Adrenal pathology;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Negative habits;
  • Abuse of sunbathing in a solarium or in the open sun;
  • Aggressive environment and ecology;
  • Radioactive ionizing radiation.

The early birth( at the age of 20-25 years), the presence of two pregnancies with natural delivery and full breastfeeding, oral contraception, etc., can avoid the development of such a disease.

Forms of

Diffuse mastopathy is classified into several specific forms:

  1. Sclerosing adenosis;
  2. Fibrous-cystic diffuse mastopathy;
  3. Fibroadenomatosis - diffuse mastopathy with predominance of a fibrous component in the tumor;
  4. Adenosis is a form of diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of glandular tissues;
  5. Diffuse form of mastopathy with superiority of cystic tissue.

Classify diffuse mastopathy and the degree of tissue structure disorders in a moderate, weakly or strongly pronounced form.

Symptoms of

The main manifestations of diffuse mastopathy are considered to be pains in the dairy tissues, in the medical language this symptom is called mastalgia.

Similar symptoms with time gaining intensity and begins to give to the zones of hypochondrium, back and neck, acquiring a girdle structure. Soreness can be bursting, aching or stitching.

Breast gradually increases in size, inside of it, granular painful seals are palpated. When pressing on the nipple, discharge appears, which can be transparent, light or greenish.

When menstruation arrives, the symptomatology decreases, the soreness practically disappears, disappears or becomes insignificant discharge. If the pathology is progressive, the menstrual cycles do not affect the pain symptomatology, which worries the woman constantly.

In addition, with a diffuse mastopathic form there is a symptomatic of hormonal disorders:

  • Hair loss, excessive dryness of the skin;
  • Reduced performance, loss of well-being and strength;
  • Menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea, copious discharge( menorrhagia), irregular periods, amenorrhea, etc.

Mastopathy develops in several stages. At the first stage, connective tissue growths are still absent. The patient is already worried about intense soreness. At the second stage of the development of the mastopathic process, small growths occur, the pain symptoms become more pronounced.

Quite often, diffuse mastopathy is accompanied by pathologies such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cystic ovarian formation, or endometrial hyperplasia.

With the diffuse nature of mastopathy, the seals easily move under the thickness of the skin, and when pressed on them, a woman may feel a noticeable painful discomfort. If such a symptom occurs, it is strongly recommended that you contact the mammologist without delay.

Diagnosis of mammary glands

As with other pathologies, the diagnostic process begins with the collection of anamnestic data and patient complaints. The mammologist examines the patient, palpates the mammary glands.

Then instrumental studies are carried out:

  1. Mammography - this technique is based on a radiographic examination of the mammary glands. Such diagnostics belongs to the category of highly informative methods and shows not even palpable seals;
  2. Biopsy puncture. The procedure involves the collection of biomaterial from the area of ​​the lesion with the help of the thinnest needle for the purpose of its subsequent histological examination;
  3. Ultrasound diagnosis. This technique is relatively safe and is performed by women in the position or nursing. But this diagnostic method also has its own drawbacks, conditioned by subjective evaluation of images, so the degree of reliability in such an investigation depends on the qualification of the specialist;
  4. Study of the hormonal background. It is necessary to measure the level of progesterone and estrogens, and if necessary also other hormonal substances like prolactin, thyroid and adrenal hormones;
  5. Biochemistry of blood. It suggests studying the level of sugar, liver enzymes, etc.

Sometimes diagnostics are supplemented with specific techniques like pneumocystography, doktografii, digital or laser mammography, MRI or thermography.

How to treat diffuse mastopathy?

There is still no single therapeutic regimen for treating diffuse and other mastopathic forms. In general, the therapy is aimed at eliminating the immediate cause that triggered the development of pathology.

Usually treatment of diffuse mastopathy is conservative. Experts recommend to revise the diet, consume more dairy products and vegetable fiber, and limit animal fats.

It is especially recommended to do daily physical exercises, to increase physical activity, to take physiotherapeutic procedures like magnetotherapy, laser treatment, electrophoresis and balneotherapy, galvanization, etc. Additionally, you need to take multivitamin preparations, adaptogens and dietary supplements.

It is shown in case of diffuse mastopathy and hormonal treatment aimed at achieving hormonal balance. Usually, oral contraceptives are prescribed for this purpose.

In addition, patients may be prescribed other hormonal agents:

  • Gestagens - MPA or medroxyprogesterone acetate, Dufaston, Utrozestan;
  • Antiestrogens - Tamoxifen or Toremifene;
  • Preparations for the suppression of prolactin synthesis - Bromocriptine;
  • Androgens - Danazol;
  • LHRF analogues like Zoladeks.

A woman should be more careful about health if she has been diagnosed with diffuse mastopathy. With a similar diagnosis, you can not visit the baths, solariums, saunas, sunbathing, wraps and compresses on the chest. To reduce the painful symptoms, it is recommended to lubricate the affected breast with Progestogel gel.


Forecasts for diffuse mastopathy are very positive, because pathology can be easily treated.

Similar processes in breast-fat tissues are mostly benign in nature, however, with neglected treatment or ignoring it, mastopathy can be the beginning of cancer education.

Therefore, in order to obtain a favorable outcome, a qualified mammologist should be engaged in treatment.


To prevent the development of diffuse mastopathy, it is necessary to systematically undergo a mammologic examination. If extragenital or gynecological diseases are detected, immediate measures for their cure are recommended.

Care must be taken when choosing a bra, avoiding bruises and other traumatization of breast-fat tissues. When breastfeeding a woman should monitor the breast and nipple condition, avoid cracks and development of mastitis.

In addition, abortion should be avoided, because such a procedure multiply increases the risk of developing mastopathy.

Videoconference on diffuse benign forms of mastopathy:

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