Achilles of the stomach: symptoms, causes, types, complications, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

If it is noticed that not everything is in order with the digestion of food, then the right action will be as soon as possible to undergo a survey to determine the cause of the problem.

Sometimes such violations as achilia do not always clearly manifest themselves through the symptoms, and the earlier they are detected and the treatment is started, the more likely the success and the absence of complications.

What is gastric Achilles?

Pathology, when there is no pepsin and hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, is called achilia.

The circumstance that food is not digested properly, creates a precedent that the work of other organs is disrupted, there are diseases associated with nutritional deficiencies, vitamins and other disorders.

Causes of development of

Disease may occur due to such actions or circumstances:

  • A person chews food badly, even swallows it with chunks.
  • Incorrectly selected diet. The menu is dominated by products containing refractory fats( lamb, beef), pastries, sweets.
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  • The patient is eating dry.
  • There are long breaks in eating. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Harmful habit - smoking can also be among the causes of the disease.
  • Stay in a stressful psychological state, prolonged stressful workload.
  • If a person's profession forces him to be in a zone of high vibration.
  • Frequent overheating also contributes to the appearance of the disease.
  • Admission for a long time preparations of this orientation:
    • antiparkinsonian,
    • neuroleptic,
    • diuretics,
    • hypotensive.

Symptoms of the stomach achilles

About the disease can signal such symptoms:

  • susceptibility to allergic reactions,
  • marked decrease in appetite,
  • dysbacteriosis,
  • flatulence,
  • frequent bloating,
  • anemia,
  • gastric reflux.

Achilios may not produce severe symptoms.


Disturbances in the composition of gastric juice, namely the absence of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, can be of different nature. Basically, they are of two kinds:

  1. Organic Achilles is when the glands responsible for the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid are unable to perform their work because of their irreversible damage. The situation gradually draws into the pathological change the functioning of the liver and other digestive organs.
  2. Functional Achilles - the glandular apparatus of the stomach is able to produce substances for digesting food( pepsin and hydrochloric acid), but does not do so. Disorder is due to the fact that the desired signal does not come from the brain. The reflex necessary for vital activity does not work.


In order to accurately establish the disease, a specialist makes an anamnesis, after listening to all the patient's observations and complaints, and by conducting his examination.

In addition, one should check one or more at the doctor's discretion:

  • fibrogastroscopy - the method makes it possible to see the condition of the gastric mucosa,
  • histamine samples - to determine the type of Achilles,
  • stool analysis gives information on digestion of food,
  • pH meter allowsto obtain data on the acidity of gastric juice,
  • acidity test also helps to know the acidity of juice in the stomach.

Complications of the disease

Violation of the health of the stomach, when pepsin and hydrochloric acid are not produced, necessarily needs a medical adjustment.

If the disease is not treated, complications are possible:

  • anemia,
  • oncology,
  • disorders in the functioning of the stomach initiate functional disorders of other digestive organs,
  • achillium can develop into a chronic form of gastritis of an atrophic nature.

Treating the pathology of

Aids for stomach ailments are prescribed depending on the type of pathology. The main task is to influence the cause that initiated the problem.

If the disorder is caused by stress, emotional shock, then the therapist works with the patient.

In case the infection provoked the problem in the intestine, there is a need for drug treatment with antibiotics. The patient is prescribed a corrective diet.

In addition, it is recommended to do a moderate sport and lead a moderate lifestyle:

  • not overeat,
  • does not overwork,
  • enough to rest,
  • to avoid stress.

To stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, take one or more of the following remedies 20 minutes before a meal:

  • tincture of wormwood, St. John's wort, plantain;
  • broth briar,
  • succinic acid or citric acid in the form of tablets,
  • mineral water - number 4 or 17 "Essentuki",
  • cabbage, tomato or lemon juice, prepared before consumption.

If the pathology has an organic form, several other recommendations are added to the already mentioned methods of assistance:

  • The specialist can prescribe anabolic medications so that the gastric mucosa receives support and begins to recover. These include:
    • Retabolil,
    • Nerobol.
  • A doctor can also prescribe a multivitamin complex.
  • Do not consume raw food, only one that has been heat treated.
  • If the patient suffers from diarrhea, he is prescribed hydrochloric acid in the solution.
  • In case of a disorder in the intestine, the patient is prescribed medications that help digest food:
    • Panzinorm,
    • Creon,
    • Pancreatin.


To warn yourself against stomach ailment disease, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, which means no harmful habits.
  • Power should be balanced.
  • Avoid smoldering inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the field of digestive organs. If a pathology is found, it should be treated in a timely manner.
  • Keep the mental state in balance. Avoid nerve congestion and emotional stress.
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