Sausage with pancreatitis, can it be boiled, doctoral?

Diet therapy is one of the most effective methods used in the treatment of pancreatitis. Diet № 5 implies a full-fledged diet with a balanced amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. However, certain products are prohibited. Let's consider further whether it is possible to include sausage in a daily menu with pancreatitis.

In the presence of acute form or exacerbation of a chronic disease, gastroenterologists unanimously assert: sausage should be excluded from the diet. The reason for this is the composition of modern meat products: the content of natural meat in them barely reaches 40-50%.The increased content of fat, salt and spices can lead to aggravation of the disease.

Now there are no strict GOSTs, according to which manufacturers would strictly follow the recipe of manufacture. Therefore, its composition is replete with all kinds of substitutes, soy, protein concentrates, various additives of E. Such a cocktail leads to a cheaper product, but can harm your health.

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Boiled sausage with pancreatitis

However, there is a slight exception to the rules. With pancreatitis in the rehabilitation period after the disappearance of pain and reduce inflammation in the menu, you can include boiled sausages. In their composition:

  • should be a small amount of seasonings, salt and spices;
  • is a relatively small percentage of fat;
  • to attend chicken eggs and milk powder;
  • minced meat should be sufficiently crushed.

It can not be consumed every day in quantities of up to 50 g. But smoked, semi-smoked, raw and similar kinds of products from the diet are excluded.

Doctor's sausage with pancreatitis

Of the boiled sausages with pancreatitis, the appropriate option is a doctor's. When choosing it in the store, carefully study the composition: it must include meat( beef or pork) of the highest grade or 1st grade. The brighter the color of the product, the more in it is a component such as sodium nitrite. Therefore, it is better to choose a product of light pink color. In addition, it should not be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, as this is perishable products. A few days is the optimal time for consumption.

Directly before meals, it is advisable to boil the sausage for 5-10 minutes, removing the protective coating. As a result of boiling in the product, the content of nitrites, salt and fat will decrease. A great addition to it will be a salad made from fresh vegetables and greens.

Despite the fact that the doctor's sausage with pancreatitis is not the most useful product on the menu, everyone decides for himself: whether to consume it or not. If you still can not imagine your breakfast or lunch without it, follow the simple rules: carefully study the composition of the purchased products and strictly adhere to the recommended rate of use.

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