Folk treatment of polyps - means, how to treat at home, removal of polyposis, how to cure linseed oil, kalina, garlic?

Official medicine recognizes the popular treatment of polyps. Some recipes can reduce the manifestations of the disease and normalize the undermined functions of the body. But treatment with folk remedies is symptomatic. And all because it is not able to eliminate the cause of the ailment. That's why you should not rely on herbs, tinctures, ointments and decoctions prepared with your own hands. Only in a compartment with traditional treatment, such a tandem gives a very good result. And yet, how to cure polyposis, using traditional medicine?

Almost all folk remedies for colon polyps have a systemic effect on the body. To reach benign neoplasms and treat them locally, as an education in the nose or in the uterus, will not succeed. Therefore, only those recipes that can help to organize a complex normalizing effect on the body are used. These are:

  • Enema.
  • Ointments.
  • Means for internal use.

Treatment of polyps at home with enemas

Official medicine there are cases when polyps are removed by folk remedies. Correctly selected people's treatment allows you to achieve good results and avoid surgical intervention. The most effective were the enemas. The unpleasant procedure is the only way to deliver the medicine directly to a benign neoplasm. The volume of enemas is small. The main goal of this kind of folk treatment is not to wash the intestines, but to deliver a high concentration of liquid to the problem site. Composition for microblogging can be different. They use the juice of celandine, decoctions of calendula and millennia, scallop, St. John's wort and the twill.

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Treatment of polyps with folk remedies

Ointments are used when the polyps are closest to the anus. It is through him that tampons, impregnated with self-made healing creams, are introduced into the intestine. Recipes from them are simple. Here are the two most commonly used.

Recipe number 1 - ointment from celandine and petroleum jelly. Dry leaves of celandine are crushed into powder and added to conventional borax Vaseline( proportions 1x1).The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed for a few minutes in the refrigerator. When the product is slightly hardened, it can easily be applied to a tampon and injected through the anus into the rectum. The course of treatment is a week. The tampon is injected in the morning and taken out at night.

Recipe number 2 - ointment from camphor, honey and iodine. A teaspoon of honey is mixed with a teaspoon of camphor, seven drops of iodine are added. All ingredients are carefully ground. The resulting ointment is applied to the tampon, injected through the anus for the night. In the morning, the swab is removed. The course of treatment at home - ten days.

Does garlic help polyps? Helps, if they are located near the anus. A slice of garlic turns into a gruel, placed in gauze, a tampon is made from it, so that the product is discarded inside it, and then the cotton ball is inserted into the anus. Take such a popular treatment yourself is not worth it, garlic - a strong irritant, which can trigger a burn mucous. Therefore, this method of treatment should be used under the supervision of a doctor. Knowing how to treat folk remedies polyps at home, you can prevent the development of cancer.

Folk remedies for polyps for internal use

The most popular folk remedy for internal use is infusion from celandine. This plant contains:

  1. Alkaloids.
  2. Flavonoids.
  3. Saponins.
  4. Tannins.
  5. Essential oils.

Alkaloids have an anesthetic effect, improve the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the secretion of gastric juice. Flavonoids are the strongest antioxidants that prevent the growth of cancer cells. Saponins have an expectorant and diuretic effect. Tanning and essential oils have a bactericidal, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions and infusions, ointments and juices, as well as enemas made from celandine, effectively heal the body and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Description of recipes from celandine - the subject of a separate article, here I would like to talk in more detail about how polyps can be treated at home at home, what other folk remedies can eliminate polyposis.

Kalina with polytypes

If you do not have celandine at your fingertips, you can replace it with kalina. In the central part of Russia it is used most often. Healing broth is prepared from berries. Four tablespoons of fruit are placed in an enamel pot, poured 500 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and cool to room temperature. The infusion is ready. Drink it four times a day for 50 ml per month. Such treatment stops the growth of benign neoplasms and does not allow them to degenerate into malignant tumors.

Please note! If there are no berries, you can cut the twigs of the viburnum with scissors, take a handful and fill it with a liter of boiling water. This infusion is accepted as well as tea, brewed from berries.

And yet, the viburnum with this disease is taken in fresh form. Two three handfuls of berries a day, slowly chewed, are very useful. For the winter, berries can be frozen. In this form, the product fully retains all its medicinal properties.

Very useful for viburnum with polypas of the intestines, cooked as a tincture. In this case, the berries are mixed in equal proportion with the aspen bark and poured with vodka. A medication is taken on 20 drops before meals once a day for a month.

Oak bark with polyps

Those who have had multiple polyps, folk medicine recommends using a decoction of oak bark. It is also able to stop the growth of tumors in the intestine. The medicine is prepared this way. The bark is ground in a blender to a powder state. Then the tea spoon of the preparation is taken and brewed with a liter of boiling water. The resulting solution must be boiled over low heat for five minutes and cooled. Take oak bark need a teaspoon before eating for a week. After this, there is a weekly rest and again a week course begins.

Walnut with polytypes

Very valuable is the following folk remedy for polyps. It is called nut balm. A drug is prepared from green walnuts. Fruits are cut into four pieces and stacked in a glass jar. The vessel must be filled with a third of the volume. Fill all this with a quality 40% vodka, close the lid and put it in a dark place for three weeks. Do not forget to shake the contents of the jar periodically. At the end of the period, balm is filtered and cleaned into the refrigerator. The medicine is taken three times a day by a teaspoon, fifteen minutes before a meal for a month. Then the month break, and the course resumes.

Flaxseed oil for polyps

The appearance of the described pathology is a signal about slagging of the body. Very dangerous can be polyps, treatment with folk remedies can be effective, but it is better not to allow such conditions and take all the necessary preventive measures.

Many healers advise to take linseed oil from time to time, the polyp does not carry any danger, in most cases does not cause discomfort, however, with connivance, it easily turns into an oncological tumor, which should not be treated with folk remedies. To prevent such a complication, you can take linseed oil. It contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, zinc, protein, fiber, which, like a brush, will clean the intestines. In addition, flaxseed oil is rich in magnesium, lecithin, potassium, vitamins of group B, F, A and E. Such a composition is very useful in combating many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to prevent the formation and development of polyposis as well.

Those who know how to cure polyps folk remedies, can try to cope with the disease without surgery.

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