Polyp adenomatous proliferating thick and rectum, stomach, treatment of familial polyposis of the intestine with adenomatosis

Among tumors on the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, adenomatous polyp is about ten percent. All of them are divided into:

  1. Tubular, which is the most common histological type of colon tumor. By the degree of rebirth, he stands in last place.
  2. The nasal type of polyp, differs from the others in form and histology. They are characterized by a lack of a leg or a significant shortening, polyposic growths are similar to cauliflower inflorescence. Most often it is found on the mucous membrane of the rectum.
  3. The tubular-villous type of polyp can be located in any part of the gastrointestinal tract and is the most dangerous because of the high percentage of likelihood of overgrowth in a malignant tumor.

The cause of adenomatous polyposis is a disruption of the normal process of cell renewal and sequence. Family adenomatous polyposis is found in more than half the people who had relatives with this disease. Classification of the polyp with adenomatosis is difficult due to the lack of specific manifestations. The development of clinical manifestations is observed when the long leg of the polyp is torn by bleeding during its injuries, partial clinical obstruction when the polyp falls into the lumen of the intestine. Fixation of this disease occurs usually during a survey of pain in any part of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Adenomatous polyps of large intestine

Neoplasms can be localized in any part of the large intestine, but most often they are found in the left half. The development of polyp adenomatous type occurs with genetic changes in the glandular cells of the mucosa. The main methods of research is a colonoscopy or an x-ray method. In a colonoscopy, which is a form of endoscopy, a flexible hose with a device and backlight is inserted into the rectum and an image of a part or completely of the mucosa of the large intestine is displayed on the screen.

With a fluoroscopic examination, a microclystia with barium is made and any disturbances in the work of the intestine are noted in the picture. In the absence of signs of malignant degeneration of adenomatous education, repeated examinations are carried out no earlier than once in three years, or more often. With a significant increase in the number of tumors, adenomatous proliferic polyps of the large intestine are diagnosed. It differs from the usual growth of the cell in the mucous "two-story" structure, in which the upper part of the gland is lined with proliferating epithelium, and below is a light, mucus-forming epithelium.

In the absence of timely treatment, the process of converting light mucus-forming cells of the wrong glands of the adenomatous formation of the upper section into elongated proliferating elements with depressed mucus is accelerated significantly. In the future, they can be transformed into invasive cancer of the intestinal type. Adenomatous proliferating polyps do not necessarily turn into a malignant tumor, but the likelihood of such a transformation is very high.

Adenomatous stomach polyp

Adenomatous polyp, which occurs on the gastric mucosa is not a very common disease in comparison with neoplasms in other parts of the digestive system. Its danger lies in the high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. The resulting proliferation of glandular cells, the formation of a broad base or stem is a secondary pathology in infectious and inflammatory processes in the stomach. Most often this type of disease occurs in people whose parents also suffered from such a disease. At the same time, the largest level of danger of degeneration into malignant tumors is formed by tumors with a wide base, an area of ​​more than one centimeter.

Penetration deep into the mucous membrane, making it difficult to diagnose and treat it, which also increases the risk of developing into a malignant tumor. In the early stages of the disease is asymptomatic. Later there is regular heartburn, flatulence, stomach pain. When infringing large growths, bleeding may occur.

Adenomatous polyps of the rectum

Approximately 15% of patients with a family adenomatous polyp are formed in the rectum of adenoma, which grow into cancer. The basis of the neoplasm is epithelial tissue, but it includes other types of tissues.

Symptomatology has an unclear character, but with an increase in the number and size of neoplasms, a deterioration in the condition of the walls of the rectum, pain and itching in the anus, a feeling of discomfort. It is also possible the prolapse of the neoplasm on the stem from the rectum. The danger of adenomatous overgrowth lies in intestinal obstruction and malignant degeneration, which requires a complex surgical operation and a long recovery period.

The adenomatous polyp of the intestine grows on the internal cavity of the thick intestine. With a normal process in the intestine, there is a constant renewal of the mucosa due to a new epithelium. When this process is disrupted for various reasons, abnormal growth of the cell begins, leading to the appearance of a new growth. With the growth and appearance of colonies of such formations, they close the passage of the intestinal tube and are constantly traumatized by the calves. Therefore, polyposis is considered a precancerous condition and is subject to mandatory treatment.

Treatment of adenomatous polyp

Given the great danger of the degeneration of this type of disease, in medical practice the surgical method is mainly used. The most rational and at the same time sparing way is colectomy and ileoproctoanastomosis. After the removal of adenomatous polyposis, the patient must be under medical supervision with proctoscopy at intervals of 3-6 months.

Depending on the location of the neoplasm and its nature, the technology of the surgical intervention is determined. Single small-sized adenomatous lesions are removed by electroexcision with a diameter loop or by electrocoagulation, using biopsy forceps and a metal loop for mechanical cutting.

With a large area of ​​lesions of the stomach and intestines, as well as establishing after the malignancy of the tumor, a hollow operation is performed in a hospital. In some cases, patients are countered with surgical removal. It can be:

  • infection and inflammation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • glaucoma.

In these cases, traditional medicine is recommended.

Dystotherapy used as a prophylaxis for adenomatous polyps is important, and it contributes to the rapid recovery of the body's vital functions after the operation. In a healthy diet, mandatory fast food, smoked meat, preserves, alcohol in any forms are subject to exclusion. Green tea, sour-milk products are useful.

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