Pancreatic pseudocyst( false cyst head) its symptoms and treatment

Very similar to the true cyst, its false variety. The appearance of a pseudocyst of the pancreas is due either to pancreatitis( the phase of exacerbation prepares the soil), or by the insufficiency of the duct. Single capsules are located in one, two or three parts of the body( tail, head, body of the gland), the multiple are often connected. The location can be external and internal, the content of enzymes inside is increased. Treatment is used conservatively.

False pancreatic cyst: diagnosis

Drainage is more therapeutic, precise results are obtained by ultrasound, CT.Amylase in the blood increases( up to a thousand units).Ten percent of patients have pseudoaneurysm, if there is no suspicion, but it is present, bleeding( sometimes fatal) occurs after drainage( external).The signs indicating its presence will be:

  • drop of hematocrit
  • increase in capsule
  • bleeding gastrostestinal

Pictures are performed in the arterial phase, which increases their reliability, allowing for the appointment of quality treatment. The main test is angiography foam or a spiral based on radiocontrasts. When pseudoaneurysms are detected, patients become bad candidates for resection with surgery.

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False pancreatic cyst:

clinic The importance is of size and location, the symptoms rarely coincide, the main criteria for the onset:

  • duct rupture, fistula formation,
  • capsule burst, the vessels inside the organ begin to be digested, causing bleeding, organ enlargement, aneurysm formation( false)
  • random infection causes abscess
  • formation of fistula in adjacent organs, obstruction of duct, vessel

An alternative may be neoplasm, whose treatment is dramatically different. If you treat neoplasm as pseudocyst( when you make the wrong diagnosis), serious complications are guaranteed( including, difficulty with resection in the future).

Treatment of pseudocysts of the pancreas

Diagnosis should be as accurate as possible, fears can cause:

  • septa in the cyst cavity( internal)
  • no changes that should be with inflammation of the
  • cyst. Absence of pancreatitis( its symptoms) and anamnesis

. Non-malignant diseases simulate the diagnosis, therefore, doctors can easily make a mistake. Practice shows that after six weeks of diagnosis, complications occur in half of patients. It is during this period impose cystoenterostomy. If the abdominal pain does not pass or the progress of the disease is observed, an operation is performed.

Pancreatic pseudocyst: complications of

Complications are bleeding inside pseudocysts, after which, it is ruptured, the abdominal cavity becomes infected, threatening the patient's life. Other dangers are:

  • peritonitis - intoxication( severe form), fluid leakage into the cavity( "acute abdomen")
  • fistulas - connections with organs in the vicinity of the pathological type
  • pancreatonecrosis or pancreatitis - digestion of the organ with its own enzymes( until death)
  • indigestion -compression of the duct, infringement of enzyme supply to the duodenal

Cold sweat, fainting, severe weakness and pain can mean breaking the capsule inside, which is very dangerous for the patient. An increase in pseudocysts disrupts the outflow of bile to 12-finger, as evidenced by sclera and jaundice.

Pseudocyst of pancreatic head

False cyst in 10% of cases, is formed after severe inflammation of pancreatitis. After such an attack, necrosis of pancreatic tissues reaches such a degree of dilution that this is sufficient for its formation. Often, the pseudocyst of the pancreas appears due to massive necrosis of the parenchyma and interruption of the pancreatic duct, which entails an increased outflow of pancreatic juice.

This pathology is characteristic of people with chronic inflammation of the pancreas who abuse alcoholic products. A false cyst may occur after a severe attack of acute pancreatitis, or with the progression of obstruction of the gland duct. It can cause a blunt or penetrating injury, which, in turn, damages the pancreatic duct.

As a rule, all false cysts are asymptomatic. However, they are capable of having different clinical symptoms. This depends on the location and size of the lesion. It is diagnosed only on ultrasound and CT.

Different methods are chosen for treatment, both conservative and aggressive approach or surgical operation with sanation. The pseudocyst of the pancreas head is removed by extensive endoscopic drainage.

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