Fatty infiltration( fat) of the pancreas and liver, obesity in pancreatitis - symptoms, treatment, diet

Regardless of which organ the obesity arose, it disrupts its normal activity. The pancreas is also an exception, in the cells of which the inclusions of fats begin to accumulate, displacing normal structures and interfering with the work of the remaining ones. Fatty infiltration of the pancreas indicates a violation of metabolic processes.

Most often, patients with this type of acute or chronic pancreatitis develop against a background of alcohol abuse, especially those with overweight. As a rule, in such cases, fatty infiltration of the pancreas is simultaneously combined with liver infiltrations. At the same time, the gland itself, with ultrasound examination, is not changed in size or is slightly enlarged, has absolutely equal contours, its ducts are not widened.

Since no process occurring in the human body can not proceed apart, it is worth considering that any neglected disease can provoke extremely unpleasant consequences. So, the disease with pancreatitis very often provokes diabetes, which, in turn, can lead to degeneration of the gland in people with excessive body weight. Such deviations, again, do not begin locally - they are detected due to the appearance of characteristic changes in the human liver.

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The most common fatty infiltration of the pancreas occurs when improper treatment or non-compliance with diet in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Of course, all the negative consequences are many times stronger against the background of obesity, which the patient has. This change in the pancreas is explained quite simply: as a result of the disruption of normal work, the natural tissues of the gland are replaced by foci of fat, and this process is irreversible.

By the way, such infiltration does not always occur against the background of an inflammatory disease and on the contrary - not always the inflammatory process in the pancreas does not in every case lead to degeneration. Most often, people with genetic predisposition, people with overweight and elderly patients are affected by such changes, therefore, the doctor should pay special attention to these categories.

Obesity of the liver and pancreas

In most cases, obesity of the pancreas is accompanied by fatty liver infiltration, because the body is an interconnected system and not one process can not proceed locally. For example, pancreatitis often provokes diabetes, which causes degeneration of the pancreas, which in turn affects the liver, causing characteristic changes in it. It is necessary to understand that obesity of the liver and pancreas is irreversible. Therefore, the specialist takes the patient to control and conducts his regular examination and treatment - 2 times a year. The diet becomes an integral part of the patient's life for the prevention of relapse, because high levels of fat in the diet, low physical activity and intoxication are the main agents of the disease.

Obesity in pancreatitis

Pancreatic obesity most often develops in patients with chronic or acute pancreatitis on a background of overweight and alcohol abusers. And on ultrasound examination, it is very difficult to identify the disease, since the organ, as a rule, is slightly enlarged and has smooth contours, and the ducts have normal parameters. But, practice shows that obesity of the pancreas most often develops in patients with pancreatitis, who were prescribed inadequate treatment and violating the diet. But, it should be noted that not always obesity is a consequence of pancreatitis( and, conversely, not always pancreatitis is a consequence of obesity).A more significant role in this case is played by genetic predisposition, old age and overweight. It is to these categories of people that doctors should pay attention and regularly conduct their examination.

Symptoms of oily pancreas

With pancreatic obesity, the disease can last for a long time without manifestations. This effect is due to the fact that the fat tissue is located in various areas of the organ in small areas. That is, the foci do not disrupt the functional of the pancreas as a whole, do not squeeze the duct and parenchyma. At this stage, rapid fatigue, the appearance of small ulcers on the oral mucosa and dry mouth are possible. A fat pancreas can be detected by accident on ultrasound. The patient himself does not complain about his health. The disease has an erased character and slowly progresses. Then there are pronounced symptoms: dull girdle pains from the right forebrain, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases, the symptomatology is clearly pronounced: the patient is losing weight, hepatitis is manifested, a strong pain syndrome appears in the abdomen, skin is scratched.

Treatment of obesity and fatty infiltration of the pancreas

Obesity and fatty infiltration of the pancreas are treated in a complex way in four directions:

  • getting rid of the causes of pathology;
  • treatment of pathology with medicinal preparations, mainly protecting the pancreas;
  • reception of vitamins and preparations of traditional medicine( for example, renal collection);
  • physical activity and diet.

Treatment specialist selects individually, according to a specific clinical picture and anamnesis. The process is quite long - at least 2 months. The diet should include vegetable oils with non-fatty acids of non-viable origin. With the parallel development of diabetes on a background of obesity, it is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates. At the end of the course of therapy, the biochemical analysis of blood and ultrasound of the entire peritoneum is carried out without fail. Since this disease is a consequence of metabolic disorders in the body, therapy courses should be carried out 2 times a year.

Diet for obesity of the pancreas

The diet is an essential attribute of the treatment and prevention of obesity of the pancreas. Diet is composed of the principle of minimizing foods that can increase inflammation and slow digestion. First of all, alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty and sweet food are excluded. The patient should eat often and in small portions. The last meal should be done 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should understand that after eating, he should never go to bed. Diet for obesity of the pancreas provides a plentiful drink - at least 3 liters of fluid per day. To use better mineral magnesium-sulphate water, water from a well or a spring. We also recommend decoctions of wormwood, dog rose, marigold and immortelle. It was noted that low-fat dairy products have a positive effect. In any case, the diet is made by the doctor individually for each patient.

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