Analysis of urine on the tank sowing: how to take and what shows?

Urine test for a tank sowing( bacteriological culture of urine) is a laboratory urine test aimed at identifying the pathogen and determining the level of bacteriuria when entering the infection in the genito-urinary system. Aerobic bacteria are identified with a threshold of sensitivity to the active components of antibiotics.

Doctors can prescribe urine bacusses both to patients who have been infected recently, and to patients with a recurring course of the disease.

The main disadvantage of the method is its excessive duration and increased requirements for material collection. However, bacteriological culture of urine allows the doctor to obtain unique data that is not determined by any other study.

What is a seeding tank, and what is it for?

The culture tank is an analysis of urine, which involves using it as a laboratory material in order to grow bacteria in the urine. A study is carried out at a certain temperature and in compliance with medical standards and norms.

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This type of study is assigned to determine which microbes are in the source from which the material was taken for research, and also to establish whether there are pathogenic microbes and how many of them.

Tank seeding on the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics makes it possible to determine which drugs the microbes are sensitive to, so that it is possible to conduct the most effective treatment.

How to properly collect urine on a tank sowing?

On the eve of such a procedure it is strongly recommended to abandon the consumption of vegetables, as well as fruits that can change the color of urine. These include carrots, beets and some others. Also, you can not drink any diuretics. Such studies should not be conducted at the menstruation stage.

To protect the urine sample from microorganisms that are on the mucous membrane, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The assay material should assemble only in a sterile , about half of the morning urine is needed, with the first portion to go to the toilet and the rest to the container. In advance it will be necessary to conduct hygiene of external genital organs.
  2. To obtain the most accurate result collected for urine analysis, the should be submitted to the laboratory no later than one hour after the collection.

Approximately three weeks after the completion of taking prescribed medications, the patient is advised to reseed the urine culture tank to determine how effective the treatment has been.

Price and terms

Many people are interested in how many days the analysis is done on a tank seeding. Unequivocally this question can not be answered, it all depends on what material is being examined and which pathogen should be sought. Sometimes the answer is ready in 3 days, sometimes in 1-2 weeks, because some samples need to be transferred to another medium.

The approximate cost of this urine test in Moscow is about 800 - 1500 rubles.

Decoding analysis of bacterial urine

CFU is one microbial cell( or group).In these units, the development of a colony of microorganisms is characterized. For example, indices of 1000 cfu / ml indicate that microorganisms accidentally got into the fence from the external genitalia. In this case, nothing needs to be treated.

When the laboratory test exceeds the concentration of 100 000 CFU / ml, we can talk about the connection of inflammation with the infection. With an intermediate result of 1000-10 000 cfu / ml, the analysis of urine on the bacterium is doubtful, and a second study is required.

With positive analysis, the conclusion lists the detected microorganisms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. After the final decoding of the bacteriological culture of urine, additional tests as well as the final course of treatment are prescribed.

Tank urine culture during pregnancy

Urine test for a canine seeding during pregnancy is usually done twice: first - when registering for pregnancy, the second - almost before the process of delivery, at 36 weeks.

In those cases when leukocytes or protein were found as a result of deciphering the general urine test, urinalysis on the tank can be carried out more often, and in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the antibacterial drugs that are being prescribed. In addition, in the case of treatment of urological infections, such a study is carried out 7 days after the abolition of prescribed antibiotics.

To correctly pass the urine to the tank, it is necessary to:

  1. Purchase a sterile container and collect the first morning urine in it, after thoroughly washing it.
  2. When the biomaterial is selected, carefully close the container with a lid and take the sample to the laboratory for testing as soon as possible, preferably within 2 hours.

. Regardless of the price of this test, you must carry it out in order to prevent possible illnesses, keep a pregnancy, do no harm to the fetus and prevent diseases that in the future can cost not only more expensive, but also more difficult to treat.

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