Hemoglobin: the norm in women and men by age

Hemoglobin is part of the red blood cells. The level of content of this element is one of the most important indicators of blood composition.
Its concentration depends on the person's well-being and performance. By its structure, hemoglobin is a complex protein, consisting of two main components: directly protein and iron.

When we give a blood test, we often hear from doctors that hemoglobin is within normal limits. And what does this expression mean, and how is the norm of hemoglobin established, on what does its level depend? These questions often remain unanswered. Let's try to understand them in more detail. So, hemoglobin: the norm in women by age, the table is presented a little lower.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

A condition in which hemoglobin falls below normal is called iron deficiency anemia( or anemia).The first signs of this ailment are such symptoms:

  • tinnitus;
  • pale and dry skin;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nail foliation with blackening;
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  • general weakness and severe fatigue;
  • carious disease, yellow teeth;
  • cracked and jammed at the corners of the lips;
  • no sleep;
  • migraine and dizziness;
  • brittle, dry and dropping hair;The
  • language gets a scarlet color.

To increase the lowered hemoglobin in the blood to the norm, eat meat, liver, beef tongue, because about 28% of iron is absorbed from the meat by our body. And iron from products is better absorbed with products rich in vitamin C.

Drink pomegranate, beet, carrot juice, cranberry, apple and juices can be mixed. Of fruits and vegetables our body absorbs about 6% of iron. Of fish, seafood, eggs, our body absorbs about 11% of iron.

Symptoms of high hemoglobin

Higher hemoglobin levels may be accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms:

  • high fatigue;
  • itching;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness, and sometimes opposite problems with sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches;
  • with colic in the abdomen;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • increased blood pressure.

Increased hemoglobin content leads to an increase in the viscosity and density of the blood fluid, resulting in the appearance of blood clots, as well as the formation of thrombi.

The main drug treatment of high hemoglobin is the mandatory intake of antithrombotic drugs( cardiomagnesium, aspirin, aspecard, lospirin) that promote blood discharge, which is very dense and viscous with high hemoglobin. Also, strict dietotherapy is prescribed with the restriction of all salted, roasted, as well as spicy.

Norm of glycated hemoglobin

The rate of glycated hemoglobin is 4-6.5% of the level of free hemoglobin in the blood. At what level of glycated hemoglobin can not depend on the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. The norm of hemoglobin of newborns( fetal hemoglobin) in the blood of an adult is up to 1%.

Hemoglobin: the norm in men

As a rule, the norm of hemoglobin in men and women is different. It also depends on the age and conditions of the person around you. In men, the norm of hemoglobin in the blood is 130-160 mmol / l, and in women - 120-140 mmol / l. This is due to the presence in men of the hormone testosterone. Constant physical exertion experienced by members of the stronger sex also determine the greater formation of this protein in them.

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in men over the age of fifty is 117-138 mmol / l. In case if according to the analysis answers it turns out that the level of protein recedes from the permissible norm, then we should seriously take care of our health.

The norm of hemoglobin in women by age: table

The norm of hemoglobin is determined when giving a general blood test. The norm for a woman is an indicator of 120-140 grams per liter. A higher figure can be observed in professional athletes( up to 160 g / l) or in smokers ladies( up to 150 g / l).In such cases, a small deviation is considered a variant of the norm.

The reference values ​​of hemoglobin depending on age are given in the table:

  • 18-19 years - 115-140 grams per liter;
  • 20 - 29 years - 118 - 150 g / liter;
  • 30 - 39 years - 120 - 145 g / l.;
  • 40 - 49 years - 120 - 140 g / liter;
  • 50 - 59 years - 116 - 138 g / l.;
  • 60 - 69 years - 115 - 135 g / liter;
  • 70 - 85 years - 105 - 130 gr./l.

When pregnancy is also set its hemoglobin in the blood. The rate for this period is 11.0-13.0 g / dL( 110-130 g / l).This phenomenon is affected by the physiological characteristics of the pregnant body. Over the blood vessels of the future mother begins to circulate 40-50% more blood, therefore the hemoglobin content in her decreasesthe number of red blood cells increases by only 15-20%.

Also, the hemoglobin content in the blood can change with the onset of the menstrual cycle in the range of 110-120 g / l.

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