Why pressure rushes and dizzy

1 Norm, deviations and causes of pressure changes

Blood pressure - blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels. This is the amount of blood that the heart sends to the circulatory system in a minute and the resistance that the walls of the vessels exert. At the slightest change in one of the parameters, the pressure begins to gallop.

Normal pressure in the age of 30 years - 110 - 120( 70 mm Hg);after forty years - 135 - 140( 90 mm Hg).

With increased vascular tone, people suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure can occur with certain diseases. For example, if you have kidney problems. Low blood pressure in hypotensive patients. This abnormality can be congenital or cause of some medications.

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Some people start jumping. With a benign tumor of the adrenal glands( pheochromocytoma), the pressure is high, then low. From time to time the heart beats fast, the entire body trembles, diarrhea begins. Pressure jumps are a frequent occurrence in vegetative-vascular dystonia. First there is a rush of blood, sweat appears, irritability appears, the brain throws a portion of adrenaline into the blood. Then sharply begins to beat a chill, there is a weakness in the muscles, the blood rises in the hormone of "weakness", acetylcholine.

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If there are no serious diseases of the internal organs, the pressure rises as a result of:

  1. Physical overvoltage. The cells and muscles after this especially need oxygen. Its lack causes a lowered vascular tone.
  2. Stress or strong emotional distress. Pressure rises, in the blood an increased percentage of adrenaline.
  3. Effects of natural factors. Particularly begins to gallop pressure in the off-season. The reason is a constant change in atmospheric pressure. Decrease or increase it affects the vessels. Begins desperately to be ill and dizzy. Some people should not be in the sun, sunbathing in the solarium. Strong heat leads to a decrease in pressure.
  4. A sedentary sedentary lifestyle. Vessels suffer not only from lack of physical stress, but from lack of oxygen.
  5. Bad habits. Smokers and people who like to drink, the pressure is never normal. Overeating or malnutrition.
  6. Because of diseases of the cardiovascular system( dystonia, heart disease, ischemic heart disease).

2 Problems in pregnant women

Pressure rises in some cases during pregnancy.

The reasons lie in the very habits of a pregnant woman. The habit of eating as it is, there are many sweet, fatty salty, excessive drinking does not lead to anything good. The body weight increases, because of excessive stress on the kidneys and the heart begins swelling. When there is insufficient fluid intake, when the expectant mother is afraid that the stomach will be too large, blood condenses.

Sedentary lifestyle, rare outcrops on the street lead to a lack of oxygen. The pressure decreases, as a result of which the circulatory process slows down. The fetus suffers from hypoxia, because oxygen enters the umbilical cord in insufficient quantities. Another cause of pressure surges in pregnant women are stress, mental overstrain.

3 Traditional therapies

The therapist for unstable pressure will issue a referral to the examination to determine the cause of the deviation. It will be necessary to pass an electrocardiogram, a chest X-ray, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Hand over the necessary blood and urine tests.

In cases where the cause of increased or decreased pressure is the disease of any body systems, the measures necessary to treat them are taken. In the same cases, when the diagnosis of "hypertension" or "hypotension" is diagnosed, medication is prescribed.

The problem is that after some time the work of the circulatory system is knocked down, the vessels can no longer regulate their pressure by themselves. They need constant help with medications. There is a dependence.

4 First aid

There are general recommendations that should be followed to stabilize the pressure.


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With lowered arterial pressure:

  1. Stay calm, do not make sudden movements, lie down.
  2. Massage dry terry towel from the bottom up.
  3. Take a contrast shower.
  4. It's more to be outdoors, to walk.
  5. Get enough sleep and avoid stress.
  6. Do not starve.
  7. Do not smoke.

At high blood pressure:

  1. Exclude from the daily menu salty foods and spirits.
  2. With a jump in pressure, lie down, drink a diuretic.
  3. Do not drink a lot of fluids.
  4. Learn to relax, do not be nervous.
  5. Sleeping in a cool room.

5 Home remedies

When taking home remedies, the pressure stops jumping, the cardiovascular system gently improves, the walls of the vessels strengthen.

The products of beekeeping give a positive effect:

  1. To strengthen the vessels and the heart, mix the young nettle with honey with the grinded meat grinder. Every morning, eat a spoonful of the product, squeezed with water.
  2. Instead of tea once a day, drink honey with water and pollen.
  3. Vessels clean the following mixture: 1 tbsp.honey 2 tbsp.juice of aloe. Keep in the refrigerator. Take every morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp each. The course of treatment is 3 months.
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Strengthen the blood vessels, adjust the heart and adjust the sleep of the calendula tincture. It should be consumed for a long time 30 drops three times a day. For vessels useful tea from berries of fresh viburnum with honey. Stabilize the increasing pressure can be stabilized by applying home remedy for onions. To do this, you need one part of onion juice and one piece of honey. The mixture should be taken on a tablespoon of 3 a day before meals.

Increase the pressure of grape fresh juice, alcohol tincture of Eleutherococcus or Schizandra Chinese.

There will be no problems with the vessels if you eat healthy food. There are more dairy products, citrus fruits, drinking teas with red and black chokeberry. In this case, you must avoid fatty, sweet, smoked, salty foods. But muffins and confectionery are very rare.

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