Treatment of dizziness: with cervical osteochondrosis, psychogenic, vestibular, causes and folk remedies

At least once in a lifetime everyone was dizzy. However, there are situations when this state arises regularly. And this should be an unequivocal reason to call a doctor, because such a phenomenon can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. The tactics of treating dizziness directly depend on the pathology it accompanies.

Approaches to treatment

Treatment of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis

With this diagnosis, dizziness can not be cured with a single medicine. In this situation, a whole complex of procedures is required. The patient is prescribed painkillers, vasodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, physiotherapy, massage, medical gymnastics, manual therapy are necessary. Thanks to the application of these methods, it is possible to restore the position of the vertebrae, normalize blood circulation, relax the muscles.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia

It is impossible to completely get rid of this disease, and hence of its accompanying symptoms. However, it is possible to increase the period of remission. In order to ensure a qualitative treatment of dizziness in the AVI, the following recommendations should be followed:

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  • In case of sharp dizziness, it is worth rubbing the ear lobes and clapping.
  • If the disease is associated with low blood pressure, you can drink coffee or eat some dark chocolate. Also cope with dizziness will help tea with the addition of a spoonful of honey.
  • If a severe attack is observed, the person should be laid and provide fresh air into the room.

Initially, sedatives and sedatives are prescribed, and after a pressure measurement, more serious means are selected.

In case of problems with pressure

To eliminate dizziness in hypotension, you need to raise blood pressure and deal with the general strengthening of the body. To do this, avoid stressful situations, exercise, walk in the fresh air, perform hardening procedures. Equally important is proper nutrition and a full sleep.

In hypertension, dizziness is not always observed - most often this symptom is characteristic of the second and third stage of the disease. In order to cope with such manifestations, one should keep the pressure under control. In addition, it is very important to get rid of negative emotions, walk more often, limit salt intake.

For effective treatment of dizziness in hypertension, it is recommended to abandon bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.

Positional dizziness

To treat this condition, it is necessary to combine the use of medications with special exercises. It is recommended to perform rotatory head inclinations that will help to cope with problems in certain movements. Already after 1-2 days, there is a positive effect of such therapy.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo( DPPH) is a fairly common pathology. It is characterized by sharp attacks of dizziness, which lasts less than a minute.

It is noteworthy that this kind of dizziness manifests itself when a person changes the position of the head. More information on dizziness when turning and tilting the head can be found in this article.

For other types of dizziness, their symptoms and treatment methods, you can find out by following this link: http: // bolezni-nevrologii /golovokruzhenie/ vidy-simptomy-pomoshh.html

Psychogenic dizziness

For the treatment of this condition, psychotropic therapy is used. First of all prescribe antidepressants - SSRI, paxil, fevarin. Sometimes "small" neuroleptics - tiaprid, sulpiride can be used. An additional agent may be betagistin - it reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus.

Non-medicated therapies include:

  • vestibular gymnastics;
  • breathing exercises;
  • psychotherapy.

Vestibular Dizziness

With the development of this condition, symptomatic therapy is indicated, the purpose of which is to arrest an acute period of dizziness. After this, attention is paid to rehabilitation of the patient and restoration of lost functions.

To stop an acute attack, the patient is ensured maximum rest. As a drug therapy, antiemetics and vestibular suppressors are used. The latter group includes antihistamines, anticholinergics and benzodiazepines.

In the elderly,

The administration of medications to elderly patients has certain characteristics. Most often in such situations use means with the content of betahistine dihydrochloride.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct combination of this drug with the rest. Elderly patients can be prescribed vitamins, antiplatelet agents, drugs for the management of depressive conditions, symptomatic agents. It is also necessary to use psychotherapy, physiotherapy, etc.

In children

The choice of method for treating dizziness in a child depends on the reasons that caused it. If such conditions are observed frequently, the means that contribute to strengthening the vegetative system are prescribed:

  • vitamin B6;
  • preparations for vasodilation - papaverine, but-spine;
  • means for improving the blood supply of the brain - sermion, cavinton, cinnarizine.

Physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are also effective, which facilitates the training of the vestibular apparatus.

After a stroke

In this case, you need to eliminate the causes of dizziness, and the treatment will depend on the results of the diagnosis.

This is especially important for cerebral stroke, which is a manifestation of the main pathology - atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, etc.

Therefore, it can be concluded that treatment for dizziness after a stroke should be pathogenetic and symptomatic.

Nausea and dizziness

These symptoms can be the hallmarks of many pathologies. For their diagnosis it is worth to turn to professionals - usually such violations are engaged in otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and neuropathologists.

To select the right treatment, you should conduct a whole range of studies: audiogram, computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance. It is also recommended to make a roentgen of the spine and skull, undergo ophthalmological examination and perform ultrasound dopplerography of the arteries.

Only after this the doctor will be able to choose the treatment. As a rule, dizziness is treated with betagistin, cinnarizine, scopolamine, motilium. In order to cope with nausea and vomiting, appoint metoclopramide.

Weakness and dizziness

Weakness accompanies almost all pathologies, which are characterized by dizziness. Therefore, in order to cope with such conditions, it is very important to undergo the necessary examinations. Due to this, the doctor will determine the cause of these symptoms and prescribe the treatment.

Often dizziness acts as a companion of more serious diseases. Dizziness in the cervical osteochondrosis is quite common. This condition is most often observed after sleep, which occurs in people who usually sleep on a high pillow.

For more information on the causes of dizziness and about the symptoms of which diseases they can perform, you can read this link.

Emergency care

For any dizziness, the patient should be put in bed. Subsequently, the solution of atropine is injected subcutaneously or inwardly. Also, inside appoint aeron, phenobarbital, tranquilizers and antihistamines.

If the cause of vertigo is a hypertensive crisis, use vasodilator drugs: papaverine, dibazol or euphyllin. Dizziness, which is associated with an increase in intracranial pressure, can be eliminated by means of dehydration.

This video will tell you how to provide emergency help with sudden dizziness:

Drugs and method of taking

Usually, treatment for dizziness is symptomatic. To stop the attack, vestibulolytic drugs may be used. Also used:

  • antihistamines - meclosin, promethazine;
  • tranquilizers - lorazepam, diazepam;
  • metoclopramide to reduce nausea;

If a prolonged attack is observed, dehydration can be carried out. For this, intravenously inject mannitol, euphyllin, diazepam. Recently, attacks of dizziness are stopped with betahistine hydrochloride.

Treatment of dizziness with folk remedies

Admirers of non-drug treatment should pay attention to the following:

  1. Ginger tea.
  2. Infusions of ginkgo biloba.
  3. Juices of beets and carrots.
  4. Tea from parsley seeds. To make it, you need to take a teaspoon of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 6-8 hours and take in small portions.
  5. Tea made from linden, melissa and mint flowers. It should be taken after lunch and dinner.
  6. Sea kale powder. This tool effectively eliminates the problems associated with the work of the vestibular apparatus.


The most famous and effective homeopathic remedy for dizziness is Vertigocel , which is released in drops and tablets. With its help you can cope with the manifestations of vertigo of any origin. As a rule, appoint 10 drops or 1 tablet of the drug 3 times a day.

If this condition is caused by osteochondrosis, additionally prescribe the use of the ointment Traumeel C. This remedy is gently rubbed into the neck area 2-3 times a day.

Home Treatment Devices

In order to cope with positional vertigo, scientists have developed a device called DizzyFIX .

The device consists of plastic tubes with a thick liquid and particles. During the turn of the head, the person sees how the particles move. To perform the required movements, you just need to hold the contents of the tubes. They have such a form that the movements of the patient's head repeat the therapeutic maneuver.

Another device to combat dizziness is the "Vitafon" .It creates microvibration of tissues and skin due to the changing sound frequency. However, before using this device, you need to undergo a survey that will help determine the cause of vertigo.


To arrest an attack, you should press your fingers or perform circular movements on the points that are located:

  • near the base of the nose;
  • on the inner edges of the eyebrows;
  • above the upper edges of the ears;
  • on ear lobes;
  • in the middle of the goats.

The procedure should last for 4-5 minutes. After that, you can lightly massage the back of the head with your fingers.

Massage with dizziness


Certain types of vertigo can be treated quite successfully with the help of special exercises:

  • Complex No. 1. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. Then quickly lie on your back and in the same way turn over on your left side. After that, quickly turn to the right side, then onto your back and move to the sitting position. During the whole exercise, you need to look ahead.
  • Complex No. 2. In the standing position, you must first turn around the left heel, and then - around the right. Watch follows straight ahead.
  • Complex No. 3. To sit on a chair, quickly bend forward, quickly straighten, turning head to the left. Then you need to repeat the same actions, but turn your head to the right. Turn the head three times to the left, then to the right. Once again, bend down, look at the floor, then quickly straighten. Three times to nod his head, pulling his chin to his chest.

All the exercises should be done within 3-4 months 2-3 times a day. Before starting the operation, it is absolutely essential to consult a physician.


Because in some diseases that are accompanied by dizziness, the inner ear fills excess fluid, patients must adhere to a certain diet:

  1. Limit the use of salt and salty foods.
  2. Limit fluid intake.
  3. Refuse from smoking and alcohol.
  4. Restrict the use of coffee, tea, chocolate.

What to choose pregnant?

To get rid of dizziness during pregnancy, you need to carefully treat your body.
It is recommended to limit stay in stuffy rooms, do not make sudden movements. Get up from the bed in the morning you need to slowly and gradually.

You should eat regularly, in small portions. It is necessary to avoid feeling hungry, as this too can cause dizziness.

Every day should walk in the fresh air, conduct training, allowed by pregnant women. If there is anemia, you need to increase hemoglobin, adhering to medical recommendations.

Sister's care for dizziness

A patient with an acute attack of dizziness should be laid on an eminence, a warmer can be attached to his legs. To remove the manifestations of this condition, it is recommended to give drugs containing atropine, - belloid, belladonna. Dizziness can be a manifestation of serious pathologies. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be effective, it is very important to conduct detailed diagnostics to determine the cause of this condition. Only in this case it will be possible to cope with this unpleasant state.

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