Causes of frequent dizziness in women and men: nausea, headache, weakness and drowsiness

Dizziness belongs to the category of frequently occurring pathologies. Any person is familiar with the sense of illusion of the movement of the trunk or objects. However, not everyone knows that it can be a sign of a serious illness. To understand the reasons for this condition, you need to see a doctor.

What causes dizziness?

Let's figure out what dizziness can arise from. In most cases, the head is spinning with a sudden change in the position of the body. This can also happen when the head tilts or turns. Usually such a state is temporary and passes without any help.

However, there are situations where this symptom is caused by more serious violations. For example, the head can begin to spin because of the inconsistency of the sensory functions of the body.

Also, such pathologies as Meniere's syndrome, labyrinthitis, osteochondrosis lead to this condition. In addition, the head can spin with diabetes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
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Causes of dizziness in women

With monthly

In women during or before menstruation, dizziness may be due to a change in hormone balance. Therefore, this condition often occurs during menstruation. It can also be caused by anemia, because during the critical days the body of a woman loses hemoglobin faster.

The brain does not receive enough oxygen, which leads to depression, dizziness, mood changes.

With the climax

During the menopause, many women may experience sharp pressure changes. In addition, there is a high excitability of the nervous system.

As a result, frequent states when the head is spinning, and the severity of this manifestation is different - small or quite intense. May be accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, sweating, chills and nausea.

During pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a restructuring of the body. Early in pregnancy, constant dizziness, nausea and weakness in the morning act as a companion for toxicosis. Sometimes women as a first sign of pregnancy notice dizziness, but in any case, to be sure it is necessary to do a test and see a doctor.

This late symptom in the second and third trimester is due to the fact that the size of the uterus increases, and it puts pressure on the venous vessels, thereby reducing the blood supply to the heart, and hence the brain. Also, dizziness is associated with a decrease in glucose and oxygen in the blood.

However, when severe dizziness occurs during pregnancy, it is worth notifying your gynecologist.

From ygastestan and dyufastone

These preparations have the same principle of action - they are based on hormonal components and contain progesterone in their composition. At the same time, there are data that dyufaston is much easier to tolerate, while utrozhestan often causes side effects - one of them becomes dizziness. Because doctors prefer djufastonu.

Before and after childbirth

Vertigo often appears on the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy. The reasons for this condition can be quite a lot, but more often it is associated with oxygen starvation.

Dizziness after childbirth can both be part of an organism's adjustment or the result of fatigue due to new responsibilities, and a sufficiently serious symptom. It can occur with postpartum hemorrhage requiring medical intervention. Or, it may occur after the caesarean section of anesthesia or epidural anesthesia.

Nursing mother

Causes of dizziness in lactating women are quite diverse. First of all, it can be caused by a lack of vitamins, because a large part of their stock is given to a child along with milk. In addition, the head can spin due to fatigue, osteochondrosis, pressure drop.

For men

In men, dizziness may be due to the effects of intoxication of the body. It can lead to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or poisoning in the workplace. Also, the development of such a state can cause malignant formation in the brain, heart attack, stroke and various vegetative-vascular pathologies.

Often the head is spinning because of chronic lack of sleep and constant stress - for men, these conditions are especially dangerous, as they are used to keeping all the emotions in themselves. Another reason for dizziness in men are moving and flights, frequent changes in climatic zones.

In children and adolescents

At this age, the child may complain of dizziness for such reasons:

  • motion sickness;
  • anemia;
  • Inflammation of the brain - meningitis, encephalitis;
  • helminthiases;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • low glucose;
  • brain tumors;
  • toxic brain damage - poisoning with medicines or alcohol;
  • brain injury;
  • disorders of the vegetative system;
  • fasting.

In elderly people

At this age, degenerative changes occur in the nerves, vessels, vestibular system, cerebellum, stem apparatus and subcortical nuclei of the brain - all these processes can cause severe dizziness and weakness in the arms and legs. Not infrequently accompanied by a loss of coordination and orientation, a clouding in the eyes.

In pensioners, this condition can also be associated with pathologies of the organs of vision. The head is often spinning in old age because of mental changes, and such processes are often accompanied by all sorts of phobias and depressions.

As a rule, severe dizziness of the elderly is one of the main and first signs of a stroke. Therefore, ignoring this fact can lead to more severe consequences.

Vertigo may also accompany another "senile" disease - Parkinson's disease. About the symptoms and signs of this pathology you can read in the relevant article on this link.

If the onset of a stroke has already begun, then it is extremely urgent to act, because delay in this situation can lead to extremely disastrous consequences. How to provide first aid for stroke, you can read in this article: http: // bolezni-nevrologii /insult/ pervaya-pomosh.html

Causes of various types of dizziness

Frequent dizziness and weakness

Due to disorders in the vestibular system, cardiac pathologies,neurotic disorders. The cause may also be hypertension or hypotension. In addition, this condition is inherent in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Light dizziness

They can occur:

  • when turning the head;
  • in a state of stress;
  • for chronic fatigue;
  • with emotional experiences;
  • after consuming antibiotics;
  • when driving in transport;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with the expansion of cerebral vessels.

Persistent or short-term light dizziness may be accompanied by weakness, sensations that the legs become wadded or the head is heavy.

Sudden severe dizziness

This condition is often a companion of stroke and other circulatory disorders. Also, sharp dizziness can occur with pathologies of the cervical spine and after receiving brain injuries. The head can also become very dizzy when the position of the body changes, and sometimes this condition can be quite pronounced.

During or after sex

Vertigo is very often due to vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also the reason can be the use of alcoholic beverages, as they cause a temporary expansion of the vessels, which then narrow.

As a result, blood circulation is disturbed, a person complains of weakness in the legs, drowsiness and headache. These signs accompany and dizziness. The reason can also be in the impact of psychological factors - in this situation, help to a psychiatrist or a neurologist will help.

To conduct an accurate diagnosis of the causes of dizziness can be if you make an MRI of cerebral vessels. This simple procedure will help not only to identify possible causes of the disease, but will help to formulate a further treatment strategy.

Often dizziness causes rather innocuous reasons - fatigue, hunger, motion sickness. However, sometimes it is a symptom of a serious illness. More information on the nature of dizziness and its symptoms can be found in this article.

When lying asleep, during and after sleep, in the horizontal position

In the supine position, benign positional paroxysmal dizziness is usually diagnosed. Its manifestations quickly disappear - they rarely last more than a minute.

Sometimes there is a pronounced dizziness at night, which often causes a person to wake up. Similar conditions can be observed in combination with nausea and vomiting.

When the body position is changed

Very often it is observed due to excitation of the center of equilibrium - this factor belongs to the category of physiological ones. However, in some cases, this condition is due to the influence of pathological causes:

  • by vestibular neuritis;
  • decrease in blood glucose;
  • with orthostatic collapse;
  • Ménière syndrome;
  • by oxygen starvation of the brain.

When the head is tilted

Dizziness when the head is tilted down usually occurs with cupulolithiasis. Sometimes it is the result of a brain injury, but it is often associated with the deposition of otoliths in the endolymph. The formation of otolith deposits increases the sensitivity of certain cells to the slopes.

We present to you the release of the telecast "Doctors", which details the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of dizziness:

At normal pressure

A fairly strong dizziness can appear in any person, and the reasons can be both physiological and pathological. Caution should be the occurrence of frequent seizures. To identify the true cause, you should see a doctor. Usually, the factors leading to dizziness are:

  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the inner ear;
  • mental disorders.

After eating

The causes of this condition are constant stress and low blood pressure. But often after a meal, dizziness occurs due to a decrease in the amount of blood that comes to the head.

The fact is that after eating food, blood flows to the stomach, helping the digestive process. As a result, blood pressure drops, which causes such a state. The larger the amount of food consumed, the higher the probability that after a meal the head will spin.

With gastritis

One of the manifestations of gastritis is often dizziness. He is accompanied by a general deterioration of health and the appearance of weakness.

From yellow flowers

Often, cold shades of yellow on the physical level cause dizziness. Usually sudden dizziness is accompanied by nausea and loss of balance.

When walking or running

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for maintaining balance during walking and running. If his work is disturbed, dizziness arises. Sometimes it is supplemented by nausea and vomiting.

If you develop systematic dizziness while walking or running, you should always contact a doctor - only a specialist will be able to identify the exact cause.

Causes of dizziness depending on the symptoms of

To determine the cause of this condition, you need to know what symptoms are inherent in various pathologies:

  1. Inflammation of the inner ear .In this case, in addition to the appearance of dizziness, the patient has discharge from the ears, as well as hearing loss.
  2. Vestibular neuritis .Dizziness increases with the rotation of the head and changing the position of the trunk. The disease begins suddenly, and after a couple of days a person feels much better. However, for a certain time there is an illusion of movement after stopping the car or the elevator.
  3. Ménière's disease .Characterized by systematic dizziness of marked intensity, as well as hearing loss. Often there is vomiting and nausea.
  4. Cervical osteochondrosis .The head can be more dizzy after sharp turns and movement. Many patients lose orientation in space and experience pain in the neck region. Stroke. In addition to sudden dizziness, speech disorders, coordination of movements, loss of muscle sensitivity occur. Also, the patient can complain of pronounced permanent weakness, double vision.
  5. Brain tumors .The attack develops gradually and becomes more pronounced in some positions. Headaches and hearing loss can occur. Injuries to the head or spine .In addition to dizziness, the patient may complain of weakness and nausea.
  6. Perilymphatic fistula .There is nausea, vomiting, noise in the ears, sharp deafness on one side. When you sneeze or cough, dizziness becomes worse. Benign positioning dizziness .Manifestations of pathology are worse when you get up. Often the head is spinning quite strongly and in a prone position.
  7. Basilar migraine .Approximately one hour before the attack, the head may become dizzy, and this condition is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There may be noise and ringing in the ears, as well as darkening in the eyes.
  8. Atherosclerosis .There may be a shaky gait, the appearance in the ears of pulsating sounds, memory impairment.
  9. Chronic otitis media. It is characterized by periodic attacks of dizziness. Also there is a noise in the ears, and more often at night, the loss of balance.
  10. Hypertensive disease .At high pressure, in addition to severe dizziness, there may be pain or heaviness in the head in the neck, nausea and vomiting.
  11. Alcohol intoxication .In addition to dizziness, a person experiences general malaise, weakness, nausea, vomiting and headaches.
  12. Pregnancy .In the early stages, morning dizziness may be one of the symptoms of toxicosis, whereas before birth, pregnant women often suffer from a shortage of air.
  13. Food poisoning or medications .Dizziness is supplemented by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, chills, fever.
An extensive table that will help determine the type and cause of dizziness based on the symptoms of


Because dizziness is often one of the manifestations of any pathology, the doctor should find out the root cause of its occurrence. To do this, you should interview the patient and listen to his complaints. After this, the examiner conducts an examination, which includes studying the nature of the movement of the eyes and checking the hearing.

Additional studies include:

  1. Computed tomography.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Angiography.
  4. Radiographic study.
  5. Lumbar puncture.

Frequent dizziness should be the reason for receiving medical advice. After all, this condition usually signals a serious malfunction in the body. However, only a specialist is able to establish the exact cause of the appearance of this symptom, to diagnose and select an adequate treatment.

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