Follicular gullet of the stomach, treatment in children, photo

If the inflammation of the mucous bulb located between the stomach and duodenum is caused not by Helicobacter, but lamblia and helminths, a follicular bulbitis is diagnosed. The presence of parasites causes a characteristic reaction: lymphatic vessels located in the duodenum form small vesicles. They cover the entire inner surface of the mucous bulb. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy shows single or group rounded vesicles( follicles).Their diameter is only 2-3 mm. That's how the body reacts to the vital functions of helminths and lamblia.

There is little presence of parasites in the intestine. In order to develop the described pathology, it is necessary to have other negative factors: reduced immunity, malnutrition, the presence in the daily diet of fatty, salted and fried foods, poor performance of the functions of the stomach and intestines. If the treatment is not started on time, follicular bulbitis of the stomach quickly enough passes into a peptic ulcer. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the first symptoms of the disease and get help from a doctor in time.

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Clinical picture of follicular bulbitis

The disease has quite distinctive symptoms, treatment always leads to a good result, with proper therapy it ceases to progress and comes to naught. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the first signs of the described pathology. What do you need to pay attention to?

  1. On the appearance of pain in the epigastric region. She is aching, appears on an empty stomach, is given to the navel or in the back to the sub-rib portion.
  2. For heartburn or belching, which occurs every time after eating.
  3. On bitterness and bad breath. They arise because of the stagnation of food residues in the bulb.
  4. For nausea and vomiting, after which the pain immediately passes.

To supplement the clinical picture may be increased fatigue, persistent headaches, a tendency to diarrhea or constipation. If there are several of these symptoms, the doctor diagnoses a follicular bulbitis of the stomach, treating it reduces to the appointment of a diet. What can you eat a patient? It's the same as with the peptic ulcer.

Features of treatment of follicular bulbitis

Treatment of this disease is carried out in three directions.

  • First, the patient is put on a strict diet. The number of meals increases to six times a day, but the portions are reduced. The food should not irritate the stomach and duodenal mucosa, so you can not eat very hot dishes or very cold foods. In the first two weeks allowed to eat only porridge on the water, chicken broth, soup-mashed potatoes. Under the prohibition of smoked meat, canned food, fried, salted, spicy and sweet. Then the diet expands. It introduces meat and fish, steamed. During the treatment, one should not eat vegetables and fruits containing coarse fiber.
  • Secondly, since follicular bulbitis develops due to the presence of lamblia and helminths in the intestine, deworming is necessarily carried out. It is aimed at getting rid of helminthic invasions. The therapy is of a lasting nature. And all because parasites, being inside the human body, go through all stages of development, therefore in the intestine there are also adult worms, and their larvae, and their eggs. Only a prolonged impact on them, can lead to a full recovery.
  • Thirdly, with follicular bulbitis antibiotic treatment is not necessary. But the administration of drugs with enveloping and astringent properties is prescribed. They help to relieve pain and restore the mucous bulbs.

Folk medicine to help with follicular bulbite

A good effect comes when applying methods of traditional medicine. Since follicular bulbitis is caused by the vital activity of parasites, it is necessary to drink the course of infusions and decoctions, which have anthelmintic effect. For their preparation, bitter wormwood, tansy or cloves are used. A tablespoon of any herbs is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Infusion is taken three times a day on an empty stomach. Pregnant and breast-feeding women, children can not take such funds.

Herbal infusions are especially effective in eliminating the indicated problem. They are prepared from the bark of oak, bark of buckthorn, flowers of wormwood and tansy. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Half a teaspoon of the collection is poured with 100 grams of boiling water. Infusion is brewed in a thermos all night. In the morning the medicine is filtered and taken on an empty stomach before breakfast. It has an easy laxative property and excretes parasites well from the body.

To restore the mucosa, which causes damage to the follicular bulbitis of the stomach, the decoctions of flax seeds, oat jellies and kissels, cooked from the hips, help. With the help of them reduce the load on the intestines and increase the body's resistance. This is especially useful for children.

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