Bulbit 1 and 2 degrees of activity

Patients who have come up with a complaint about GI tract problems are often diagnosed with bulbits. Disease refers to varieties of duodenitis. Pathology is characterized by a change in the mucous membrane of the tip of the duodenum( ampules or bulbs).

At the initial stages of the disease, bulbites of the 1st degree of activity are isolated. Pathology is superficial and affects only duodenum mucosa. At the same time, tissues are scarred, after which they harden and coarsen. Often the symptomatology is not obvious.

Patients with bulbitis of 1 degree of activity develop aching pains in the epigastric region in the first few hours after eating. The pain can spread to the navel and to the right hypochondrium. Often there are symptoms such as heartburn, nausea( rarely vomiting) and stool retention.

If the course of the disease is complicated by other diseases( cholecystitis, pancreatitis) the pain becomes more acute and pronounced.

The factors provoking the occurrence of 1-degree bulbite are:

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  • Infection of the mucous membrane with bacteria( Helicobacter pylori).
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive consumption of fatty, salty or sweet food.
  • Infection with parasites( worms or lamblia).
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Intestinal injuries.

Pro Bulbit 2 degrees of information in the medical literature there. This degree is not isolated, since the disease is differentiated depending on the severity of:

  • superficial;
  • catarrhal;
  • erosive;
  • focal;
  • others.

Treatment of bulbitis 1 and 2 degrees

The first steps towards recovery are:

  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • use in the diet of only useful products;
  • following the diet( a strict diet for about six months);
  • avoidance of stress;
  • compliance with
  • sleep regimen, reducing tea and coffee consumption.

After finding out the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the treatment and will write out the necessary medications.

Bulb 1 degree is often treated with herbal decoctions. When choosing a traditional method of treatment should consult with a doctor. It is important to know that the more acute forms of the course of the disease require mandatory medical treatment.

For prevention, try to maintain a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle, and do not abuse alcohol.

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