What is chronic anatomic gastritis, its symptoms and treatment?

This disease, like gastritis, is known to a fairly large number of people. Someone knows about it by hearsay, but someone has experienced all the "delights" of this rather unpleasant GIT disease, with all its painful manifestations and significant limitations that prevent the conduct of a full-fledged lifestyle, on oneself.

When performing the diagnosis, the patient can find any kind of a variety of varieties of this disease, and, although rarely, but you can hear from the doctor such words: "You have an anatomic gastritis.""What is it, how to treat it and what consequences to expect"?Such thoughts are the first thing any person will have.

Anacid gastritis, what is it?

Once the probability of this disease of the gastrointestinal tract is, in fact, in any person, it is worth to understand more in detail its symptoms and causes. And also to find out how to treat it and what measures to take to alleviate the condition of the patient.

An anatomic gastritis is a rather dangerous disease that manifests itself in the atrophy of the mucous membrane because it practically completely stops the secretion of hydrochloric acid necessary for the trouble-free work of the stomach to digest food. As a result of atrophy of glandular cells, the mucosal segments begin to be replaced by intestinal epithelium.

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To accurately diagnose the presence of this particular pathology in humans, it is possible only when carrying out such a study as FGDS, but there are certain symptoms that, if manifested, should be urgently addressed to a specialist. After all, as a result of the most rapid detection of an anacid form in the pathology of the stomach, it is possible to begin timely treatment and achieve good results.

As soon as possible, you should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • After taking even a small amount of food, a heaviness in the stomach began to appear;
  • A painful sensation often occurs under the spoon;
  • The state of nausea is interspersed with vomiting urges, and not only undigested food is expelled from the digestive organs, but also mucus, which has a bitter taste due to the impurity in it of bile;
  • Instability of stool( diarrhea gives way to constipation).

These symptoms indicate that the person is likely to develop an anatomical form of gastritis, which should begin the right treatment as soon as possible.

Causes of an anacid gastritis

Having figured out what an anacid gastritis is, you should also find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as the probability of its transition to a chronic form.

The main reasons for the development of such a variety of gastric pathology, as an anacid gastritis, based on its greatly reduced acidity, mainly become the following factors:

  • The use of strong spirits in large quantities;
  • Smoking;
  • Helicobacter pylori infection transmitted by a person's non-compliance with basic hygiene rules;
  • Autoimmune disorders in the body;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Disorders in diet and eating a highly irritating gastric mucosa.

It is the factors causing such a symptom that are given the most attention when choosing a method of treatment of anacid gastritis.

Chronic form of the disease, its symptoms and treatment

Due to the fact that the anacid form among various diseases of the digestive tract is very rare, the exact causes of its appearance have not been completely elucidated. But if the patient is diagnosed with gastritis of this type, you should know that this disease always proceeds in a chronic form, with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.

Chronic anacid gastritis is either a complication after an acute hypoacid gastritis or a concomitant disease that can occur with typhoid fever, gallbladder inflammation, enteritis, and a number of other pathological conditions that cause significant damage in the mucosa of the main digestive organ. Therefore, its treatment should be comprehensive.

This is necessary in order to achieve the most effective results and prolong the period of remission, when unpleasant and severe symptoms that interfere with the conduct of a normal lifestyle become less noticeable.

Complex treatment of chronic anacid gastritis involves the use not only of medicinal methods used in acute periods of the course of the disease, but also the observance of a strict diet designed to allow the stomach to work in a normal mode, in which there is no provocation of the appearance of symptoms accompanying this pathology.

Acute period in chronic anatomic gastritis can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Dysfunction in diet: habit of snacks on the go, food "dry", long breaks that the patient allows between meals;
  • Passion for semi-finished products containing food additives and fast food;
  • Excessive smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, especially strong drinks.

An anatomic gastritis will continue in the absence of appropriate treatment, which in addition to the transition of the disease to a state of remission greatly facilitates the manifestation of all its symptoms. Significantly, the stomach can be helped when there is frequent( not less than 5 - 6 times a day) and fractional( small enough meals) meals.

In this case, the pancreas and small intestine are more actively involved in the digestive process. They are able to produce enzymes that improve the digestion of proteins, and this compensates for the lack of hydrochloric acid.

What methods of treatment of anacid gastritis exist?

It is difficult for a person diagnosed with this particular form of the disease to lead a normal life due to frequent manifestations of unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, in addition to the application of traditional methods and a strict diet, good results are provided by physical exercises, exercises that do not carry a significant load of sports and the use of traditional medicine.

Only such a comprehensive approach can make life easier for a patient, making manifestations of symptoms that carry unpleasant sensations virtually invisible.

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