The supply of the human body with all the necessary components for normal functioning provides the digestive system, where the process of food processing and the withdrawal of processed foods from the body takes place. An important place in this system is occupied by the digestive tract, and any disruption of the well-coordinated work leads to complications and further development of the disease, called reflux gastritis.
The transfer of the contents from one part of the path to the other provides the sphincter, which acts as a valve. The inlet valve from the esophagus into the stomach at the bottom is called the cardia of the stomach. The role of cardia, which is normally closed, is to skip the food in the stomach and block the reverse entry into the esophagus. When the disease breaks the closure of the sphincter, so the valve can not hold the internal contents, and into the esophagus, along with hydrochloric acid and gastric juice, is poured into the food mass. As a result, the development of reflux gastritis is provoked due to a lack of cardia.
Causes of cardia deficiency in reflux gastritis
Functional disorders and diseases of other organs, including:
- , overeating and non-compliance with the meal schedule;
- food intake just before bedtime;
- a sedentary lifestyle, without physical exertion;
- chronic pancreatitis, hernia of diaphragm.
Signs of reflux gastritis in case of cardia deficiency
Persistent expansion of the cardia with gastritis, resulting in inflammation of the esophagus, leads to the development of reflux esophagitis, accompanied by burns and ulcers of the mucosa. The main symptoms are:
- feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
- heartburn, belching with air;
- pain in the hypochondrium, and acute hot pain in the esophagus;
- a feeling of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting.
To prevent the contents of the stomach from being thrown into the esophagus, it is recommended to avoid physical activity associated with the torso inclinations, physical impact on the abdominal press. Important is the diet, food intake in small portions, but often.
When reflux gastritis is useful to drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of warm water, in folk medicine recommend adding a clove of garlic. The adoption of measures for weight loss, including, through sports exercises, also contributes to the success of treatment. Insufficiency of cardia with reflux gastritis requires refusal from drinking alcohol, smoking, excluding fatty, spicy, spicy dishes and citrus from the diet. After consultation with the doctor, if necessary, medication is prescribed.