Forms of stomach cancer, species, syndromes, size, localization, what happens?

The forms of stomach cancer depend on its macroscopic pattern. It is customary to distinguish between the following forms:

  • Plaque
  • Polyposis
  • Mushroom
  • Ulcinated
  • Diffuse
  • Infiltrative ulcer

The plaque-like cancer is a flat-shaped saucer. Such a tumor slightly rises above the mucosa, while the submucosa is almost never affected. Clinical and radiological manifestations, as a rule, are absent. Usually, the tumor is diagnosed with a gastroscopic examination.

Polypoid cancer is very similar to a polyp in appearance. To the wall of the stomach, it is attached with a thin stem. Usually this form of the disease develops from adenomatous polyps that have not been removed in a timely manner( they are a precancerous disease).

Mushroom swelling also grows in the lumen of the stomach. To its wall it is attached to a wide base. Externally very similar to cauliflower.

Ulcerated cancer is the most insidious form. This is due to the fact that it is most often diagnosed late, since the existing defect is taken for peptic ulcer. However, unlike it, this defect does not heal for a long time, it has raised dented edges with a sinking central bottom.

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The diffuse form is characterized by the proliferation of tumor cells deep into the gastric wall, so the tumor can not be visualized for a long time. The wall becomes thick in the lesions, while the body itself wrinkles and thickens, outwardly resembling the holster of the pistol.

Infiltrative-ulcerous cancer is one of the most dangerous because of early metastasis. With this form, the thickness of the gastric wall is affected, and ulcerative defects are formed on its surface. Most often this form of cancer is the outcome of diffuse or saucer-like.

Types of stomach cancer, what happens?

To select the most rational tactics for treating patients with gastric cancer, it is necessary to take into account the histological structure of the tumor. From this point of view, the types of gastric oncology can be as follows:

  • Adenocarcinoma, which occurs at a frequency of 90%
  • Glandular squamous
  • Squamous
  • Unclassified
  • Undifferentiated.

In the prognostic plan, the most unfavorable variant is an undifferentiated variety of cancer. The cells that form this tumor multiply rapidly and lead to the development of intoxication and early metastasis.

What kinds of stomach cancer are there yet? According to the European classification, there are only two histotypes. It is intestinal and diffuse. The disadvantage of this classification is the presence of a heterogeneous group that has signs of both intestinal and diffuse cancer.

Syndromes of stomach cancer

Syndromes of stomach cancer in the initial stage are absent. Clinical manifestations that appear later can be divided into several groups. The first variant of the onset of the disease is characterized by the following features:

  • The patient has no history of gastrointestinal disease
  • Slow emergence of clinical symptoms or acute onset with rapid progression
  • There are pains in the epigastric region, feeling of overflow of the stomach, heartburn, burpiness, regurgitation, dysphagia andetc.

The second variant of the clinical course of stomach cancer develops in patients with already existing syndromes of pathological processes in the digestive system. In this case, the previously present symptoms change their character, which also worries the doctor. The following objective signs can also be revealed:

  • Pale skin, alternating with sodness
  • Eyes that lost their shine
  • Decreased body mass
  • Pasterness of legs and face, followed by their edema.

Dimensions of stomach cancer

The dimensions of stomach cancer depend on its shape. So, the plaque-like cancer rarely reaches a large size. Usually in diameter it does not exceed 2 cm. The polypoid tumor can have a different value - from a few millimeters to 10 cm, with the thickness of the tumor being much smaller than its length.

It should be noted that the tumor size usually has no prognostic significance. It is taken into account when choosing a surgical procedure. The large size of the tumor does not at all speak of a poor prognosis, like the small about a good one. The histological type and degree of cell differentiation are prognostically important.

Localization of stomach cancer

Gastric cancer can affect any of its departments. However, some types of malignant tumors are characterized by favored localizations. The mushroom form usually grows on a small curvature. This creates conditions for his permanent traumatization, which causes early metastasis( spread of affected cells).Ulcer cancer also affects small curvature quite often, since it usually develops from an ulcer with a peptic ulcer. A diffuse tumor can affect both the body and the bottom of the stomach, and the doorkeeper.

According to epidemiological studies, it is possible to identify the most vulnerable parts of the stomach for the pathological process. According to statistics, the pyloric department is most often affected. In it, malignant tumors are detected at a frequency of 50%.On a small curvature, 27% of cases of stomach cancer develop, in the cardiac department - 15%, on the large curvature - up to 3%, and in the fundus( bottom) - 2%.The total oncological process is diagnosed with a frequency of up to 3%.

The localization of gastric cancer determines the possibility of its germination in neighboring organs. Thus, a tumor of small curvature and a pylorus is able to affect the pancreas and grow into the gates of the liver. This can lead to the development of obstructive jaundice, hepatitis and pancreatitis. If we are talking about the cardiac localization of the tumor, then it is able to subsequently affect the esophagus and diaphragm, causing reactive pleurisy and pericarditis, as well as obstruction of the esophagus. The total tumor grows in a nearby transverse colon, which causes the development of high intestinal obstruction.

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