Milk thistle: how to take the powder

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Milk thistle is a medicinal plant, a tall grass with large purple flowers resembling asters. This herb is used in the treatment of various diseases, it is eaten, the most effective is the milk thistle for the liver, how to take the powder, it is necessary to disassemble, in what diseases of the digestive tract it is best to use it.

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Milk thistle is quite common today,which also occurs in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, most of the CIS countries. To treat various diseases, almost all parts of the plant can be used, especially the seeds of milk thistle. On the basis of the plant, a powder is prepared for ingestion in various pathologies.

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Herbaceous plant is used not only in folk medicine, conservative also recognizes the effectiveness of milk thistle in the fight against many pathologies. It can be recommended as an auxiliary treatment, an effective supplement to the basic. In particular, it is used to treat liver damage at home. However, before starting therapy, you should always consult with your doctor.

How does the milk thistle work on the liver?

Substances contained in the plant, promote the restoration of normal metabolic processes in the liver, have the effect of hepatoprotector. In addition, they restore the circulation of bile, the work of the pancreas, have a complex positive effect on the state of the digestive tract. Milk thistle helps protect the liver from the effects of toxins of various types, helps to clean the liver.

In the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis, milk thistle helps to restore liver cells and their normal functioning, but it is worth remembering that in severe pathologies, it is necessary to combine folk therapy with conservative therapy. In difficult cases, using one milk thistle will be too difficult to handle.

For the treatment of liver pathologies, the plant extract can be used in various forms, and other products based on this version of thistle are also used. In addition, in a variety of tablets - hepatoprotectors often used plant extract, while it is easier to comply with the dosage during application. It is necessary to pay attention to herbal medicines based on milk thistle.

How to take

There are several ways to use thistle against liver disease. It is worth remembering that for the best effect, grass should be taken in courses, it is undesirable to take breaks in the use of the remedy. In addition, do not warm up the liver during cleaning, especially if there are pathologies accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Also during the course of treatment you need to follow the rest of the doctor's recommendations, usually with liver diseases prescribe a lightweight diet that allows you to remove the load from the body, which contributes to its early recovery. It is necessary to take the milk thistle in the following way.

  1. Thistle powder. How to drink mulch? Usually it is taken one teaspoon twenty minutes before a meal, washed down with mineral or plain water. Powder can be purchased at the pharmacy or manufactured independently, chopping the seeds of the plant. This is the easiest recipe for using liver powder.
  2. Tea. You need to take one tablespoon of dried plant or seeds, pour half a cup of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, then strain and dilute a little with water. In this drink you can add honey, mint, to enhance the useful properties.
  3. Decoction. From the seeds of the plant you can prepare a decoction, which also positively affects the liver. You need to take 30 grams of seeds and half a liter of water. Seeds must first be ground to a powder, for this purpose it is best to use a coffee grinder. Powder should be filled with hot water and put on a slow fire. Keep it until the water volume is reduced by half. The broth should be taken one tablespoon several times a day.

These are the main ways of treating various liver diseases with the help of thistle powder. The course of treatment usually lasts several weeks, but it should be remembered that each case is individual, so the duration of therapy can be adjusted.

The properties of milk thistle

This plant contains many useful vitamins, minerals and other elements that help in the fight against many pathologies, raising immunity, contributing to the improvement of well-being. Milk thistle can help in the treatment of a large number of various diseases, but it is most effective in controlling liver and pancreas diseases.

Milk thistle contains a high content of various vitamins B, D, K, E, which contribute to the normalization of skin condition, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, blood circulation. The plant has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! However, it should be taken into account that this plant can not replace a full treatment of pathologies, it is necessary to choose suitable conservative treatment and be observed by a specialist.

In addition, the plant contains various fatty acids, other substances that have a positive effect on the body. Due to its chemical composition, milk thistle has a hepatoprotective and choleretic effect, contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. In the hepatoprotective properties are therapeutic properties of milk thistle for the liver, this tool helps to cope with the concomitant pathologies, the powder can be used for cholecystitis and other similar disorders.

Plant seeds have a rejuvenating effect, help to improve the skin condition. Sometimes the thistle extract is also added to various skin care products. In addition, the herb is used to treat pelvic organs in men and women, it helps to reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, restore reproductive function in various pathologies.

In addition, due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the digestive tract, milk thistle helps with diets, it helps to reduce weight. If you use a product based on this plant during weight loss, this process will be easier.

One of the most common plant-based products is powder, which is used in most cases, it is usually taken internally. Also, on the basis of milk thistle, tea, decoctions, infusions are prepared. It is worth considering all the main ways of using a medicinal plant, choosing the most appropriate one is based on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and possibilities.


Despite all the advantages of using milk thistle, do not forget about a number of contraindications. Do not use plant-based products in the presence of individual intolerance, if an allergic reaction occurs while using the milk powder, stop using the drug.

Also it is not advised to be treated with this herbaceous plant for serious circulatory disorders, with severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, different types of peptic ulcer. In such a state, milk thistle can provoke a worsening of the condition.

In addition, do not advise to use it in pregnancy, because of its properties, the grass can provoke miscarriage and other such violations. Lactation restrictions on the use of no. Children should receive medicines based on a medicinal plant with caution.

Important! It is advisable not to start treatment with milk thistle in children up to twelve years of age, if this is required, you must first consult with an expert.

It is also worth remembering that a constant intake of milk thistle without breaks can also lead to unpleasant consequences, so even with long courses it is necessary to take breaks in therapy. If, during treatment, the condition begins to deteriorate, therapy with this herb should be discontinued.

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