Effective Migraine Diet

1 Seven useful days

Nutrition for migraine attacks in adults should include an abundance of vitamins and nutrients. Many doctors recommend periodically to carry out a special diet. It relieves the body, promotes gentle removal of toxins, saturates all cells with vitamins and minerals. The diet for migraines is designed for seven days. Every day is aimed at cleansing the body. A special way of nutrition strengthens and stimulates immunity. On the eve of the night, patients take a laxative, and in the morning they make an enema with the use of infusions of medicinal herbs. We recommend you visit

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In the first two days fasting on fresh juices is prescribed.

Especially recommended juices of these fruits and vegetables: spinach, celery, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, cucumbers, beets, carrots. In these two days, physical exercise and outdoor exercise are prescribed. On the third day of the diet, dairy products, whole grains cereals, potatoes are introduced into the diet. But the basis of the diet, as before, is fresh juices. On the fourth day, in addition to the above products, you can eat nuts, seeds, honey. The fifth day is practically full-fledged lean food without animal proteins. The last two days of the diet patients use fruit.

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Nutrition for migraines of adults during the diet should be as follows:

  1. Fractional, small portions. The main principle is not to overeat, and even not to eat a little.
  2. The basis of the menu should be vegetable food: fruits, berries, whole grains, seeds, nuts.
  3. On the table must necessarily be present low-fat dairy and sour-milk products without additives and fillers.
  4. The diet should be rich in food rich in vitamin C and PP.
  5. It is recommended to drink green tea from drinking. It positively affects the vessels of the brain, stabilizes blood pressure.

2 Home Treatment

When frequent and severe migraine attacks doctor prescribes medication drugs as antidepressants, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, beta-blockers. From non-pharmacological measures, a diet for migraines is prescribed.

Remove headache and medicinal herbs. It is recommended to prepare such useful home remedies:

  1. Valerian extract: two teaspoons of dry plant roots are poured with 1 glass of steep boiling water. Boil for a quarter of an hour on medium heat. The finished extract is filtered and the glass is poured to the brim with boiled warm water. Take the medication 3-4 times a day.
  2. Drink raspberry or lemon water.
  3. Drink a mixture of dandelion, carrot and spinach grass juices( 1: 3: 1 ratio) by 0.5 st.at one time before eating.
  4. Drink melissa tea in unlimited quantities.
  5. Broth tansy: a teaspoon of dried flowers plant pour 1 tbsp.hot water. Tired in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Eat for 1 - 2 tbsp.l.up to 6 times a day.
  6. Donish infusion: 1 tbsp.l.dry herbs pour 1 tbsp.cold boiled water. Infuse for 4 hours. Drink 1 tbsp.l.0.5 hours before meals 3 times a day.
  7. Flavor of lavender color: 3 tsp.plant flowers pour steep boiling water( 2 items).Insist for about ten minutes, filter. It is necessary to drink the whole portion throughout the day.

3 All is well in moderation

People who often suffer from bouts of severe headaches should lead a quiet lifestyle, strictly observe the regime. It is necessary to get up and go to bed at the same time. To lie down to sleep not later than ten o'clock in the evening. Sleep must be enough hours, always try to sleep. Suitable physical activity, physical exercise in the open air are shown. In addition, it is necessary to make walks in the forest park area in any weather.

In summer, you need to sleep with an open window or window. In winter and during the cold season in the off-season several times a day to ventilate living quarters, especially at bedtime. Migraine patients need to learn to own their emotions, be able to relax in stressful situations. If you can not avoid the heat of passion, you should try to calm down: listen to relaxing music or the sounds of nature, drink a calming sedative herbal collection. In the diet should adhere to the golden mean. Do not pass, do not make big breaks between meals.


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Nutrition with frequent migraine attacks adults should be full and rational, rich in useful vitamins and minerals. People suffering from this insidious disease, you can not starve for a long time, to observe mono-diet. After 6 hours of complete starvation, the vessels narrow. All can end with a terrible attack of migraine.

Headaches during a mono-diet are caused by a shortage in the diet of iron, vitamins of group B. Deficiency of these substances happens when taking oral contraceptives, as well as when you abuse coffee, beer and other alcoholic beverages. Women who suffer from migraine, during periods of menstruation should eat foods with high iron content: apples, buckwheat porridge, pomegranates, berries.

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