Pancreatic cancer: a blood test

Laboratory tests are prescribed by doctors after referring to them primary patients for diagnosis. For this, two blood tests are given, the general tumor can not be detected( measured by ESR and leukocytes).The analysis of blood for pancreatic cancer is only an initial diagosty, which is specified by the following blood intake for biochemical studies: the definition of AST, prothrombin index, phostophase, ALT, bilirubin. Specialists define special markers, antigens, and alpha-reductase levels.

General blood test for pancreatic cancer

Late oncology( cancer) stages are easy enough to detect anemia( decrease in hemoglobin).Its causes lie in hemolytic processes, brain damage( bone marrow) or internal bleeding. An experienced physician takes into account the changes in leukocytes and platelets that accompany anemia when deciding on a further examination of the pancreas.

The CA-125 marker is positive in half of the patients, in the same way as the CEA antigen. Antigens CA 494, 242, 50, SPAN-1, DU-PAN-2 testify to the advanced cancer of the pancreas. All these methods do not apply to screening, in the early stages are useless. Less than 5% of patients who have a CA-19-9 marker in the blood test are more than three hundred units at the time of treatment are operable. Referential values ​​of the indicator appear with a neoplasm of 3 cm( the norm is 37 units).

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Biochemical analysis for suspected pancreatic cancer

Biochemistry allows you to test about a hundred parameters of the test fluid:

  • enzymes - photophore, L-lactate, gamma-GTP, AST, ALT, CKD
  • cholesterol - 6ME norm, necessary for the synthesis of vitamins, hormones
  • lipoproteins - LDL norm 2.6 - 1.4 IU, HDL - 1 IU
  • bilirubin is a compound bile, the norm in the analysis of the bound component is 3.4 mmol, free - 17 mmol
  • urea - is formed by protein breakdown, the norm is 8 mg
  • chlorides - the content in chlorine is notIt is necessary to be above 107 mmoles
  • magnesium - metabolism of metals in the pancreas, vitamin C, norm - 1 mmol
  • amylase - cleaves carbohydrates, normal content is 50 IU
  • glucose - carbohydrate metabolism rate, assay up to 5.9 mg

Increase of anythe indicator in the blood( or several) is the reason for the appointment by the gastroenterologist of further pancreatic examinations, a biopsy that confirms the cancer. After this, an operation( or denied it) can be assigned.

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