Benign and malignant pancreatic tumor - symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Adding the suffix -ome to the name of the fabric creates the name of any benign tumor. Their cells expand exponentially, but they do not give metastases, relapses, evolution. Malignant neoplasms are divided into sarcomas and cancer, cause cachexia, intoxication, relapses and metastases. They differ in infiltrating growth and polymorphism of cells. The tactic of healing is strikingly different, just like the life expectancy of patients, survival after surgery, the quality of the remaining period.

Benign pancreatic tumor

Expansive growth means an increase in the focus in the pancreas, spreading the tissue around itself, unlike the infiltrator( permeates nerves and vessels, sprouting through them) or metastasizing( the detached gland cell forms a foci in the organ into which it fell).Classify benign formations:

  • insulomas - in 60% polyhormonal secretion, foci - islets and duct, any localization, may have a capsule, growth is zigzag( similar to infiltration), a size in a width of up to two centimeters, can become malignant after further increase
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  • neurogenic -neurinoma, based in Schwann cells, localization - nerves, ganglionovriomy with foci in non-soup nerve fibers, multinucleated, formation resembles hourglasses
  • vascular - lymphangOhms, hemangioma
  • muscle - leiomyoma
  • connective tissues - lipoma, fibroma epithelial
  • - cystadenoma, adenoma

they can localize in the body or the head body, located in the tail, have multiple foci, extending across the gland. The causes of the emergence are global: ecology, environment, nutrition, habits, lifestyle, heredity. The diagnosis of a tumor is always random( planned ultrasound), an exception is insuloma, which changes the hormonal background, causing complaints. The common symptom - pain in the navel, right hypochondrium, giving in the arm, shoulder, shoulder blade, does not depend on food intake, seizures can be replaced by constant discomfort. Jaundice is present in 80% of pancreatic diseases, there is a loss of consciousness, the patient feels unreasonable fear, sweating, weakness, sugar in the blood drops.

Benign tumor of pancreatic head

These tumors simulate malignant( cancer), an accurate diagnosis gives a biopsy. The operations are distinguished by a favorable diagnosis, often a cyst or pseudocyst is provoked. The clinic is individual( size, stage), a benign tumor in the head is often calibrated( stops growth).

Malignant pancreatic tumor

Sarcoma metastasizes, mainly, to distant organs along the bloodways, the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes( coming).In specialized medical literature, no more than five hundred cases of pancreatic sarcoma are described, while fifteen thousand patients die each year from cancer of the gland( in Russia).Diagnosis of neoplasm ERPHG, anti-angiography, CT and ultrasound( with the simultaneous taking of puncture).The treatment is surgical, without it the diagnosis is bad( the process is much faster than cancer).Benign tumors of the pancreas have a different localization, with the symptoms may differ, and, depending on this, a method of their treatment is selected.

As a rule, there are no symptoms, and a neoplasm is discovered by chance, when a person undergoes examination due to another disease. Neoplasms of the pancreas begin to manifest themselves as their size increases. Several main symptoms characteristic of this pathology can be distinguished:

  • a change in the hormonal background, as the amount of hormone production changes;
  • appears heaviness in the abdomen;
  • is worried about the feeling of raspiraniya, the stronger it is felt under the ribs on the left side;
  • dyspepsia disorder( nausea, which can be accompanied by vomiting);
  • with an increase in the size of a benign tumor causes very strong and painful pains, as the nerve endings are squeezed.

Some patients have intestinal obstruction, pre-condition, rapid fatigue, sweating. Less likely to worry is the feeling of fear. If the neoplasm contracts the bile ducts, the yellowness is noticeable on the skin.

Treatment of benign pancreatic tumor and prognosis of

Treat benign pancreatic tumors exclusively surgically, while removing all or only part of the gland. After that, the biomaterial necessarily undergoes a histological examination to confirm the diagnosis and to exclude cancer.

The main operations on the pancreas are:

  • partial resection, when the tumor is in the tail of the organ;
  • the formation of the body of education is done when the production of hormones is sharply increased( with insulinoma);
  • when a benign tumor is located in the head of the organ, it is removed entirely, and the duodenum is also excised completely. The most complicated operation in surgery lasts from 2.5 to 3 hours.

With the development of science, more and more often a gentle method of treatment is used, minimally invasive, leaving no ugly scars on the abdomen. On the anterior abdominal wall, 3-4 incisions are made about 1 cm, a camera is inserted and an ultra-precise surgical instrument is inserted. Everything that happens is displayed on the screen. The pain syndrome does not have a high intensity, the infection of the wound does not practically occur, there are no problems with postoperative hernias.

If the histology has confirmed the goodness of the tumor, a further prognosis is favorable. The patient is quickly rehabilitated and continues the usual way of life, periodically passing through control and following a diet.

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