Ulceration of the duodenal bulb 12: symptoms, diet and treatment

Due to a malfunction in the mechanical and chemical processing of food and the motor function of the intestine, a ulcer of the bulb of the duodenal ulcer develops. The term bulb is due to the globular shape of the organ that is located at the beginning of the ampulla of the duodenum at the exit from the pyloric sector. As a result of a pathological condition, erosive defects are formed on its mucous membrane. Bulb ulcer has an acute and chronic form of the disease.

Bulbar ulcer dpk - what is it?

Rounded inflamed cavities, which are characterized by the ulcer of the bulb of the duodenum( DPC), occur under the influence of a high level of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, just as with the lesion of the body of the stomach. In the absence of treatment, defects penetrate the lower epithelial layers and can provoke perforation of the walls of the organ with internal bleeding.

Classification between them is established depending on the origin, the number of erosive plaques, the area of ​​the mucosal lesion, and the depth of penetration of the defect into the epithelial layers.

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Causes of acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb:

  • inflammation of the mucosal epithelium of the stomach or simply gastritis;
  • long-term therapy with the intake of corticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • strong single stress or a systematic state of nerve strain;
  • is a hypersecretion of gastrin, which leads to an increase in the level of acidity.

According to some factors, chronic ulcer of bulb DPK has similar developmental conditions:

  • therapy with the use of a group of medications, among which are analgesic, which help reduce body temperature and have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • long stay in the psychological oppressed state;
  • infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • lack of adequate treatment of the primary stage of the disease;
  • cicatricial and ulcerative deformation of the bulb of the dpk.

Scarring and ulcerative deformation of ddk

Ulcerous formations on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs after healing, heal with subsequent formation of an obvious scar. A large number of repeated erosive lesions on a small area of ​​the mucous membrane form numerous scars. As a result of this process, cicatricial and ulcerative deformity of the bulb of dpk is formed. The newly formed young connective tissue tightens the bulb, distorting its original physiological parameters.

The pathological state of the intestinal mucosa does not discomfort the patient and after a certain period spontaneously spreads. Painful symptoms cause disturbances in the event that peptic ulcer of the bulb of the duodenum periodically resumes, leaving fresh scars. In this case, the lumen of the bulbous sector will constantly shrink. This will lead to stagnation of the food lump and irreversible obstacles in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The result of an incorrect lifestyle is acquired pathology, including ulcer bulb of the duodenum. A photo of the strong deformation of the department indicates that such a course of the disease is resolved only surgically.

Ulcer of duodenal bulb - symptoms of

A rare case when peptic ulcer of the bulb of the DPC is asymptomatic, and lesions are detected by chance. More often the pathology of the bulbar of the duodenum is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful seizures in the epigastric region and pharynx, nausea after eating or in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • pain syndrome in the epigastric sector, colic or blunt irritable seizures, extending to the lower back. Sometimes discomfort signals increase after taking hot dishes or in a dream;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of not saturation, hunger can prevail after a short time after ingestion;
  • with a progressive course of the disease with extensive erosion of the mucous membrane, bleeding may open.

Duodenal bulb ulcer - treatment, diet

If the examination confirms the bacterial cause of the disease, a treatment regimen for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori is needed. The course of therapy includes two antibiotics - Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. Additionally, a doctor may prescribe an antimicrobial drug Metronidazole. This scheme quickly and completely destroys H. Pylori.

Antisecretory drugs are mandatory, as high acidity is the main provocateur, because of which the ulcer of the bulb of ddk occurs. Treatment is aimed at inhibiting the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. Omez or Nexium stop the pathological process and suppress the vital activity Helicobacter pylori.

Regardless of the etiology of intestinal wall lesions, the patient is shown a gentle diet, especially if the patient has an acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb. The diet should exclude irritation of the digestive system and help restore healthy microflora. Eating at the same time occurs in small portions, but often. Food should be well-cooked and mashed to consistency puree. It is allowed to use non-fattened sour-milk products and mucous porridges.

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