Classification of gastric cancer - the code of the ICD 10, TNM( TNM)

Currently, there are several types of gastric cancer classifications, the most common of which are Lauren( type of tumor growth), Borrmann( tumor form) and TNM( tumor prevalence) and ICD 10.

The Lauren classification( by growth type) impliesthe existence of two types of cancer: diffuse and intestinal. Diffuse cancer has a genetic nature, unlike the intestinal cancer, which develops from various chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The Borrmann classification( by tumor form) is a division of cancer into polypoid, diffuse-infiltrative, infiltrative and unclassifiable species. Each species is dangerous in its own way and requires a special approach to its treatment( before the start of treatment it is mandatory to carry out diagnostics).

The classification of TNM( in terms of prevalence) is considered the most significant. It shows the progression of the disease, the spread of the tumor over the stomach, and the depth of the malignancy. It is used by most experienced specialists when diagnosing an oncological patient.

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ICD code 10 gastric cancer

In the international classification of diseases( ICD 10), cancer of the stomach is denoted by the code C16.In addition, its structure includes, so-called, sub-codes, which are numbered in the order from C16.0 to C 16.9.

The designation of malignant neoplasms of the stomach with special codes allows specialists to communicate more effectively with each other, and avoid the occurrence of errors in the formulation of oncological diagnoses. Classification of cancer of the stomach according to the ICD 10 is used throughout the world and is the standard when dividing this disease into types.

The classification of ICD 10 has some drawbacks, therefore it is possible that in the near future both the main code of stomach cancer and its sub-sections will be changed in accordance with the results of recent studies in the field of gastroenterology and oncology.

The use of the term "code C16" allows specialists to conduct a dialogue about the patient's illness in his presence and not to injure the patient's psyche by scoring a terrible diagnosis of "stomach cancer".Thus, the designation of the disease according to the ICD 10 is also of great psychological significance.

Classification of stomach cancer TNM

With the help of this classification, experts determine the extent and nature of the incidence of cancer in the human body, and also calculate statistical data, due to which it is possible to more or less effectively predict the result of treatment of a patient in an oncological hospital.

The TNM also reflects the extent to which the tumor has penetrated the stomach wall, as well as information on the condition and nature of the nature of the lymph nodes that are in the immediate vicinity of the stomach. Particular attention is paid to metastases, the speed of their appearance and the number.

In general, according to THM, there are 4 stages of stomach cancer( from 0 to 4).The most dangerous are the III and IV stages, which are characterized by pronounced symptoms of a negative nature and are classified mainly as difficult to treat.

In general, TNM is an abbreviation, where each letter corresponds to a specific characteristic. T - depth of tumor germination, N - description of the condition of the lymph nodes, M - presence or absence of metastases in the patient's body.

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