Oncology( cancer) of the stomach, symptoms and signs of cancer, Stage 4, surgery, removal, diet and nutrition, prognosis

To cancer stomach diseases are all kinds of malignant cancerous tumors. Cancer can affect the various parts of the gastrointestinal tract and spread even to the organs adjacent to the stomach. The transformation of a normal healthy body cells into a cancer cell occurs due to the appearance of some defective series in its chromosomes.

Despite the high level of development of modern oncology, specialists still can not pinpoint the reasons for such mutational processes. The only thing that oncologists could find out is that the healthy stomach of a healthy person will never be affected by a cancerous tumor. However, if a patient suffers from such diseases of the stomach as polyps, gastroduodenitis and ulcer, he automatically falls into a risk group consisting of people prone to cancer.

Most often oncology of the stomach develops in older people, and men suffer from it much more often than women. Fortunately, according to the statistical data of modern oncology, there has recently been a steady trend towards a certain reduction in cancer risk for patients who have GI disease.

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Symptoms of stomach cancer

Despite the fact that the primary symptoms and signs of cancer of the stomach are rather inexpressive, it is still possible to identify some specific functional disorders that indicate the development of a cancerous tumor.

First of all, cancer patients complain of unpleasant sensations that arise in the chest area, as well as the difficulties associated with eating. Oncology of the stomach is characterized by frequent eructations, problems with swallowing, heartburn and flatulence. In addition, patients with cancerous tumors constantly vomit. Bright signs are a vomiting of a bright scarlet shade and anemia.

Many hospital patients who subsequently had gastric cancer, complained of blood clots in their feces and urine. In addition, a cancerous tumor in the stomach causes regular pain that is given to the heart or the scapula.

As the tumor develops, the symptoms and signs that are standard for all oncological diseases begin to appear: decreased performance, drowsiness, anxiety, weight loss. Many patients complain of an incomprehensible sense of disgust for dishes that were cooked with fish or meat products. In case of occurrence of several of the above symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult an oncologist.

Oncology( cancer) of the stomach - 4th stage, forecast

Stage 4 of stomach cancer is characterized by total cancer damage to the closely related organs of the lymph nodes and other vital tissues of the human body.

Many experienced specialists believe that it is possible to achieve a positive result of treatment in about 40-45% of cases if the patient is given a course of palliative chemotherapy in a timely manner. However, this decision can be made only if the patient has not yet begun to develop an urgent state. Otherwise, the only sure way out of this situation is surgical intervention.

In 10-15% of cases, doctors appoint a patient suffering from stomach cancer of grade 4, gastroenterostomy - an operation that is aimed at stabilizing the process of food passage through the gastrointestinal tract and eliminating water-electrolyte disorders. The problem of obstructing the progress of the food lump is a typical sign of an incurable oncological disease. In this situation, a qualitative gastrostomy is necessary. In order to alleviate the suffering of the patient, saturation of the body with valuable substances occurs through the endoscopic probe.

Treatment of oncology - operation, removal of stomach

The most effective method of treatment of oncology( cancer) of the stomach is a timely surgical operation. The form of the intervention is chosen depending on the neglect of the disease and the severity of its course.

The most sparing operation is endoscopic. It is carried out without breaking the skin and almost does not require rehabilitation. If the tumor has already started to grow, it is removed by the method of partial resection of the stomach. After such an operation, the body becomes slightly smaller, which, although it puts the patient after some life limitations, but, in general, does not create any special problems.

The third variant of the operation is a complete resection, in which the patient's stomach is completely removed. On the place of the cut organ from the tissues of the intestine a new one is formed. The life of a patient after such an intervention is greatly complicated, since the patient will have to limit himself in many ways and adhere to the strictest diet.

Simultaneously with resection, the surgeon removes some lymph nodes and gland tissues, as it is in them, as a rule, metastases can form. If signs of metastases are already detected by a specialist, you will also need to remove some parts of the abdominal organs. More specific recommendations for surgical intervention in the body of an oncological patient can be given only after all necessary tests have been performed and the exact locations of the cancer tumor are identified.

Diet and nutrition for oncology of the stomach and after resection of

. Oncological patients, both preparing for surgery and having transferred it, must adhere to strict rules of proper nutrition. Patients oncology need to eat on schedule, while portions of food should not be too large. Food should be combined in such a way that the patient receives all the necessary diets of vitamins and nutrients. In the category of forbidden food, everything that can cause irritation of the stomach automatically falls. The number of meals should be 5-6 times, with all meals should have an acceptable temperature and do not harm the gastrointestinal tract.

From the diet of patients who have suffered partial or complete resections, it is necessary to completely eliminate easily digestible carbohydrates. You can not in any case have sweet porridge and honey. All kinds of fats are forbidden, of whatever origin they are. In addition, diet and nutrition with oncology of the stomach means imposing a ban on the use of liquid immediately after meals. Also, nutritionists do not recommend adding sauces and condiments to food, as they strongly irritate the mucous.

After a complex operation on the stomach, the daily diet of the patient should be varied and easy. This approach allows the patient to recover most of the physiological functions of the body as quickly as possible. The first time after resection, doctors recommend paying special attention to the prescribed diet, since the body needs a couple of months in order to adapt to a new lifestyle.

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