Valerian during pregnancy

Valerian during pregnancy is applied with caution. A rich complex of substances can have both positive and negative effects. It is necessary to take into account the period of bearing of the child and the general emotional, physical condition. Essential oil, which is a part of the plant, rich in acids( isovaleryanoic, malic, acetic, formic, palmitic), tannins, glycosides, terpineol, borneol pinene, free amines, alkaloids, bornylisovalericanate. The greatest concentration of it has the extract of valerian, the smaller - tincture and tablets, so you need a clear compliance with the dosage( the instructions are given in the preparations) and the correct treatment regimen.

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Can I drink valerian during pregnancy?

Roots and rhizomes of valerians have a sedative effect and are prescribed during pregnancy, often in the first trimester, during which there is pronounced dizziness, nausea, vomiting and irritability. Reception is combined with other drugs to enhance and lengthen the effect, for example, rehydration, antihypertensive, antiemetic.

Valerian for pregnant women is also useful as a means of preventing premature birth. The doctor appoints her in conjunction with the drugs, to enhance their action, up to the time that captures the 3 trimester.

Insomnia is an unpleasant symptom of pregnancy

Statistically, 78% of pregnant women experience sleep disorder and this abnormality persecutes women in the third trimester or before childbirth. The reasons can be different:

  • psychological - fear of childbirth, stress, chronic fatigue;
  • physiological - hormonal changes, heartburn, shortness of breath, cramps, dermal itching on the abdomen due to stretching, active baby's time, constant urination desire.

Important! Categorically it is not recommended to take chemical preparations for insomnia during the gestation period, as if they did not help well before. Only a specialist can appoint them in case of acute necessity. The best medicine is rest, tea ceremonies for calming the nerves, lack of great physical exertion.

If you resort to the treatment of insomnia during pregnancy, then only to the means on a plant basis, for example, decoctions from the root of valerian, motherwort or chamomile flowers.

High blood pressure - risk to fetus

Elevated blood pressure triggers the development of vascular and embryonic organ( placenta) diseases. About a hypertension the pregnant woman can learn on own state of health which is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, powerlessness or by means of a tonometer. The causes of the pathological condition are:

  • increased blood volume;
  • a sharp set of weight;
  • enhancement of metabolic processes in the body.

From the pressure( above the level of 160/90) doctors recommend taking the root or rhizome of valerian. Decoctions or infusions of them contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and slow the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, to relax it.

At a high pressure, dosage should also be observed, otherwise, the opposite effect is possible - increased blood pressure, nervous excitement.

Valerian with a uterine tone

Hypertension of the uterus occurs for the following reasons:

  • nervous tension;
  • experience;
  • fear;
  • overstrain of the muscles of the uterus due to heavy physical exertion;
  • uterine disease( myoma, endometriosis);
  • multiple pregnancies;
  • is a large fruit;
  • hormonal failures( 1 trimester).

Important! Valerian tablets have less pronounced effect than cooked broths from roots or rhizomes, so overdose by them is almost impossible, except for uncontrolled use.

When pregnant at an early age, from the tone of the uterus, you can take 3 valerian tablets a day, dividing into 3 meals, before eating and drinking ½ glass of water.

Some people are asking themselves: why do they prescribe valerian at an early pregnancy, if in the instructions for use, women in the situation are at risk? Increased tone of the uterus is one of the indications, so doctors, comparing the benefits and harm to the mother and child, are appointed during the period of threat of termination of pregnancy and an unstable emotional state.

Safe reception of valerian from a headache

How to take valerian to pregnant women from headaches? Treatment of pain in the area of ​​the cerebral cranium is carried out by the course, since the herbal remedy does not give an instantaneous effect. It can be a medicinal collection, which includes the root and rhizome of valerian, and also tablets.

Light headache is removed with the help of aromatherapy: next to the pillow is placed a bag with the roots of plants for the night or for lunch.

Application of valerian

Specialists like to give pregnant women valerian in tablet form. This is rational for several reasons:

  • low concentration of essential oil in this dosage form, which acts depressingly on the central nervous system;
  • is a convenient form of reception, which does not require any time spent preparing.

Decoction of the root of valerian is also allowed at the earliest and late stages of gestation of the future child, but its effect manifests itself more quickly than after taking the tablets. How to drink and how to cook?

There are several recipes for broths for pregnant women.


2 tbsp.l.crushed rhizomes pour boiling water and bring to the preparedness, putting on a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and add cooled boiled water to the former volume, that is, up to 200-250 ml. How much can you drink? Dosage appoint doctors, but independently, without possible risks, it is recommended 1 st.l.3 times a day, before a meal.

Important! The broth should always be fresh, that is, once every two days it must be prepared anew. Store only in the refrigerator to avoid the multiplication of bacteria in a warm environment.


3 tbsp.l.crushed roots pour 1 cup of boiling water and put it to infuse. The dry plant should be decocted for 1-1.5 hours, after which it is filtered and consumed 3 times in 1 tbsp.l.

Valeriana, from which there is benefit and harm, can be used as a concentrate( 3 tablespoons roots are brewed 1 tbsp boiling water).200 ml is poured into a bath with non-corrosive water and relaxed for 20 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of

In the first trimester of pregnancy it is important to limit yourself to using any medications, even on a plant basis, because during this period all the organs of the future child are formed. For this reason, the indications for use must be subjective, that is, the doctor must compare the possible risk to the fetus and the benefits of taking valerian for the mother, for example, in case of threat of miscarriage, painful tonus of uterine muscles, toxicosis. This concerns only the systematic treatment of a particular pathology. One-time reception, involving rapid removal of stress, nervous tension, mild headache and feelings of emotion, pregnant women are allowed.

Important! A plant can not be considered a cure for all diseases, despite plant origin and a wide range of indications. The tincture of valerian is an illegal dosage form for pregnant women, since it contains alcohol, which negatively affects the synthesis of the cells of the fetal brain and spinal cord.

Contraindications to the use of a medicinal plant is an allergic reaction to one of its constituent components. Symptoms of allergies are:

  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • urticaria;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • listlessness.

In the second trimester, taking any sedatives, it can negatively affect the development of the nervous system of the baby, accordingly, valerian is also prohibited.

So, can pregnant women have valerian? Regardless of how long, the medicinal plant is prescribed by specialists from anxiety, headaches, tonus of the uterus, insomnia, stress, emotional instability. A prerequisite is to observe the correct dosage and a certain course of treatment, and also take into account that the tablet form, in comparison with fresh infusions and decoctions from the roots, has less pronounced effect.

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