Carnation oil: property and application

Huge oil of carnation, the properties and application of which has been known since ancient times, has gained immense popularity among the means used by folk medicine. It can not only have medicinal properties, but has a fragrance, before which not everyone will stand.

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Useful properties

Carnation is the most common seasoning thatuse in cooking. Carnation essential oil is made from buds and fruits of clove tree, which grows in tropical countries, its height reaches up to 15 meters. Buds of the tree contain tannins, fats. In order to make 1 kg of essential oil, you need about 7 kg of buds of a tree. Clove oil has a tart, spicy flavor, which is why it gained popularity. Due to its spicy aroma, it can be used in cooking for making:

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  • alcoholic beverages;
  • juices, compotes;
  • canning vegetables;
  • preparation of meat dishes;
  • marinating fish, mushrooms.

Essential oil helps to get rid of nervous breakdowns, emotional state after injuries, surgeries, positively influences fatigue. It has been used for a long time instead of a medicine, from various infectious diseases. The aroma helps to restore the body after physical, mental loads.

There are useful properties of carnal essential oil:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • is warming;
  • antiviral;
  • is stimulating.

Due to the antimicrobial property, it acts as an antiseptic, promotes the healing of abscesses, cut wounds. Because of the high concentration, a clove product may not suit everyone. You can not use it in pure form. It is recommended to dilute with creams. With the help of warming properties of clove oil, it helps to relieve chills, nervous shivers. Antiviral properties help cope with infectious, cold diseases.

Also, cloves are used in the treatment of various intestinal diseases, epidemics, catarrhal, has antiviral and antibacterial effect. Anti-inflammatory features help the healing of oral diseases, are effective against toothache. Stimulating quality has a general strengthening effect of the digestive system on the whole organism. Helps with peptic ulcer, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use and application of

Widely used oil was received in dentistry. With the help of it, disinfect the oral cavity, remove the inflammation of the gums. Also used to relieve toothache. He treats diseases of the oral cavity: periodontal disease, caries. To eliminate toothache, you need to wipe the cotton swab in clove oil and apply to the area of ​​the sick tooth.

Before treatment, you should know how to apply clove oil. Topical application:

  • prophylaxis, treatment in ARI;
  • problem skin;
  • abscesses, abscesses, burns, cuts;
  • fungal diseases;
  • muscle pain, joint pain;
  • toothache, tooth decay, periodontal disease;
  • emotional sphere, migraine, negative state;
  • catarrhal and viral diseases, epidemics.

Clove aroma can repel insects. It is an effective tool in the fight against mosquitoes, from ticks, flies, ants, bedbugs and many others. If they spray in the house, air purification takes place. Carnation from allergies is an effective tool in the treatment. It is recommended to take therapeutic tea from the fruits of clove-tree, which allows you to reduce allergic reactions, eliminate pain.

Use in the inside is used as a gastric for diarrhea. It should be used with caution:

  1. It is allowed to take butter with bread, 1 drop each morning and evening.
  2. For the treatment of digestive organs it is necessary to dilute with vegetable oil, in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  3. When anesthetizing, one drop should be diluted with a spoonful of honey.

In cosmetology

Huge popularity of aroma oils was obtained when used in cosmetology. This unique essential oil is an effective, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging agent for the face. It removes inflammation of the skin, improves skin tone, promotes the appearance of acne. It must be diluted with cream, then applied to the skin.

Before using the oil product, its composition and properties should be studied.

  1. When applied in its pure form on the skin, a burn may result. It is allowed to apply only to the point areas, when removing the warts, papillomas.
  2. To make a face mask, you need to add 5 drops of liquid suspension in a small amount of cream, then apply.
  3. To remove the inflammation of the skin, you need to dissolve 2-3 drops in a glass of warm water. Next, apply a cotton swab on the face and neck area.

The most effective means is oil when used for hair. It is used to treat, strengthen the roots of hair, stimulates their growth. Carnation oil for hair can be used by different methods: you can rub it into the head, use masks, in which it is included. It is also allowed to combine various oils for medicinal purposes.

It's important to know! When adding oil, a certain number of drops should be observed, otherwise it can have a bad effect on the skin condition of the face.

Inhalations with the addition of essential oils help:

  • from the common cold;
  • when coughing;
  • with angina;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the larynx.

Fact! If you chew seasoning or the fruits of fresh fragrant seasoning, there is inflammation, swelling of the throat, as well as gums.


Clove oil is common in aromatherapy, as it combines with other oils. They are recommended to spray them in the room, to raise immunity in case of outbreaks of colds, viral diseases. Means using clove oil are used to remove:

  • muscle fatigue;
  • of mental fatigue;
  • of nervous stress;
  • headache.

For quick relief of fatigue, take a bath of clove oil. You need 2-3 drops, previously diluted with a glass of milk, pour in a bath with water. Duration of bathing should be no more than half an hour. It can be combined with other aromatic oils: lavender, rosemary.

Important! Carnation oil is the best remedy in the fight against cellulite. Many women dream of beautiful skin, without stretch marks and apply this remedy for massage.


You can find many useful, healing properties of clove oil, but along with that there is a contraindication to the use. The main contraindications, which do not recommend the use of oil.

  1. Use with caution, do not dilute the product may cause skin burns.
  2. Allergic reactions occur due to intolerance to the components.
  3. Do not give small children to avoid stomach upset.
  4. It is not recommended to use people with diabetes, because oil lowers blood sugar levels.
  5. Do not use and apply oil during pregnancy, during lactation. Since the components of the oil can affect the baby through the milk.
  6. Do not take people who have heart disease, liver, kidney problems.

Along with all contraindications, dosage should be observed. It can be concluded that the use of clove oil is greater than the harm in its use. Like many other plants used in folk medicine, cloves will serve as a first aid kit in the home.

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