Symptoms of stomach ulcer. What are they? How does the peptic ulcer manifest?

The stomach is one of the main organs of the digestive system of the human body. He is the first to take food and to overdo it. As a result of unfavorable conditions, ulcerative formations may develop in it. They appear through the violation of the balance between the effects of gastric juice and the functionality of protective mucus. Also, the disease is often manifested as a result of the influence of the harmful bacterium Helicobacter. A provoking factor may be stress, poor nutrition, bad habits. The main prerequisite for the emergence of pathology is gastritis.

Suspicion of a stomach ulcer causes some symptoms.

Major ulcer symptoms:

  • pain syndrome( severe night and hungry pain),
  • heartburn,
  • sour belch,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • temperature.

Pain is the first symptom of a stomach ulcer. Painful sensations are concentrated on the left or in the center of the subcostal area( the average distance between the chest and the navel), and can also give back. They are manifested with varying intensity and depth. The patient feels them for a long time( up to 2 hours).

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Strong nocturnal pains are often observed as a result of the transferred stress, violation of the diet regime, hidden bleeding.

To temporarily remove pain, 1-2 glasses of fresh milk must be taken, which is a food antacid( a remedy that reduces acidity and neutralizes the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach).In case the organism does not perceive natural milk, it can be replaced by dry milk.

Among medicines intended for rapid pain relief when symptoms of stomach ulcers develop, medicine recommends the drug Carbenoxolone sodium( the main active substance is the licorice root).In severe attacks, it is consumed 2 tablets 3 times / day.

There are also special factors that characterize a stomach ulcer - the symptoms can be seasonal in nature. Mostly fall and spring. For this period, the exacerbation of the disease, which causes severe pain, is characteristic. In the summer and winter, the disease reminds of itself very rarely. Deterioration of the patient's condition in such periods can provoke sprouting of ulcerous formations outside the stomach( penetration) and hit nearby organs( pancreas, gall bladder, intestine).The tissues of the lower part of the stomach after several exacerbations also undergo pathological changes - there is constriction of the walls( stenosis).Symptoms of a gastric ulcer complicated by stenosis are bloating, an eructation that is unpleasant with a rotten taste. Stenosis in the early stages can be cured by conservative means. On later - only radical( surgical).

Along with pain, heartburn often occurs( throwing acid into the esophagus).This is an earlier symptom of gastric ulcer in adults, which is often associated with upper gastroesophageal reflux( a decrease in the tone of the cardinal sphincter).An excruciating heartburn can also occur with low acidity. It is characterized by a taste of metal or acid in the mouth.

If you have symptoms of peptic ulcer, you should consult a doctor - a gastroenterologist( especially if there is a fever).The most effective method of diagnosis is fibrogastroduodenoscopy( FGDS).This method involves visual inspection of the gastric cavity by inserting a special probe from the fiber. With the help of the preparation, the size and quantity of pathological formations are determined, and also the material from the surface of the mucous membrane( scraping) is taken if necessary.

This procedure is done in order to clarify the causes of stomach ulcers. Symptoms and symptoms of the disease may manifest due to the development of the Helicobacter bacteria. To confirm this, a special analysis of the mucosal surface is carried out.

Also frequent signs of the disease are constipation, weight loss, diarrhea with bloody discharge, Mendel's syndrome with ulcer( irritation of the area of ​​the parietal peritoneal leaf that adjoins the neoplasm).

How to ease the acute manifestation of symptoms in peptic ulcer disease?

To date, the manifestation of symptoms of stomach ulcers can easily be weakened and eliminated altogether. To do this, you need to seek help from a doctor-gastroenterologist in time to diagnose the disease and determine the correct treatment and recovery course.

A huge role is played by diet. Strictly forbidden to use hot, rough, spicy, smoked, fatty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. So a sick person will protect himself from acute manifestations of gastric ulcer symptoms.

Medications for the treatment of peptic ulcer and its symptoms include several major groups:

  • Antacid preparations .Their action is aimed at suppressing and reducing the harmful effect of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane. They are absorbed( Rennie) and nonabsorbable( Maalox, Gaviscon, Almagel).The first penetrate into the blood and have a short duration. Nonabsorbable drugs eliminate the cause of the disease, and practically do not enter the blood.
  • Histamine receptor blockers. These drugs are aimed at regulating the balance of gastric acid production( Ranitidine, Famotidine, Cimetidine, Omez).
  • Gastroprotektory .In the process of eliminating the symptoms of stomach ulcers, drugs of this category contribute to the development of protective substances that reduce the adverse effects of acid( bismuth sulfate, De-nol, Vikalin, Sucralfat).
  • Repairs .Preparations of this kind heal the mucous membrane( Metiluratsil, Gastrofarm, Kaleflon, Sea-buckthorn oil).

For more complicated symptoms of stomach ulcers and manifestations of acute pain, relapse of the disease, as well as the complications that arise( latent and profuse bleeding), surgical methods can be applied:

  • Vagotomy .During this operation, nerves are cut that stimulate the secretion of acid.
  • Resection of .This operation involves the removal of part of the stomach, which is affected by the disease.

Photo and video removal of stomach ulcer symptoms surgically can be viewed in information sources, special aids and the Internet.

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