Prayers and plots in the stomach ulcer

Faced with daily life with various diseases, the overcoming of which requires a lot of physical and mental strength, the patients often turn to the supreme powers with prayer.

The Christian religion has many prayerful addresses to saints helping in the healing of gastric diseases. But the most popular are:

  • Prayer from the stomach ulcer of the healer and the great martyr Panteleimon who, being a doctor at court, gave up luxury, devoting his entire life to the free treatment of poor people. Prayer addressed to the healer Panteleimon, begins with the following words: "Holy Great Martyr and curative medicinal Panteleimon! Pray to God for us( names) and do not allow us to remain sick in us any longer, which hurt our soul and body! Heal those sores and scabs, which are caused to us by our passions. We are lazy and relaxed, we are healed. "
  • In a prayerful address to the Monk Feodor Stuidit, a peptic ulcer and a prayer for healing from her is directly mentioned:" Oh, the Christmother of Theodore, who received from God the grace of healing the sick, and especially those who suffer with the stomach, We, possessed by various ailments, and healing the sick stomach and give us health, cheerfulness and peace of mind. Do not reject us who come to you, but step in and help us. "
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  • Prayers for the Monks Seraphim of Sarov, Galaktion of Vologda, the unreached John and Cyrus, Damian and Cosme, and Artemy the Great Martyr can also be read with peptic ulcer.

Plague from stomach ulcers

Traditional healers, adherents of alternative medicine, practice conspiracy from an ulcer to water or a decoction of plantain. A curative drink is made on a young growing moon in the evening, when the sun goes down.

For this, it is necessary to pour liquid into a porcelain or clay cup, turn to the sun with your back. Read the prayers "Our Father" and the healer Panteleymon three times. Then say three times the conspiracy: "You, bitch children, satanic offspring, unsociable flour, fucking bastards, black helplessness and all evil spirits, perish in hell, into the tartaras!"All ills and evil cramps refuse, get rid of the servant of God( name) from this day to the day, to live in the outskirts, for ever and ever. Amen. "

The water from stomach ulcers must be drunk on an empty stomach for three days in a row. At this time, the patient should follow a diet, you can not drink alcohol and smoke.

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