Hungry Stomach Ulcer: Symptoms and Treatment

In medical practice, hungry stomach ulcers are the most dangerous form of the disease. By muffling a fit of discomfort with a slight snack, most patients do not realize the seriousness of the pathology of the digestive organ. But the sense of the need for food, which provokes an acute pain syndrome, is a sign of damage to the intestinal mucosa provoked by increased secretion of digestive juice. Also, moderate and infrequent hunger pains characterize the chronic inflammation of the mucosal epithelium, thus preventing the pre-ulcer state of the stomach.

Discomfort of this kind indicates a single inflammatory focus. Damage to the mucous membrane is pained between the ribs under the breast, especially with a finger examination. The absence of specific treatment entails serious complications, and the neglected form of a hunger ulcer is accompanied by vomiting with an admixture of blood secretions.

Characteristic symptoms of a hungry stomach ulcer

The main symptom of a hungry ulcer is the pain that begins to manifest an hour after eating, with a gradual increase in the intensity of attacks. Hungry pain can persecute a person at night, because previously taken food is processed, and a surplus of hydrochloric acid affects the erosive lesions of the walls of the intestine. Often patients are accompanied by heartburn with belching of acidic contents. In addition to the listed signs, it may be difficult or systematically insufficient to empty the intestine.

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Acute pain, permeating through the anterior abdominal wall, is very dangerous. This may be a sign of perforation of deep epithelial layers of the stomach. In addition to attacks in the patient there is increased sweating and pale skin of the face.

Principles of treatment of the hungry stomach ulcer

If a patient is diagnosed with a hunger stomach ulcer, treatment should be aimed at regulating the secretory functions of the organ.

In this pathology, the therapy scheme looks approximately as follows:

  • An antisecretory drug with an active substance - omeprazole, is prescribed to correct the release of hydrochloric acid;
  • Drotaverin or No-shpa - eliminate spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • Clomethol or Cerucal - improve motor function of the intestine;
  • Ketonal or Analgin is an analgesic medicine with anti-inflammatory properties.

The patient should adhere to the diet not only during treatment, but also during the recovery of the body after removing the symptoms of a hungry stomach ulcer. Food should be heat treated only by cooking or quenching. Fractional meals and ground foods to a consistency of puree will ensure fast and high-quality digestion of food, and will not overload the intestines.

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