Blood in the stool with polyps

An alarm sign that may indicate the formation in the digestive organs of a patient of such a rather dangerous pathology that promotes the development of a cancerous tumor, like polyps, is the presence of additional inclusions in the stool. It is, for the most part, mucus and blood.

Evidence of such an unpleasant symptom that growing neoplasms received mechanical damage, which injured the vessels that are in them. This sign, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of tumor-like outgrowths, should alert the person and force him to immediately consult a specialist for a diagnostic examination.

Many wonder why these inclusions appear in the feces of polyps. There is a simple explanation. This symptom indicates the onset of abnormal growth of tumors.

The larger they become in size, the greater the obstacle they begin to create for uncomplicated passage through the intestines of the masses formed as a result of the digestive activity of the body. This can cause a delay in the patient's stool for a long time, often more than 2 days. Accordingly, digested food, delayed in the intestines, without finding a free outlet outside, begins to cake, forming dense lumps.

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This leads to the fact that the increased polyp in the attempts of the patient seeking to release the intestines, gets damaged from hard lumps of feces. As a result, there is internal intestinal bleeding, which is indicated by a red, mostly bright-red, color of feces.

Blood in the stool with polyps may also be present when the symptom of the disease is diarrhea. This is due to ulceration of enlarged neoplasms or infringement of their walls by a narrow intestinal passage.

If such inclusions appear in the stool, but the complete absence of other symptoms characteristic of increasing polyps, a diagnostic study such as a colonoscopy should be performed as soon as possible.

It is necessary for the timely detection of pathology, since the presence of these tumor-like defects can sometimes occur completely without symptoms before degeneration into a malignant tumor.

In addition, with a disease such as polyposis, there can be hidden blood in the feces, which is completely invisible in feces. Therefore, when suspicion of polyps of the intestine, the patient is obliged to pass the appropriate study, capable of revealing it.

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