Symptoms of duodenal ulcers: pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, fever

The causes of ulcers of the duodenum and symptoms are similar in many respects to manifestations of a similar disease with localization in the stomach. So almost all patients with exacerbation of the disease have such symptoms of duodenal ulcers as irritability, fatigue, poor health, a gray plaque in the tongue, a change in culinary preferences and a slight increase in temperature.

Another symptom of an ulcer of the duodenal ulcer is heartburn, which affects more than 70% of patients. Very often heartburn, alternating with pain, is the only symptom of a stomach and duodenal ulcer. Slightly less often people come to the doctor with complaints of vomiting or nausea, and about half of the patients suffer from constipation or diarrhea. With ulcer of the duodenum, the symptoms increase with the progression of the disease, and only in elderly patients there is sometimes an asymptomatic course of the disease( latent form).

What are the symptoms of duodenal ulcer?

In addition to these symptoms, the disease has a number of specific manifestations that will point out a specialist to the problem. It is these manifestations that help the specialist during the procedure to conduct a rapid diagnosis and prescribe a preliminary diagnosis, assessing the patient's condition and the presence of possible complications.

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Ulcer of duodenum - symptoms:

  1. Liquid chair .Diarrhea with duodenal ulcer occurs due to inflammation of the pancreas. Very often, diarrhea is combined with total intolerance to dairy products and fruits, as well as pain in the left hypochondrium and lower back( shingles).
  2. Increased appetite for against weight loss. Increased appetite is a subconscious attempt of the patient to get rid of the pain that occurs when you feel hungry, a violation of digestion or problems with enzymatic digestion.
  3. The emerging hunger a few hours after eating. Stagnation of bile .The bile begins to stagnate because of the spasm of the bile ducts. It is manifested by drawing pains in the right hypochondrium and a yellow tinge in the tongue, and in severe cases and yellowing of the skin.
  4. Bloating , belching and meteorisms.
  5. Nausea and vomiting of .Nausea with ulcer of the duodenum often occurs on an empty stomach, and with prolonged course of the disease passes into vomiting. Usually this is due to the fact that due to the long course of the disease in the stomach or intestines of the patient near the place of their connection, gross cicatricial changes are formed, so that food can not pass further through the body. The only option for her evacuation is vomiting.
  6. Pain of of a special nature.

The main symptom of duodenal ulcer is pain

Pain is characteristic of more than 80% of patients during an exacerbation. Basically, these are pains that occur 2 hours after the last meal( especially at night).These pains weaken almost immediately after vomiting with acidic contents, which is another characteristic feature of duodenal ulcer. These symptoms are associated with the fact that after eating a person starts to develop gastric juice, which, getting into the duodenum, together with food irritates its shell. This is the distinguishing feature, which allows the doctor to differentiate the problem localization. In a similar disease of the stomach, patients, on the contrary, are troubled by hunger pains, when gastric juice corrodes the stomach shell instead of food, and vomiting, which appeared at the peak of these pains, brings relief to the patient. These pains subsided immediately after eating.

These pains are usually given to the right collarbone, the lower thoracic and lumbar segments, with the combination of peptic ulcer and stomach pain can give in the right arm, back, right hypochondrium or epigastric region.

Bleeding as a symptom of duodenal ulcer

As for other symptoms of duodenal ulcers, such as bleeding or perforation, they are typical for neglected cases when the patient has not been provided with qualified medical care for a long time.

The onset of internal bleeding occurs when a bacterium or gastric juice has eroded the intestinal wall and reached its blood vessels. In this case, the emerging internal bleeding can be determined either by traces of blood in fecal masses or in the form of chronic vomiting with blood. In especially severe cases, there may be abundant bloody vomiting followed by loss of consciousness as a consequence of a decrease in blood pressure.

As for perforation, in this case, the narrowing of the gatekeeper and the growth of ulcers in the surrounding organs usually occur, which will be accompanied by severe pain and vomiting that does not bring any relief.

If the perforation has occurred, but there was no germination of the ulcer in other organs, the skin of the patient should whiten, and he himself will be in a semi-faint state. A few hours later the pain subsides, but because of the development of infection in the peritoneum, the body temperature rises.

Another characteristic feature of this disease is the recurrent nature of the disease, in which periods of exacerbation alternate with remission. In this case, exacerbations are usually seasonal or occur after trauma. The cause of exacerbations can also be heavy physical exertion, emotional stress, stress. Malignant infringement, prescribed by the doctor of a diet, nullifies all attempts of the doctor to help the patient.

As you can see, with ulcer of the duodenum the symptoms can be very diverse, therefore the clinical manifestations of the disease must necessarily be correlated with other results of the examination, including FGS with biopsy.

As for self-diagnostics, then, without sufficient medical experience and the possibility of passing a survey, it is very easy to make a mistake. And even if the diagnosis is correct, then it is impossible to select an adequate treatment without having all the information necessary for this.

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