Exacerbation of duodenal ulcers: signs, symptoms, treatment

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of duodenum( DPC), as a rule, manifests itself in patients who violate dietary intake, alcohol abusers experiencing constant stress.

Often signs of exacerbation of duodenal ulcer are diagnosed in the patient in the spring and autumn. This is due to the general weakening of immunity during the off-season.

This disease is widespread and chronic, with a characteristic wave-like course, when an acute ulcer of the duodenum is replaced by an asymptomatic period of remission.

Exacerbation of duodenal ulcer 12 has several forms, differing among themselves:

1. According to the frequency of exacerbations:

  • is often recurrent( within a year three or more times);
  • Rarely exacerbated( less than three times a year);

2. By quantity:

  • Single defect;
  • Multiple ulceration;

3. At the place and its depth

  • Acute duodenal ulcer( DPC) in the region of the bulb or postlukinous cavity of the small intestine;
  • Deep or superficial lesion of the mucous walls of the organ;
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What distinguishes the acute ulcer of DPC from the period of scarring and the phase of persistent remission?

If the duodenal ulcer has worsened, then the clinical picture of the disease will be as bright and symptomatic as possible, signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction. In the second phase of the disease, this is not observed, and with remission, the symptoms of the disease are completely absent.

Symptoms of exacerbation of duodenal ulcer

1.Bol in the upper part of the navel or under the spoon is the main diagnostic sign.

Sometimes, when relapsed, the patient complains of pain in the heart, back, under the shoulder blades. This is due to the fact that spasm from the place of localization to the nerve endings irradiates to other places, misleading the patient, that it hurts.

But gastroenterologists pay attention to the fact that all the painful sensations in the duodenal ulcer occur against the background of continuing pain in the navel.

The most common pain syndrome worries a person when he is hungry( "hungry") or after a couple of hours after eating. After eating, the pain subsides after eating. But overeating, banned foods can increase the intensity of the manifestation of the clinical sign.

Often, exacerbation of the duodenal ulcer does not allow us to fall asleep at night, leading the patient to painful attacks that occur because of the increased production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, which aggressively affects the defect.

During the remission, the pain syndrome can cause a violation of the diet, stress, the use of banned medications( for example, hormonal drugs or non-steroid drugs).

2. Gastrointestinal dysfunction, manifested in the following symptoms:

  • Flatulence and belching;
  • Nausea and vomiting, which brings the patient instant relief( sometimes sick, tired of suffering the painful condition, independently causes a vomiting reflex);
  • Chronic constipation lasting from several days to several weeks;
  • Blood in stool;

3. Insomnia, irritability, depressed mood, weight loss, despite a healthy appetite - so look outside symptoms and neurological signs when the exacerbation of duodenal ulcer begins.


Ulcer disease of the small intestine is treated with conservative and operative methods.

The first method includes a therapeutic package of measures including:

  • Dietary nutrition;
  • Medications( antacids, antisecretory and antibacterial agents);
  • Auxiliary recipes of traditional medicine;

Operative treatment is performed if conservative therapy is impotent. This often occurs with a constant exacerbation of the disease, a rough scarring of the defect, a prolonged healing process.

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