Symptoms and signs of pancreatitis in cats, pancreas treatment

Timely determination of the occurrence of pancreatitis in a cat, you can avoid serious diseases and in a timely manner to stop this disease, so that it does not turn into an acute form. What are the symptoms that need urgent attention, and what to do in such cases?

First of all, you should be alert if the normally playful and affectionate cat suddenly starts to shy away from the owners, strive to huddle in the corner and spend most of the day away from everyone: under couches, armchairs or in cabinets, and reacting negatively to attempts to take it in hand. Such behavior is a direct sign that the animal is worried about something, and even if it is not pancreatitis, in any case it will not be superfluous to consult an experienced veterinarian. Of course, the primary symptoms do not give an opportunity to unequivocally judge the development of such an ailment as pancreatitis, but it is definitely not worth neglecting atypical behavior. Especially if during at least one or two cat days refuses food or shows concern. Do not try to feed the animal by force, because in the end, the situation can seriously worsen.

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These signs and symptoms of cat behavior are not the main criteria in the diagnosis of pancreatitis. But the combination of symptoms with the results of clinical analysis allows you to see a complete picture, and accordingly, and to judge the condition of the pet and the possible development of pancreatitis.

First you need to donate blood, urine and feces. This will allow to know whether the level of amylase is increased or decreased, and also to obtain information on the amount of protein, since it is these signs that often indicate the presence of pancreatitis in a cat. It is important to understand that only an experienced veterinarian will be able to correctly analyze the analysis, therefore, in no case should you try to understand yourself - the errors in diagnosis can end badly. After all, if you make the wrong decision, you can seriously damage the cat, and, consequently, there will be an exacerbation of either pancreatitis or another disease that caused such symptoms.

It goes without saying that pancreatitis in cats can be determined only by indirect signs, and even the results of analyzes do not reveal an unambiguous picture of the disease. That is why inflammation of the pancreas necessarily requires a thorough examination and detailed advice from a veterinarian. Only timely actions will help to maintain the health of the cat and alleviate its condition, relieving the painful sensations, discomfort and other manifestations of the disease.

Treatment of pancreatitis in cats

If a cat has symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas, it should be shown to the vet. Treatment of this disease can only be handled by a specialist after an animal's examination and tests.

In order to confirm the presence of the disease, the following examinations and tests are carried out: ultrasound, x-ray, gastroscopy, biopsy, blood and urine analysis.

If the disease of the pancreas with mild symptoms, then the healing is simplified. It is necessary to maintain a special diet. Medicines are used according to the symptoms. Also, the doctor in the course of research determines the cause of the disease, and directs all means to eliminate it.

If the cat's pancreatitis does not respond to treatment, and there are also relapses at times, it gradually deteriorates, then a life-long diet and systematic course therapy are prescribed.

In the case of acute pancreatitis, the animal should be treated as soon as possible. For the beginning the pain is removed, and then therapy is performed to replenish the fluid. If the case is severe, surgical intervention is necessary.

One way or another, when treating symptoms of pancreatitis in a cat or its prevention, you must follow a diet.

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