Folk treatment of stomach cancer - means, methods, non-traditional methods, recipes

Along with the traditional methods of treating cancerous tumors, various kinds of folk remedies are used. Their list is quite extensive: these are phyto-tea, and infusions, and decoctions, and extracts of plants and many others. However, whatever particular folk remedy was not chosen, it is recommended before starting its reception, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician not to harm the body.

All folk remedies, in the treatment of stomach cancer, can be divided into 3 large groups, aimed at the solution of the following tasks:

  • cupping of the pain syndrome;
  • increased gastric acidity;
  • oppression of cancer cells.

However, experts warn that the treatment of cancer with folk remedies will be effective only if all medical recommendations, a special diet, and, of course, the use of traditional modern methods of therapy of malignant tumors are strictly observed.

Methods of traditional medicine in the treatment of stomach cancer

In non-traditional medicine, two main methods are used to cure stomach cancer:

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  • use of medicinal herbs;
  • reception of means from the plants possessing medical properties.

As a rule, a variety of drinks are prepared from medicinal herbs. Often, they also use extracts from them( any one ingredient that contains the culture is extracted).Both methods are considered quite effective and effective.

At least, a number of plants, for example, vegetables, which are capable of exerting an analgesic effect, increase immunity, and have a depressing effect on cancer cells, are also prescribed to patients. In a word, to produce a therapeutic effect.

Often, both these folk methods are used to treat cancer tumors in the stomach at the same time. This approach helps to get the most positive result.

Non-traditional treatment of stomach cancer

Like traditional and traditional medicine, in the treatment of stomach cancer provides for a comprehensive approach. Especially for this, a special scheme is being developed, which is aimed at simultaneously affecting the tumor in several directions. As a rule, similar treatment is carried out by special courses. Between which there is a short break.

To unconventional methods of treatment of stomach cancer, include the reception of decoctions, infusions and other medicinal forms from the poisonous cultures. These are such plants as: hemlock, fly agaric, snake mountaineer, cocklebur and many others. Their list is quite impressive. But, herbalists warn that each plant has its own unique composition. Therefore, a universal plant that would heal from all types of cancer simply does not exist. In each individual case, it is necessary to use a certain group of herbs. For example, the above plants are effective in treating exclusively for cancer of the stomach.

Also to popular methods of treatment of stomach cancer, include the use of patients with various products that have a positive effect on the sick body. In particular, these products include juice of garlic. This is one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of malignant tumors of the stomach.

Often, patients with a similar form of cancer, are prescribed the use of juice of carrots, beets. In the initial stages of tumors, an unconventional method of treatment is used, such as oil therapy( use of fresh, natural vegetable oils).

Specialists in traditional medicine, recommend very carefully in selecting the raw materials that will be used in the treatment of the disease. It must necessarily be a new crop, quality, collected in ecologically clean areas in a certain period of time. Otherwise, instead of good, they will bring, exclusively, harm. You should not buy plants from unknown sellers. Many of the crops for folk treatment can be bought at pharmacies. As for those means that are not realized in networks, purchase them from professional herbalists with a proven reputation.

Folk recipes for stomach cancer

Their list is diverse. Each patient will be able to choose the most optimal and effective option for himself.

Garlic Juice

Freshly harvested garlic squeezes juice. It is taken every day 10 drops before meals for 5 days twice a day. Then, the dosage is increased to 20 drops. In such quantity juice take 5 more days. Gradually, the amount of the ingredient is increased until it is a large spoon. This dosage is also taken for 5 days. On this course is considered completed. Should make a break lasting a month. Then the treatment is repeated.

Potato color

Young potato flowers are torn. Thoroughly they are dried away from direct sunlight. Then one large spoonful of raw material must be filled in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The container is tightly clogged to make potato infusion. The drink should stand in this position for three days. This folk remedy for stomach cancer is taken 30 minutes before the main meal in the amount of 100 ml. Treatment with potato infusions is also used in courses. In this case, it is calculated not by days, but by the amount of the drug taken. It is 4 liters.

Infusion of celandine

It is also considered to be one of the most effective folk recipes for stomach cancer. There are several options for its preparation. The most convenient is this: a large spoonful of raw material is brewed with 0.5 liters of water. Insist liquid for a day, and then filter. To drink infusion of celandine with stomach cancer should be every day one large spoon. The time of reception, as well as the diet are not important. The course of treatment is one month. After that, it is recommended to take a break.

A mixture of celandine and chaga

Both components of this national recipe are taken in equal proportions( 3 large spoons) and 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured. For a couple of weeks, the drug is infused. Use infusion over a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Duration of admission - 3 weeks. After this, it is necessary to take a break for the same period of time.

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