Erythematous bulbitis - diagnosis and treatment

What is erythematous bulbit? This is a chronic inflammation of the loop, located between the intestine and the duodenum. It is characterized by the appearance on the mucous bulb of bright red spots having an oval shape. They can capture one zone of the mucosa, or spread across all its walls. In neglected stages, reddenings are transformed into dangerous erosions, which eventually start to ooze with the sap.

Causes and main symptoms of erythematous bulbitis

Erythematous bulbitis can develop for two reasons:

  1. Because of the presence of any infection( pneumonia, measles or sore throat) in the body.
  2. Because of long-term use of medications irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Given the etymology of the disease, two types are distinguished. If the cause of the disease is infection, the patient is diagnosed with an infectious-allergic erythematous bulbit, if the drugs provoked the disease - toxic-allergic.

Both pathologies show similar symptoms. The patient first begins to suffer from heartburn, appetite worsens, pains appear on the hungry stomach or immediately after eating. They are located in the epigastric region and are given in the right hypochondrium. They are accompanied by mild nausea. The symptomatology is enlarged by digestive and stool disorders. The erythematous bulbit is diagnosed as follows.

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Diagnostic methods

Endoscopic examination is used as the main diagnostic method. It allows you to look inside the gastrointestinal tract and visually see the state of the gastric mucosa, bulb of the intestine. Supplement the picture can determine the pH function of the stomach, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, as well as palpation, which is performed by the gastroenterologist while examining the patient.

Treatment options

Erythematous bulbit is treated sequentially and in stages.

  • First, the patient is advised to completely change the nutritional diet and the motor regime. He prescribed a strict diet and a refusal of strong emotional overload. There are often( 5-6 times a day), in small portions. Food should be warm and mashed.
  • Secondly, the administration of drugs stimulating the regenerative processes that provide enveloping properties is prescribed.
  • Thirdly, phytotherapy is actively used.

As a general recommendation - pastel regime, exercise therapy and sanitation. In this case, the erythematous bulbit will gradually go "to nothing".

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