How to quit smoking hashish: treatment of dependence in the hospital, self-disposal

Hashish is considered a harmless drug among the people, but physicians confirm that this is a delusion. To get rid of the addiction, you will have to withstand the withdrawal syndrome. However, this will preserve physical and mental health.

How to quit smoking hash

Even with occasional cannabis smoking( up to 2 times per month), dependence on cannabinoids is formed. Scientists have determined that prolonged consumption of hashish leads to a decrease in the intelligence factor. At the same time, there are problems with physical health.

Men under the influence of cannabinoids in hashish reduce the production of testosterone, and spermatozoa lose their mobility. Women find it difficult to ovulate, which causes great problems with the conception of the child.

Also marijuana gives complications to the lungs. Breathing paths of drug addicts become narrow, carbon monoxide enters the body, which causes chronic bronchitis. Often sputum begins to develop, pulmonary inflammation and emphysema develop.

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It is impossible to say unequivocally whether the physical dependence is formed as a result of smoking of the grass - the opinions of the doctors differ in this regard. However, all the doctors claim that marijuana develops a very strong psychological addiction.

The main thing for getting rid of addiction and recovery is awareness of the problem. In this he can help close people who should be around and have patience and sensitivity in communication.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the factors that exacerbate the craving for this type of marijuana. Most often it is smoked in the company, so it is important for a person to stop contacting drug addicts. If you can not completely avoid contact with them in real life, psychologists advise for a time to translate all communication on the Internet.

After giving up grass, a person will have to face abstinence. With hashism, it appears later than with other kinds of addiction, only after 4-5 years.

If the withdrawal syndrome is formed, the patient will have to experience painful and debilitating symptoms:

  • weakness in the muscles;
  • problems with night sleep;
  • anxiety;
  • shortness of breath;
  • depression;
  • pain in the chest and in the heart;
  • lack of appetite;
  • capriciousness;
  • mood swings.

Abstinence syndrome due to smoking hashish lasts an average of 2 weeks to a month. In mild cases, improvement in well-being may occur after a couple of days. However, 15% of patients develop a severe addiction complicated by psychosis, so the withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by paranoia and persecution mania.

Where to treat

There are 2 ways to get rid of withdrawal after smoking cannabis - yourself or in a specialized medical center. As doctors explain, there is always the possibility to endure withdrawal syndrome at home. And it is possible even for heroin and cocaine addicts, not to mention the drug-dependent cannabis.

Whether a person sustains abstinence without medical help, depends on his strength of will and patience, as well as help from relatives. The situation is complicated by the fact that all drug addicts deny the existence of a problem and argue that hashish is harmless. Therefore, they often can not reasonably assess the negative consequences.

If the patient can not overcome the attraction to the grass by himself, the solution will be to go to the medical center. Psychotherapists will work there with him, who will help to understand the fact of dependence, as well as narcologists. When the breaking is very strong, the patient is given an ultra-fast detoxification, which facilitates his well-being.

Many doctors believe that it is expedient to immediately send a patient to the hospital, so as not to waste time on persuasion and belief that may be useless. In addition, in the absence of medical supervision, a person risks to break off and smoke a cigarette, significantly exceeding the dose. This can lead to irreversible mental disorders, as well as to cardiac arrest and death.

In the center of

In a specialized center with a patient, a whole group of specialists will work, since he has at the same time mental and physical disorders. The treatment of hashism is carried out according to a scheme typical for other types of dependence.

It includes 3 stages:

  • Detoxification.
  • Medication therapy.
  • Rehabilitation.

Abstinence syndrome

First of all, it is necessary to purify the circulatory system and tissues in the patient's body from the remains of poisonous substances - cannabinoids. For this purpose, special equipment is used. Most often used infusion droppers.

After purification of the blood, the patient is prescribed medicines to restore the endocrine system. Hormonal and other means are prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient and conducting a drug test.

Getting rid of the psychological and physiological dependence

Even at the stage of withdrawal syndrome, the doctor selects medicines to the patient to facilitate physiological dependence. These drugs block the synthesis of the "hormones of joy" of endorphins released when smoking hashish.

Medicines do not completely eliminate cravings for weed, but they make it much easier to break. Even if a person smokes a cigarette, he will not feel the usual intoxication and will not get any pleasure.

If a person smoked grass a couple of times a month, then getting rid of dependence will be relatively easy.

To do this, you just need to abandon the drug. Physical dependence in this case, most likely, is rather weak and does not require the involvement of specialists.

However, the patient will need the help of psychotherapists, which includes:

  • rehabilitation;
  • postrehabilitation;
  • social adaptation.

Marijuana provokes serious consequences for the psyche, so a return to normal life is possible only after the complete elimination of cravings for the drug. The patient is prescribed psychotherapy sessions - group or individual. Under the supervision of a specialist at the first stage, the patient again learns to enjoy life without taking stimulants.

Then specialists help the patient to re-adapt to life in society, among healthy people. After a full rehabilitation course, the risk of a breakdown is prevented, and the chances for recovery are also increased several times.

Psychotherapists use a variety of techniques - hypnosuggestion therapy, denial trainings, during which a person learns to say "no" to an offer to take a drug. Also, the patient develops skills to combat depression and apathy. In mild cases, it is enough to have a simple conversation with a therapist, during which the doctor identifies and eliminates the root causes of the abuse of hashish.


Dependence on marijuana is a disease. The main thing that you need to do to a person is to completely abandon the drug. This is quite difficult, therefore, first of all, he should stop communicating with the company where smoking grass.

To throw yourself, the patient is recommended to make new friends who do not use illegal substances, spend more time with relatives. This will help him to adapt to normal life and understand that one can have fun and relax without any stimulants.

After the cancellation of cannabis, there is an abstinence syndrome. To survive it, patients often begin to abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes or even take heavy drugs. Doing this in no case impossible, because the dependence on stimulants will only worsen, and the consequences for the organism can become irreversible.

To cope with addiction yourself, a person must begin to analyze their actions and control them.

Help in this process can attend meetings of "anonymous drug addicts", where patients are given a number of recommendations:

  • changing the circle of communication;
  • daily exercise;
  • healthy eating;
  • compliance with drinking regimen.

Sport contributes to the production of endorphins, which help to eliminate an irrepressible craving for drugs. To restore the tone and body defenses it is useful to eat more citrus, vegetables, fermented milk products. Chocolate also helps - it raises the mood and relieves depression.

In addition, experts are often advised to abandon hashish not immediately, but gradually reducing the dose of grass. In parallel, a person must work on himself, trying to control attacks of anger.

The most important thing is to adjust to a positive result and patience, because it's fast and easy to quit. The patient should have a motivation to get rid of addiction - in this the people around him should help. If a person feels that he is not coping on his own, you should seek help from specialists so that you can get rid of addiction. Tips to relatives of

An important role in the treatment of dependence on marijuana is given to relatives, since the patient is rarely able to cope with the problem on his own.

Suspected cannabis abuse is helped by specific symptoms:

  • a painful appearance;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • slowness speech;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • increased anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • apathetic condition.

When identifying these signs, relatives should show sensitivity and attention to the patient. First of all, it must be convinced that it is loved, because people often feel pushed for loneliness and unsettledness in life.

As a result, they find a company that smokes hashish, which gives the illusion of solving life's problems.

If the dependence is not severe yet, there is no overdose of hashish and a man can convince of the need to quit the drug, the care of loved ones can help him overcome the craving for cannabis at home. If the patient persistently denies the problem, he must be persuaded to go to the narcological center, where specialists will work with him.

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