Plant Sage as a drug: effect, trip, harm, consequences of smoking

In nature, there is a huge number of herbs, whose potential has not yet been fully disclosed. The most harmless at first sight plants can cause serious intoxication, and used for several centuries, medicinal herbs have been used by drug addicts to achieve a hallucinogenic effect.

Sage as a drug

Sage has long been known for its healing properties. The apical part of the plant is used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing remedy, the sage broth is capable of stopping small bleeding or reducing excessive sweating. Still our grandmothers used sage leaves for a gargle of a throat at an angina, brewed tea from its or his flowers at pains in a stomach and an intestine.

Widely plant has found its application and as a seasoning for meat dishes and salads, sage leaves are added when preparing desserts and pie fillings. In Italy, the leaves of muscatine sage are added as a seasoning to veal and beef, it gives this meat an aroma and an acute spicy taste.


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The versatility of sage makes it possible to use it not only in the kitchen or in the home medicine cabinet. In recent years, sage has become very popular as a drug. One of the subspecies of sage, called Salvia divinorum, or Salvia predictors, is used by thrill seekers precisely with the goal of getting hallucinations and a state similar to euphoria.

This plant species, growing in America and Mexico, contains in its leaves a natural hallucinogen such as salvinorin-A.This drug has a certain effect on opioid receptors in the human brain, increasing their sensitivity. A person begins to perceive incoming information in a modified form, he develops auditory and visual hallucinations. On the strength of the effect on the human mind, salvinorin is in no way inferior to such prohibited drugs as LSD or marijuana.

Photo of sage predictors

Action on the body

The intoxicating effect of sage can be felt when swallowing hot smoke, in simple terms - smoking a cigarette in which the crushed leaves of the plant are.

When smoking sage, salvinorin instantly enters the body, causing an altered state of consciousness. The action of this substance disrupts the brain and perception of the surrounding world, causing alienation and detachment from external influences. At the same time, the information coming to the brain from all senses is perceived somewhat differently: a person begins to feel himself as another being, sees foreign objects, feels tastes and smells in a completely different way.

Sage smoking causes the addict to break away from the real world, problems and difficulties go away, feelings are exacerbated to the limit, hallucinations can be both frightening and unreal beautiful in the form of patterns or color pictures. This state is called a trip another way - this is a special psychedelic experience that occurs precisely under the influence of psychoactive substances.

The person who inhales the intoxicating sage smoke can not understand where the hallucination ends and reality begins. The most common effects in the under the sage is the transformation of your body into an inanimate object. External manifestations of intoxication, as a rule, consist in unnatural behavior - the addict can be filled with an unreasonable laugh, perform chaotic movements, and move absurdly. The addict is completely unaware of the danger that an open window or a racing car can cause - it is so immersed in its own psychedelic experiences.

The effect of smoking grass occurs within a few seconds and lasts about 20 minutes, during which the smoker is by no means to be left alone. The trip takes place gradually, about an hour after the inhalation of toxic smoke, the addict is already fully recovering.
The video effect of smoking sage:

Consequences of smoking sage

Addiction to smoking grass occurs in humans almost instantly. The desire to once again experience the remembered experiences makes one constantly return to smoking sage.

Despite the assurances of the sellers of this miracle herb about the absence of harmful effects from smoking sage on the body, the consequences of such intoxication can be completely unpredictable.

Salvia predictors refers to dissociatives, that is, to substances that increase the mental activity of the brain and disrupt the perception of the world. With long-term use, such substances harm the brain to a person, promote the development of psychoses and epileptic seizures, provoke the development of serious depressive conditions.

Prolonged and active smoking of sage worsens memory, promotes the development of schizophreniform conditions and psychosis.

As well as any inhalation of smoke, including smoking cigarettes, the use of sage causes significant damage to the upper respiratory tract, which receives combustion products, soot and tar, deposited on bronchial mucosa and lungs. No wonder the first experience of smoking grass is accompanied by a strong cough, from which the addict literally suffocates.

Signs and symptoms of ingestion

Signs of intoxication are evident:

  • uncontrolled laughter;
  • stitching gait;
  • withdrawal into oneself and lethargy;
  • the desire to be alone;
  • misunderstanding of what is happening around;
  • a sharp smell emanating from the mouth and clothing of a person.

Leaving the intoxicated man alone is deadly! He is completely excluded from what is happening and can harm himself or others.

Dependence development

There is no physical dependence on smoking sage. In other words, a smoked herb does not experience any withdrawal syndrome, if in the near future there is no possibility to take an intoxicating dose again. Still, the narcologists of many countries are alarmed by the increasing incidence of psychic dependence on the use of sage. Addicts want to increasingly experience the state of flight and expanding the boundaries of consciousness, more and more away from the real world in their psychedelic fantasies. Of course, in the absence of a bag of dried leaves, the grasshopper will not experience a painful state of attraction, however, the craving for smoking narcotic grass still has a place to be.

It is worth noting that in Russia the sage of fortunetellers is not included in the list of prohibited preparations, but since 2009, smoking mixtures containing this herb are banned for circulation on the territory of our country due to high toxicity.

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