Diverticulum of small intestine, symptoms of diverticulosis of small intestine

Diverticulosis of the small intestine is characterized by the appearance of single or multiple saccate protrusions through the weakened places of the walls of the digestive organ. It refers to a clinical disease. The main problem of this pathology is that a person most often does not suspect about it. The cause of the disease is not completely known. Experts believe that its occurrence is associated with a violation of its motor function. Diverticulosis of the small intestine, based on statistical data, among the similar diseases of the gastrointestinal tract takes the second place.

According to the mechanism of origin, the anatomical pockets are tractional, arising from the displacement of the walls of the digestive organ with spikes, and pulsatile ones that appear during spasms and dyskinesias. Factors contributing to the appearance of diverticula of the small intestine, are the excess weight, constipation, sedentary lifestyle, beriberi. For the most part, their appearance is not accompanied by any manifestations, so it is difficult to determine their occurrence in time. Such a situation, as the absence of a clinical picture of pathology, is fraught with the progression of undiagnosed disease and, accordingly, the occurrence of severe complications.

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Diverticulosis of the small intestine at any time can provoke the appearance of obstruction, cause massive internal bleeding or break, resulting in the release of stool to the peritoneal cavity will occur peritonitis. Any of these complications can result in a fatal outcome. To prevent this from happening, patients at risk( aged 40 and underactive) should carefully monitor their health and, if any lubricated symptoms appear that indirectly indicate the development of the diverticulum in the small intestine, consult a specialist for the purpose of passingappropriate diagnostic study. In this case, the doctor can easily identify the cause that triggered the appearance of these signs and prescribe adequate treatment.

Possible symptoms of diverticulosis of small intestine

The main sign of the possible development of pathology is the cramping pain in the abdomen, which continues uninterrupted for several days, and which gradually increases. It can be the only manifestation that indicates the presence of pathological protrusions. In addition, the development of pathology will be indicated by the following symptoms:

  • Sometimes, when infringement of the neck of the small intestine's diverticulum is accompanied by a solid calves, blood inclusions appear in the bowel movements;
  • Also in the case when an inflammatory process occurs in the pathological protrusions, the patient's body temperature rises and fever occurs. These symptoms of the diverticulosis of the small intestine suggest that the process of intoxication begins;
  • Obstruction in the small intestine manifests itself in the form of constipation, severe abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. This is a fairly serious sign, corresponding to the curvature of the intestines.

In addition to this, the appearance of diverticula in this intestinal tract can cause gallbladder disease. The patient also has swelling and persistent fatigue, which is a consequence of anemia. Diarrhea, weight loss, flatulence are indicators of impaired suction function. In the same case, if the signs of pathology are completely absent, it is detected accidentally. It can happen even during surgery.

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