Good vitamins for children to improve immunity: reviews, the list of the best

Vitamins always require a growing body. The need for them is equally experienced by the organisms of adults and children. Thanks to them, the course of metabolic processes is normalized, growth proceeds, tissue renewal. Vitamins are needed to protect the body from the effects of harmful factors from the external environment.

Why increase the immunity of

In children, immunity is an indicator of its resistance to infections. It prevents the ingress of viruses, pathogens, toxic substances into the body.

It is not always possible to provide the baby with different vitamins, minerals in the foods that he eats. This is explained by the fact that the vitamins from the products are not assimilated by 100%.The assimilation of different minerals is different, it can vary between 7 and 90%.

This process is influenced by a number of factors( the way of cooking, the individuality of the child's organism, the method of storing food).

Vitamin complexes pediatrician can prescribe in order to ensure the full development of the baby( mental, physical, mental).Usually the cost of complexes for children is much higher than those for adults.

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Forms of release

Vitamins for babies can be produced in various forms:

  • liquid syrups;
  • chewable tablets, lozenges;
  • drops;
  • lollipops;
  • marmalade figurines;
  • tablets;
  • effervescent tablets;
  • powders.

Doctor Komarovsky tells about the benefits of vitamins for children:

Reting the best, reviews

When choosing a vitamin complex for a child, you need to pay more attention to the rating of the pharmaceutical company, the duration of its work in this market. Usually, experts prefer drugs that have an accurate dosage( lollipops, figurines, lozenges, tablets).


When breastfeeding breast milk, vitamin supplements are usually not prescribed. Mother's milk provides the young body with all the necessary elements, trace elements, minerals. Only taking into account the state of health of the baby, the pediatrician will prescribe the necessary vitamins for the baby.

For up to a year, children receive vitamins not only with their mother's milk, but also with those products that are present in their diet( if the baby is not breastfed). Ready-made baby food is saturated with all minerals, vitamins. They are there at the required dose. The main thing is to choose food taking into account the age of .

Multivitamin complexes can be used for several months in a row, sometimes they are consumed year-round. It promotes the growth of bones, muscles, strengthens the immune system. Often used drugs with this vitamin are:

  • Wigantol.
  • Aquadetry.
  • Fish oil.

Vitamins for the youngest

From 3 years old

Parents usually believe that children older than 3 years are prescribed vitamins in a particular period of the year, more often in those times when there is a surge of viral infections. But they are necessary for the regulation of all physiological, biochemical reactions.

More often vitamins for kids over 3 years old are made in the form of gel, syrup. For this category of patients, Pikovit 3+ is most often prescribed. It consists of minerals( 8), vitamins( 11).At the age of three very necessary: ​​C, E, iron, magnesium, A.

Pediatricians often prescribe "Multi-tabs", "Alphabet."Kinder Biovital", "Multi-tabs Vitrum", "Sana-Sol", "Vitrum Kids", "Pikovit Prebiotic", "Children's garden", "Multi-tablets Calcium", "Jungle".

Vitamins for children from 3 years

For schoolchildren from 6-7 years

6 - 7 years is the period of preparation for school. Parents should give their children maximum attention. At this time, children are expected to have increased physical, mental stress.

At this time, you can use "Vita Mishki", "Multi-tabs", "Pikovit", "Alphabet Shkolnik", "Vitrum Junior", "Kinder Biovital", "Kiddi Farmaton".

Vitamins for schoolchildren


Thanks to vitamins, health is supported, babies are guaranteed normal growth, development, immunity is strengthened. It is very important that parents should know when, what vitamin is required for the organism of their child. It is more convenient to take minerals metered in the form of tablets. To small vredinam it is possible to give to drink a syrup from a measured spoon.

Any vitamins should be given to the baby in the first half of the day. After all, in this period, the guys are more active, and this is very important for better assimilation of vitamins. Pediatricians recommend giving vitamins at the same time.

Dosage should be strictly adhered to. In this case, it is necessary to observe the reaction of crumbs to the medication used. The same vitamins should be given to children of different ages in certain doses. For each age category, experts have established a daily rate of each of the vitamins.

Table of daily micronutrient values ​​for children

Age A in IU B1 in mg B2 in mg B5 in mg B6 in mg B9 in mg B12 in μg PP in mg H in μg E in mg D in IU K in μg C in mg
0-1 1250
0.3 0.4 2 0.5 25 0.4 5 15 3 300 5-10 30
1-3 1350 0.7 0.8 3 1 50 0,7 9 20 6 400 15 40
4-6 1600 0.9 1.1 4 1.1 75 1 12 25 7 400 20 45
7-10 2300 1 1.2 5 1.4 100 1.4 7 30 7 400 30 45
3000 1.1 1.3 4-7 1,6 200 2 15 35 8
400 45-55 60

When Vitamins Are Harmful to

Literally, each of the vitamins has a low ostria toxicity. Doctors say that even excess doses are easily tolerated by patients. Only occasionally there are cases of toxic manifestation. Most often, side effects are manifested due to a violation of the balance of vitamins, the development of allergies, long-term use.

Allergies to different vitamins have distinctive features. Consider the reaction with an overdose of different vitamins:

  • B1.When used, even anaphylactic shock is possible. The main signs of allergy are: fever, chills, paresthesia in the limbs, headache, constricting pain in the region of the heart, a sharp pain in the epigastric region. A brighter reaction manifests itself in convulsions, filiform pulse, cyanosis, deaf heart sounds, tachycardia, signs of coronary insufficiency.
  • PP.Skin reactions, glucosuria, pain in the epigastric region, hyperglycemia can occur. With prolonged admission, signs of chronic gastritis, angina, ulcers are noted.
  • B6.Very rarely anaphylactic shock occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of blisters on the abdomen, breasts, involuntary feces, urine, edema of the eyelids, lips, and a sharp drop in pressure.
  • B12.Single cases of anaphylactic shock are observed.
  • B15.There is insomnia, irritability, swelling in the legs, feet, tremor of the fingers, gait disturbance, hyperhidrosis.
  • C. A large dose can provoke insomnia, increased blood pressure, fever, headaches, excessive formation of glucose, estrogens.
  • A. Its excess is manifested in the increase of arterial pressure, which is accompanied by drowsiness, nausea, headache, convulsions, confusion, a disorder of vision. Acute manifestations of allergies are high fever, drowsiness, anxiety, insomnia, vomiting.
  • D2.When an overdose appears headaches, weakness, muscle pain, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, decreased urine density.

There are vitamins that can not be combined one with another. So, it is forbidden to administer together such vitamins:

  • folic acid, E;
  • ascorbic acid and B12;
  • B1 and B6;
  • B1, B2, B12;
  • B 12, sodium nicotinate;
  • pantothenic acid, B12;
  • B2, neutral, acidic solutions;
  • vitamins of group B, solution of euphyllin.

Tips for parents on the selection of children's vitamins in our video:

To avoid problems in the form of allergies, you should follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage, form of the medication.

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