Medicine for angina for children and adults: effective antibiotics, the best folk remedies

Angina is an infectious acute disease caused in most cases by streptococcal infection. The disease is very common, but with a poor approach to treatment can lead to the development of serious complications. Therefore, in some cases, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

Etiology of the disease

The disease is associated with acute inflammation of the components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring. Sometimes the causative agent is viruses, fungi, staphylococci. For the first time, mentions of the disease date back to the times of Hippocrates, Celsus. Modern diagnostic methods allow not only to detect the presence of the disease, but also to determine its form. There are several types:

  1. Cataract. Has a rapid development. Very quickly, the patient feels a burning sensation in the throat, dryness, and perspiration. There is a lot of pain when swallowing. When examined, inflamed tonsils are found, in some areas can be covered with a film.
  2. Follicular. The temperature rises to a mark of 39 degrees. There is a strong pain in the throat when swallowing. Can give in the ear. Depending on the specific symptoms, discomfort may appear in the head, lower back. A fever and chills develop. On the tonsils are visible round points. The duration of the disease is 5-7 days.
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  3. Lacunar. Has symptoms of a previous form, but it is more severe. It can develop by the type of fibrous angina, when the film appears from the burst and suppurated follicles.
  4. Fibrous. The whitish yellow coating goes beyond the tonsils. It can develop because of the previous course of tonsillitis or appear as a continuous film in the first hours of the disease. In rare cases, there are signs of brain damage.

Types of angina

Reasons for

In 90% of cases, the disease causes beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Only 8% is infected due to Staphylococcus aureus. The source is a patient with various types of infectious diseases or a carrier of pathogenic microorganisms. It is easy to get infected from a person who has an infectious focus in the upper respiratory tract.

In 75% of cases the disease falls on people under 30 years old. Many regard angina as a complication of a viral infection. But in most cases this is an independent disease, outbreaks of which occur in the cold season, when the humidity of the air rises.

What distinguishes viral angina from bacterial

As against angina

Since angina is caused by different viruses and bacteria, it is first determined which microorganism caused the disease. Depending on this, therapy is carried out. With an exactly established diagnosis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed that help to cope with the harmful bacterial flora. Additionally, symptomatic treatment aimed at reducing pain is performed.

Principles also include:

  • Constant rinsing of the throat and its treatment with special sprays.
  • Obligatory reception of antihistamines and enterosorbents to reduce intoxication.
  • Some doctors recommend a single injection of delayed-action penicillins to prevent complications after a sore throat. They stay in the body for a long time, which ensures a full recovery.

Than to treat a sore throat, see in our video:


At reception of antibiotics at an angina the age of the person, type of disease, character of a current is considered. Some doctors believe that in the viral nature of the disease, antibacterial drugs should not be taken.

Often assigned:

  • Amoxicillin. According to the doctors' reviews it is effective in combating a large number of bacteria. Among the adverse reactions noted the occurrence of vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion.
  • Sumamed. It is a powerful antibiotic of the new generation. Available in different forms, you can choose the one that is convenient for you. The course of treatment rarely exceeds 5 days. During treatment, probiotics are prescribed.
  • Amoxiclav. In the composition has amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. It is an inexpensive drug that allows you to cope with the disease better than other drugs.
  • Flemoxin. Assigned to adults and children. Only 2 hours after taking the maximum concentration in the blood. Produced in the form of tablets and suspensions.

All these drugs can be taken for any form of bacterial sore throat.


Local treatment

It is aimed at reducing pain in the throat, eliminating purulent plugs and relieving inflammation. There are antibacterial agents for topical treatment. These include bioparox. It effectively helps in the first stage of the disease, until the formation of purulent plugs.

Today, other drugs for topical administration are often prescribed. They act on the diseased organ without irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Are issued in the form of sprays, solutions for rinsing, tablets for resorption.

Often appointed Tantum Verde. It belongs to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Removes inflammation, has analgesic effect. The same action is in Geksoral, Stopangin, Miramistin. The latter fights against viruses and fungi.

Remedies for sore throat


For the removal of symptoms, sprays and aerosols are used. They create a high concentration of drugs on the mucosa. Thanks to their use, a more rapid therapeutic effect is achieved. It is possible to use and rinse the throat.

Antibacterial activity is possessed by such substances: dichlorobenzene, metakrezol, thymol, amba zones. All these substances are synthetic. They suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes, but they also affect the normal microflora.


Correction of immunity

In angina the immunity suffers especially, therefore the recovery is long, requires various therapeutic measures. In pharmacies, a large number of drugs are sold, which increase immunity. But scientists believe that it is possible to interfere with his work only in extreme cases. It is best to supplement the basic therapy with herbal teas, tinctures, extracts.

A popular remedy is Echinacea. It is sold in the form of alcohol tincture, tablets for resorption and dry grass. The latter can be used to prepare a solution at home. Immunal is a drug based on this component.

In addition, drugs that enhance activity and the amount of interferons may be prescribed. The list can be Viferon, Cyclophiron and others. Efficacy in them will be pronounced, if you start treatment in the first days of the onset of the disease.

Folk remedies

With increasing temperature brew lime tea with honey. It perfectly quenches thirst, and the lime has additional anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties. A good effect is obtained from treatment if you drink teas and cranberry fruit. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. To enhance the effect, you can add honey to the drink.

Benefits will bring the seeds of anise. Their teaspoon is brewed for colds, loss of voice. The composition is filled with a glass of boiling water and is kept on the hot plate for several minutes. It takes a composition of ΒΌ cup three times a day.

Folk remedies for sore throat:

Rinses and inhalations

Rinses can be performed at any stage of the disease, while inhalations, especially thermal ones, are contraindicated at elevated body temperature and during pregnancy. Also, rinses are not carried out for children up to a year. For the rinse, tincture of calendula is used, diluted with water, furacilin, alcohol solution of propolis and other preparations based on plant extracts. There are special medicines for rinsing.

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Treatment is usually prescribed in mild form for at least 5 days. Complete recovery occurs when the effect is initiated in a timely manner. Term of incapacity for work with angina 10-14 days in the absence of complications.

Hospitalization is needed only in the presence of serious concomitant diseases, poor effects of prescribed medications. Children and elderly people are often taken to the hospital, because of the peculiarities of immunity, serious health problems can arise.

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